Extra on Creation

From an e-mail I wrote to a friend a while back:

I carry some very significant traits....as I gradually found out during my time here on Earth.....one of them is "detachment from form".....(I was never homesick in my human life on Earth, not for a day, not even as a kid in boarding school...and I never missed people.....for this I was considered abnormally cold and harsh....but it was detachment from form....which is why moving to Austria all alone was no big deal really...I am simply a naturally detached person....)

And it took me quite a while to figure out that whatever other experienced people say about what it is or will be like after having ascended....that for me it was different....Others speak of roles to play, purposes to fulfil and things to do.....wearing their "one hat"....for me it always felt off.....(and every pre-conceived notion I may have had about my "path" & "purpose" I quickly discarded and released, one bit after the other...)

After all.....the less you define (yourself)....or your "role" or "destiny"......the more free you are.....getting out of "goals" and "destiny". Where others were travelling into form and definition...I was in many ways already travelling out of it again.I felt it since I was a kid: for me it is the total freedom that calls....not caught in any system, definition or form....

And so even though I can write...I am not a writer....and even though I can speak...I am not a speaker....even though I can draw and paint ...I am not a painter....I can sing but am not a singer......I have a scientific mind...yet I am not a scientist....I have technical insight...yet I am not a technician.....I love gardening yet I am not a gardener.......I can teach yet I am not a teacher....etc. (all these traits and more were discovered in me as a kid, as I was tested for IQ, so I would have clarity on what profession to choose....turned out I could literally be anything I wanted....and had an understanding/talent for all of it....from biology to designing....you name it........and I could never just pick one and decide (which was of course what my surroundings wanted and expected me to do), because they all had my interest. Why choose only one thing when there are so many interesting and fun things to do/be? I am all of them...and none of them........(what's in a word anyway?)......After all...all of them are variations/aspects of the Word......tones/colours/numbers/expressions/forms....in other words: vibrations (=the word)....the cement of all Creation (Love is the brick). And so the Word in all its aspects...is what I carry......So....I do whatever the urge calls to do...in each moment....and each moment calls for something different....

While basking in nothingness....the Voice said: "you are all the Source energies combined....You are the Big Wheel"....explaining why I never felt/feel belonging with any (one group of) ascendees (or humans in general)....I am all their energies/wheels combined.....a hub of interconnecting energies.....(they'd lynch me for saying this hahaha...still blind in their hearts)

Most ascendees are what they call starseeds....most of them come from worlds of form.....There isn't anyone here from my formless world of Pure Source...I am the only Michael on the planet.....Oh well...one gets used to it :)...I always race ahead of everyone else...and am always waiting for the rest of the world to catch up (I am a very very patient person, even my mom told me so:)), endlessly floating in the void of no time or space....waiting for everyone to reclaim and reconnect all scattered pieces of themselves...having cleared the road for them...blazing a trail, paving the path...

I am a hub where many (quantum) energies gather, meet and connect together. I unite many (if not all) divine energies/qualities within myself. That is who I am back home (the monitoring & connecting function of the Michael-matrix), and so that is also who I am for/on this Earth. "As above, so below". I am the Michael made manifest on the Earth...and I am the only one of my kind here (There was no necessity for any others like me, one more than suffices)

I have no path, no destiny .....except maybe that I am here to bring back this way of being......freedom without all attachment to form.....unlimited potential.....as the energy I carry is one of unbridled and all potential....

I also have a different approach towards thought-creation...for me this new energy is about total freedom......no definitions or pre-conceivements of how things/people are or will be/evolve...also meaning not having to do any-thing in order to receive......not having to be anything or deliver any kind of service and asking money or anything in return.....no money-making, not business, no copyrighting, no trademarking, no memberships, nothing to achieve, no courses, no systems or methods ....and no selling....I am not here to sell anything...what I have and give comes freely.....abundance (incl. money) is mine to have anyway....I am God.....the less I define/capture/control the more can come to me.....

I also feel no connection or have no afinity to/with any labelling ascalled 3D or 4- or 5D...or any other D for that matter....I am dimensionless...beyond any and all dimensions of time, space and form...I am all of them...and none of them...Void..and eternally infinite...free...

It is my experience that needs/desires are met even before I myself thought of them....(unless there was a learning element present, where I had to take something from the experience of "not-having"....something pointed out to me)...one needs not even think of it in order to have it.......because it is already there.....it simply reveals itself when appropriate...synchronized......(I fantasize....because that brings me joy....building castles in the sky :)

I have no wish to be bound to any-thing nor do I wish to bind others.....I love the free flow......without holding on.....do/be this one moment and that the next.....whatever brings me joy....will also serve the highest good of the collective....

No book to write....no destiny or path....no promoting or selling...just being me and doing what each moment dictates, responding to what the inspiration in each moment calls for...following the flow of joy, of Spirit......When I am invited to speak I will speak.....when I am urged to do other things then I will.....when I feel I need to write something I will write....etc....But none of these things define me/who I am. ( Around x~mas i actually had the urge to write a letter of 33 pages to a wordlwide renouned talk show hostess...so I did....no need to attach any meaning or purpose to it.....it was simply an urge to follow...inspired action......maybe only for some employee to read and be supported by...it can be anything....)

I am following solely my own inner voice that always knows....I am my own questions and answers....we are all different in our ways....and we all have a different understanding of things....only I know what is uniquely befitting of me....and so do you.....no "other", not a channeler or "off-planet" entity can top that.....ever....Total trust in Self....no outside source knows anything we can't know for ourselves...We carry them all within.....(It got to a point were I got very annoyed with all these pre-conceived ideas and concepts that came in via channelers about the when and how of things for the future....however well intended.....and whatever potentials the off-planet ones can read.....it should remain unsaid.....so it can evolve freely....by speaking and spreading it they are already defining and directing energy...people reading will integrate that pre-conceived idea/notion....and for some that may be as intended and useful, and I can totally understand the loving desire and enthusiasm of countless off-planet entities to come in and interact with humans.....a well-intended naivety....) In any case...I decided I was done with all that....I follow my own urgings/knowings....I no longer wish for "outside" influences to direct me.....so I do not read anything anymore.....

I remember well....before knowing anything about ascension or things "spiritual"......I sold and burnt all my stuff and moved to Austria on nothing more but an urge.....an intuitive thing....I already knew what was appropriate without any outside assistance...or any mental explanation.....and I knew it would be alright.....easily undoing/detaching from all form I had previously known, adopting another one.....(I bought some 'spiritual' books way back when...and never even read them as I evolved beyond them before getting a chance to (so I gave them away)...which was a very good thing because that way I did not adapt to any spiritual prejudice...which made my ascension much faster and simpler...(not easier)

Also during the ascension I always knew/sensed what was going on without anyone telling me....messages from the outside (which were of course my own creations and guidance) were only outside confirmation of what I already knew inside.....

As long as we follow our intuitions.....there is no going "wrong".....not ever......and one does not need to have any idea of what goes on behind the scenes in order to work with it......

And anyway....this whole ascension thing is about arriving totally in the NOW...so why bother with what the future may or may not bring according to "others".......it is us that decides/defines that anyway...by how we are being in the NOW....(and that makes the circle round again....)

I have reached a point were I am totally in the present and at peace with everything (since I created it perfectly, so why reject my own creation)...and know I don't have to do any-thing....it will all come.....at the appropriate "time"/moment....time seems to go by....but it does not.....space seems to change yet it does not.....there is no actual distance one travels...

the moment holds everything we need............(it is eternal yet fluent).....

I even learned to love the void of stillness....this empty space I have learned to bask in....it is a lovely and free space...it is not that it is holding one back....it is actually a totally free space.....undefined......before everything gels and flows again (the human conditioning for millennia has been to reject the unlabeled and unknown as they feared it) .....I am loving it.... …the last moments of rest and still inside the cocoon/womb before life begins anew.

I am freedom....

A Story about awareness:

Someone had difficulty with certain (physical) aspects of ascension. This person is a very firm believer in technologies and devices...it is its world of origin and the essence it carries. So this particular person brought in the nag for, and knowledge about, certain techniques and "mechanics"...Like, for instance, the knowledge about certain aspects of geometries and how people could use them. Or techniques for teaching people telepathy, coaching...etc.

Everything this person does is about processes. Next to that, this person is very business oriented, has a business mind.

It approaches things very pragmatical and business-like. Like charging membership fees and such in exchange for information...which is absolutely fine...Money is just a neutral energy and has no meaning of/on its own.

We all create that which we resonate with....so this person is very technical at the base...that is its place of origin....it comes from a realm where things are done by (higher) techniques and exchange...and that's fine...that is who this person is...and what it comes to bring here...for those who resonate with that...

So, as I mentioned, this person was having some difficulty in "balancing out" during the ascension thickness. So, unaware of it, this person, let's call it A, was sending out a signal. The signal being A wished it had some tool to help balance it all, to make things easier and do what needed to be done, continue the process somehow. Next thing: someone called on her offering her to probe/try a certain device. This person, let's call it B., added all the benefits of this device (B. owned a webstore with all kinds of similar devices, said to utilize the "zero-point-field"), telling A. what good use this device could be put to. Naming all it's "capabilities". So A. tries it...and what do you know! This device gave A. everything "needed". A writes down all the effects experienced, which turn out to be exactly what had been needed and hoped for. Now A. is a great devotee to these types of devices...and spreads the word.

So let me clarify what happened here: Technology and devices can be very useful and needed for some....and some off-planet sources definitly promote higher technologies....I am in no way judging this....But there's more to know about this: It is never the device that has the power to do anything...it is always the person that is handling the effect of the device....

A.'s Higher Self already had an intention to experience what A. did....and that intent was put on the device....before ever even having heared that type of device existed. It is never the tool we use that's doing it...it is always just simply us...in one form or another....

We pre-create all potentials. All potentials are already created for & by us...all we do is call on them, thus bringing them forth. The cupboard is already filled with everything, all the potentials, it simply depends on what drawer we choose to open. And in that, we attract that which resonates with us.

A. and B. were definitely of like vibe...A. was having difficulty handling it all at that time...so A. needed a little help, something it could believe in....A. created that person, B., to come and make that offer.....and it was beneficial for A...no doubt...and pushed A. to where it could not consciously and purposely push itself....(and in the process A. makes a nice sales pitch for B....so both gained from the experience)

This actually is a similar effect to the placebo....If one believes it's medicine that works than so it is....It all depends on our intent...without exception...The body merely accepts/conceives/treats it the way we see it. All things physical take on the intent we lay on it. How we perceive things, that's how they are. (Maybe you heared this one before: "What the mind can perceive, the body can achieve".)

A. needed a device cause it firmly believes in technologies, processes and devices...and we all get that which we resonate with...so tadaaa...A. created it...Some need tools like that, and some don't...all according to how limitless we are able and allow ourselves to be. A. just isn't completely aware of the energies/signals/vibes it is sending out...which are simply being reflected back at A...so A.'s simply attracting it...she gets what she's being...A. is business-oriented and so A. also attracts business-oriented energies...all fine...perfect for them.

We all bring in our own flavour after all......whatever it is we are...We are the cause of all of it, and there's nothing or nobody outside ourselves doing any of it. We are in EVERYTHING that surrounds us...nothing ever really comes from the outside.

Someone says to you: This computer (or any device/tool/crystal/herb/supplement/medicine) does this and that...and usually, you assume/believe that what this person is saying is correct and so...the PC (device/crystal etc) works for you as promised. You are in agreement. Why is the Earth we walk on even present and visible to us? Very simple...because we expect her to be. Same goes for our house, furniture and everything else....they are merely a figment of our own imagination. They are there because we decided they would be. And this works ad infinitum....Why do computers work the way they do for us? Because someone thought up that all these chips, processors and electricity thrown together, would have this effect...and so they have...

The human world...and all other realms...are holograms, some more solid and others bodiless/formless, only pure energy....and we're the ones holding them up...They feel very real because that's how we made them...We are creating the pixels that makes the picture. We could live on light alone..all we need to do is believe it can nourish us.

That's why the whole old belief-systems about food are inaccurate also....it's never the food that causes the dis-ease...it's the belief that it does...Scientists conduct experiments and research on food and say: ha, we found it...this bit causes that...but that's inaccurate...it's because they expect something in the food to cause the dis-ease that makes it so...it's their intent...As they are researching they are already using their intent to find some cause, they are actually setting it up, creating it that way...pre-intent (this also goes for gems/crystals, therapies, herbs etc. said to have certain effects on health or whatever...it's the person putting that intent on them making it real..which is why for some they "work" and for others they don't)

WE are the internet ourselves...and we could communicate and travel over great distances without any devices...Yet of course...technology also comes from God...nothing that is cannot come from God...God is all that is...technology included. A simple glass of water, a shower or a piece of bread could achieve the same thing as one of those devices...all you have to do is use is your intent...One could achieve the same on merely thought/intent itself without any medium...We define what does what...we give meaning to matter...or not...We ARE the zero-point field...we create it and we use it, any way we choose and are conscious or unconscious of...we can do all of that ourselves without any devices or techniques.....we could walk on water if we wanted to....we really could....each time a new technology appears, we can work out what inner abilities are being opened/offered to us.

Higher mechanics/technology is a more masculine outer energy...and higher inner abilities are more feminine...which ever we allow ourselves to use...but we can use them all...for every outer mechanical creation also has a (higher) inner counterpart...just like every energy has a divine counterpart (light/dark, male/female, up/down, inner/outer,...)

And this is how it will be on this Earth in times to come: For each masculine technological invention, there will be a feminine more ethereal intuitive capability present.

A readers' story:

From 21 to about 34, I was engrossed with astrology. I once meditated on/studied someone's chart (I must have done hundreds), wrote it all out...the recipient said every detail was blindingly accurate. 'Oh, good.' Then she discovered she'd given me the wrong YEAR! Now this changes everything in the chart. I was stunned. I'd calculated, 'from the birth data', all these details about her: you love horses, you're scared of fireworks, you broke your leg when you were 9. But the birth data was wrong! My brain believed I needed to study the chart wheel, to learn that; therefore, I needed to study the chart wheel to learn that.

So...if someone offers you a device that is said to work on scalar waves or zero-point energy or does whatever it's said to do...than know what it really is...YOU! Know what's true...know and own your own power!

Consciousness is the engine for everything. It's what makes things function the way they do. There will be different stages of new consciousness present on this earth....all co-existing.....like there is currently high-tech around but also Papua's and other tribes living in the stone age...Thus there will also be people diving into higher technology and people, like me, taking things much further...Like way back when the Atlanteans (mechanical, outer, masculine) and Lemurians (intuitive, inner, feminine) were roaming the planet...while in other parts of the world Humans were still walking around in animal skin. Different types of consciousness can simply co-exist. Masculine energies are more angular, feminine energies are more round/circular. Together...well...endless potentials...

We ARE scalar waves...we are the GEOMETRIES.....we create them...we are God...and so we can use them any which way we choose...WE are all that is...Everything that is, is God. God is all that is (exists), was and will be. All potentials already expressed and experienced or still underway of being expressed and experienced. Any device/technology (or any form of MATTER) is just a bunch of organized atoms. The one organizing them is you! You decide what form these atoms take on, into what they orden themselves.You create matter, it's yours! You're sending out the vibe...and God answers...with a matching vibe to yours....be it conscious- or unconsciously....aware or unaware...

Geometries/crystalline structures/numbers/math etc. were put together with a certain intention as well...and can be taken apart again...back into "chaos" aka: pure potential...Nothing is absolute...not ever...Things are created...and fall apart again...things change and flucuate...nothing ever remains the same or rigid...(the ascension scheme is a great example of that)...like water that freezes into solid form...and then melts again under the influence of the sun...the whole of creation work. Nothing in the whole of creation is ever fixed...there are only various potentials...with all kinds of different possible outcomes...Things are pre-dispositioned not pre-destined.

Frequencies are never the same...they are always totally unique for each "individual"...As opposed to what humans usually do, which is look for like-minds and matching groups (as it makes them feel safe)...observe the versatility...and honor it...in each individual...for they will provide you with what you don't have yourself...which makes you a match...one multi-dimensional whole...(Our unique vibe complements the vibes all around...like perfectly matching pieces of the puzzle...on a micro level among the humans...and on a macro level among all worlds together...all beings...nothing is ever separate)

Some will always evolve further...ahead of "time" because that's who they are & what they came to offer...their unique frequency from home...We all bring in the unique frequency from home (for those originating from other worlds)...and reverbrate our rising vibe back home...magnified...as we expand, so does our home world...thus providing them with the possibility to expand beyond anything ever available to them before...freeing them to new experiences/realms...

No dates, numbers, planetary alignments etc. truly hold any meaning/working/effect by themselves either...We all create the illusion in any way it serves the/our purpose(s)..together with all off-planet sources in agreement...It is always our own (multi-dimensional) intention that fuels processes...nothing else...

For instance: It is only the belief/intent a retrograde planet holds a certain power/energy that actually gives it its power/meaning/effect...it holds none by itself...Just like astrology only holds a certain truth depending on the eye of the beholder...in the old days a certain event took place and then someone happened to look at the stars at that moment and saw how they were aligned and thus concluded that zodiac sign had caused that event by its energy...astrology is also nothing but a man-made invention/illusion/creation...but of course the intentions behind these defined energies are used by all who have use for them (like for instance a Light Warrior can choose to be born under the sign of Aries...as Aries has been defined as a warrior energy with certain traits that Light Warrior can have use for...)

Same way a placebo works...

Does it work? Absolutely!...but only by the intention/belief placed upon it...

All energy, material or ethereal, defined or not, is basically neutral light...(and its meaning changes with our intent)...same way water can be programmed...and/or crystals...From a multi-dimensional point of view...things are as you choose to see them...it's all in the perception...

ALL material is constructed from the same neutral stuff/energy...put together/arranged in different ways to do what it was intended to do by the person(s) that developped it...So if you so choose and desire: change the intent that was given to anything...by changing your perspective...That is FREE WILL: choosing your perspective!

Matter/numbers/geometries/words/sounds/colours/planets/worlds are all defined light/energy. The same ONE energy, labelled and defined for a certain use/purpose. Since they were defined, they can also be taken apart again and re-assembled into something else (like black holes suck up and dis-integrate whole galaxies back into pure energy again for re-use, as in re-cycling, as the 'System of God' is a closed system). Nothing in the wole of creation is ever absolute, it all falls apart again and reforms into something new. What was defined can be un-defined!

Nothing can ever harm (or help) you unless you believe it can...because your belief/perspective is the, (un)conscious, intent you give to everything around you...whether you are aware of it or not...

White light also breaks into colours through a prism (like water, a rainbow)…each colour holds a perspective but the white light holds them all…Yet each colour believes it's the only existing colour…

Your intention is in everything around you…whether you are aware of it or not…Our heart beats by intent alone….The whole earth and universe function/exist on (divine) intent alone…The ascension is governed by our multi-dimensional Self(ves)….our bodies and souls experience that which we, from a multi-dimensional directive, intend and decide…and the deeper we go, the closer to our God-Self we come…and the more conscious and fluent the symbiosis/alignment between all our facets…and so the cooperation between the parts…from the human part to how ever deep a part/aspect we are intending/willing to take it…Different levels consciousness/awareness/perspectives…views…So, even though you may not be consciously aware of it, it is always you providing you with the experience the way you choose to experience/see it...There is always a higher, or rather deeper perspective….The more confidence you gain in yourSelf, the less need you will have for outside sources: (divination) cards, dowses, other peoples' guidance…because you can see behind it all..and know it is always you….and as much as all perspectives are genuine and true (from their viewpoint)…there is always a deeper perspective….a deeper truth….

Spirit said:

Geometry and math itself are nothing but 'same energy'...it can be expressed in shapes and numbers.....but are just simply energy.....beings' intent gave a shape and form to them, to make sense of them, to separate and distinguish them and maybe play/create with them but....they do not really exist....

Same goes for all the other termed/defined constructs, like colour and sound, be it infra or ultra....they only hold the meaning/function beings give/gave to them....but in fact...all energies are the same.....one single same energy/light.....without any distinguishment....

The human body is nothing but compressed energy.

Beings say that the body has this many strands of DNA, ethereal and physical, they say the body has this many chakras, again ethereal and physical (glands). Beings say humanity has this many layers in their energy field. Beings speak of geometries and mathematical constructs. Beings divide planes up in mental, spiritual, emotional, astral and physical. Beings distinguish/divide everything up into this or that. From the beings (= humans and other realm beings) point of view...this is correct. From a higher/deeper perspective...moving way beyond all perceptions of form and definition...none of it exists.

The physical human heart is made from the same "stuff" as the human liver or brain....it is all the same stuff, energy, just arranged differently. The one layer of DNA is the same as the other (physical and ethereal)...just arranged differently (= a different intent attached to it) in different tones of density. DNA is just as much tones/colours making one music piece. The one layer of energy is the same as the other...just arranged differently...aka with a different intent layed upon it. The one chakra is the same as the other...The heart, DNA, chakra...an alien body or a human body, a TV or a cloud, this world or another....sunlight...it is all the same "stuff" (=energy). It is all the same one energy/light, gelled into intended/defined temporary truth.

The only ones that distiguish the one from the other, in order to play with it, are beings. Beings arrange(d) energy...

Zooming out...there is only one energy....which beings took and decided it was this or that. They turned this bit into a soul and that bit into something else.

Geometries and math do not really exist....there is only one neutral energy which beings decided to use/distinguish/define in a certain manner. There really is no body, no DNA, no worlds, not even different beings...there is only energy that decided to label/distinguish itself. And that energies' intent (which is just energy also) decides to distinguish this or that. But...all energies are actually the same stuff....one same neutral energy. All things physical and ethereal are one same energy...projected in different ways...

There are several levels from which one can view things. The nucleus/Source, which really is just one dot energy, has no gender or division of energies (not even dark/light or male/female). The NCS (neutral central source) is pure undivided/undistinguished energy. It is not based in geometries, math or layers of anykind. It is one single-taste neutral soup...energy. The 'first' distinguishement/realization Source makes is not even gender or light/dark...Source firstly and neutrally realizes itself in the "Michael"...which to Source does not carry that or any label. To Source it is simply its first realization of itself. The first distinguishment in energy Source makes. There are more "angelic" distinguishments in the NCS...and with each distinguishment Source realized more should be possible. 'After' these...Source divided into dark/light, male/female...therefore these distinguishments of energy lie "outside" of the "angelic realms" and the NCS. Yet they are all projections of the one same energy overlapping on a screen (all realms/worlds were actually all created instantaneously and simultaneoulsy...and all exist in the same space at the same 'time'/moment...there is no time so there is no first or last.)

So...when beings speak about geometries and math and layers and worlds and labels and names...then that's just the ring from/glasses through which they are watching. The more beings were realized, the more those beings wanted to realize....so they divided stuff up in this or that. But it is all just one single energy...ether if you will....The zero-point field consists of one same energy....situated in one dot (space is an illusion)...containing only one energy which distinguishes itself into many.

Quantumness, which is your natural state, is without structure

(it knows no definitions or confinements, no time, no space, and no beginning or end...it knows only here and now, the neutral zero-point)

God/Source is the Void of Neutrality, God is no-thing. In their essence all beings are Void...holding all potential/energy, but Void. Beings are born empty into the world and empty they come forth from it again...taking with them nothing but an experience for deeper expansion....Which is why all these games are played.

Knowledge is parotting that which was taught, heard or read....

Wisdom comes from actually having experienced it...