Post date: Mar 8, 2014 6:48:35 PM

every day, every second of every minute we are merging ever deeper, thus also getting ever closer to our reunion in the flesh....

as the equinox draws nigh, the gap between spirit and matter, light and dark, male and female is being closed ever more profoundly, the zipper is closing....the sickness/separation is over, time for life, harmony, balance, wholeness and true love...

...for home (in my case being Canada and Michael)...for the pure place we originate from...the place of love, joy, purity, peace, play, creativity and innocent, carefree, abundant the spring where fresh, cool, clear water bubbles and sprouts... the place of lush green meadows, tumbling bees, colourful flowers, deep blue skies, and dreams coming alive...

i woke up with this song in my head by Farell or Tyrell Williams or something or other (no real brain functions possible at the moment), it's popular right now, called 'happiness', happy tune...

"clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

clap along if you feel like happiness is your truth..."

so i got up, and went to sit in the sun, ass on the earth, with a cup of 'latte macchiato'...i sat there, still for over 3 hours, just letting the sun warm me and letting it all in, sucking it all up.....'fill me up god', i thought, 'fill me up with all that beautiful, lush new life'...i went all fuzzy and deeply relaxed...still am...

can't be long now...last night the voice said 'won't be long now'....and so it feels as well....i feel him so very close, merging/coming ever deeper into has started flowing, our blood is circulating again, and foaming with joyful life as it rushes through its new river-bed.......

i am being gifted from all sides, miracles abound....

yes, a bigger world awaits indeed.....and you are ready....we all are....

as Michael and i merge/reunite, we all everything is connected...

