High Spirits

The Prelude:

This Earth and her people have been existing under a veil of illusion. The illusion is the notion of separation from God, as if God is this great deity somewhere in the sky or ‘heaven’ and humans are supposed to pray and plea to it, grovel and suffer, feel guilty and afraid etc. As if some dude in the sky pulls all the strings. Humans also believe they are the only species in all of creation, and that if there were other beings out there, they would surely be ill-willed.

This world lived under the veil of separation, fear and lack for millennia…a very dark and dense, heavy cloud. Human Earth-bound souls have been incarnating for millennia on the Earth, playing this same game over and over again…and now this experiment is over and it’s time humans find out who they really are, and were brought back home, back into the light of unity and holism.

The veil that was placed over the Earth eons ago was a Divine experiment. Who put it there? We/God did..

From the beginning of time God has had a deep longing and desire to know himself (and although I say ‘he’, God is in fact genderless, both male and female in perfect balance), which drove him into contemplation and eventually creation of worlds, all variable reflections of itself.

God is light and dark, male and female, everything we carry inside. These types of descriptions can still be found in ancient scripture…like many other clues of what has been going on with this world and why…and clues about what was to come. Except over the millennia those ancient texts got distorted because of the ego-rulership humans got sucked into. Texts were adjusted/distorted to indoctrinate and overpower others. -in fact, most biblical texts of the old testament aren’t even Jewish in origin but way older-.

The Ego was originally designed to distinguish ‘you’ from ‘me’ as God is One, and in order to play the game of different personalities on this Earth adequately, it needed to install on itself this tool. Although we may appear separate beings, we are all the same one God inside. All beings are different aspects of the same one God, just operating on different frequencies to ensure multiple and maximum experiences.

Under the veil, the ego got to think it was all there was, and got into a mode of screaming so loud, in survival modus, the inner voice of God could hardly be heard anymore. Due to the veil of separation, humans forgot they were God and got lost in the game of right and wrong. They had lost their bearings and were afraid, felt alone and abandoned. Since they thought they were separated from God, they separated everything else as well. The world became a reflection of how humans felt inside. They felt lost, cut off…and it made them lash out in pain at everything on the outside…at the other Gods/humans surrounding them. When the real treasure, the Holy Grail if you will, was to be found on the inside all along…if only they were able to silence the ego-pain-body, overcome their fears, stop the re-active behaviour and listen to the inner voice.

In stead of honouring each individual and every race and culture for their unique offerings, they separated it all. Racism is a clear result. The borders they made between their countries were also a clear reflection of the feeling of separation they felt inside. So was the gap that arose between men and women, the male and female energies. They started battling over basically everything. As such, the male and female energy currents within each individual human also got disrupted.

Humans started distrusting their perfectly designed Divine Bodies as this unnatural imbalance, which blocked the natural flow of energies, caused for dis-ease to occur. They were causing their own dis-ease but did not know it.

Sexuality, which was intended a Sacred Gift of expression, to remember the vibrations of home by, was demeaned into a purely physical type of “getting off”. Sex has been used to fill the void inside, as have many other material/physical things like drugs, alcohol and food. People try to use sex as a pain- & stress-relief, among other things, yet it only makes their pain worse. After the deed she returns in full force. Sex even sells, thus reflecting the inner sickness. Body and mind are one, but humans could not see that. The game named Duality.

The world of perfect harmony and balance had disappeared like Avalon into the mist (In fact this old tale tells of this event, as do many others). Adam and Eve were ‘cast’ out of paradise. The murdering and bloodshed of brethren began. Innocence & Paradise lost. With the veil also came the inevitable separation of worlds. There are so many conspiracy theories and fears roaming this planet about aliens and evil spirits and the ‘devil’…and none of it holds any truth. They are human interpretations and creations of things they could not comprehend, clouded by fear as everything got seen through a filter of terror.

Nothing in the whole of creation or in Earths and Humanities history has, or ever had, anything to do with the doom and gloom stories or conspiracy theories. Neither does the Planetary Ascension Process, it is as pure, well-intended and loving a gift as can be. And as Earth becomes the Ascended Earth Star, so does all of creation get to enjoy the higher vibrations that are being released by the process. All worlds & realms are moving ‘up’ alongside Earth and each other. From lower to higher worlds. This process provides everyone with new and fresh energies they previously did not have at their disposal. Only Earth and humans can bring this about. The released density serves to create new dense worlds.

Everything is vibration and all is energy. The material consists of nothing but condensed/compressed energy/light, arranged in different ways. Creation comes about by tones/colours/vibrations. The lower the vibration, the denser the energy structure. And the only thing keeping it all together and in place is God/us. We/God are in all that surrounds us. We make everything come alive and real. Love and joy are high energies/vibrations. You know this as they can make you feel as if you’re flying –think about falling/being in love-. Fear, anger, guilt, sorrow, pain and lack are low vibrations that store inside your cells and make you ill -This is where the word de-pressed comes from-. Low vibrations clip your wings and keep you from soaring.

The veil of separation caused an imbalance in the male-female energies on this Earth and within each human. This world turned into a patriarchal dominated society, where mental, analytical processes were overruling the softer voice of female intuition and nurturing. Money was invented and given all the power and importance. Material gain was the game. The Divine Human gave away its power to the material. When in fact we define the material, the material does not define us.

Humanity became intoxicated with the material and the ego re=activeness. It became drunk, like a ship tossed around in high seas, and lost sight of the shore. This imbalance of dominating male energy set off a number of events and had many consequences. All female energies got doomed and forced into a submissive role (by the religions mostly)…they were suppressed and overrun. To this day the female is being humiliated –Mary was labelled a whore and Eve and Lillith got blamed for everything else-. The masculine ego came to rule the world.

Male energies are analytical, action-based, re-active and predominantly outside material/physical satisfaction oriented – Mind you I am not necessarily talking about men persé, but they do tend to feel more comfortable around these traits as opposed to women-. The masculine is the outside energy and the feminine is the inside energy, like the sun and the moon. The ‘action man’ became the norm and the ‘hero’. The illusion arose that man always needed to fight, take control and be busy and work hard to achieve goals. Survival of the fittest. The current sexual behaviours as well as the created systems, laws and rules are a clear reflection of what happens when the male rules the world and fear has free reign, without the necessary female energy to balance it. It gets ‘out of hand’. Too much sun will scorch the land. (Water & wind are feminine, fire and earth are masculine).

Mechanical material gain became prevalent and hoarding was the result…at the expense of everything else. Thought-creation was forgotten about, the voice of intuition silenced…and even if some who knew the truth would step up from time to time, they were sure to be ridiculed, silenced, tortured and killed – like Jesus-. No Teacher had it easy during these times, but never the less they came here time and again to help keep the memory alive. Still those who know are centre of judgment and mockery to name the least responses. The beast is not easily slain.

This is only natural, as lower vibrations cannot exist in the same space as higher vibrations, and so they get triggered for release and transmutation only by being around the higher vibes. Clashing vibes cause for movement to occur...for energy to become unstuck...and released. However, the messengers sent here always just share what they know, freely and out in the open without trying to force anything on anyone. Simply placing it in the room for all to see and do with as they so choose...

-Jesus never asked nor desired to be idolized or worshipped; he came to remind humanity about its divine royal heritage. He already said it:”The kingdom of God is found within” Sadly he got mis-interpreted...but this had been foreseen.

Male and female energies were originally designed to be in perfect balance, just like the light and dark…Balanced energies make for a neutral harmonious world…and heart-based creation. For the highest good of both the individual and the collective. All men and women have both a male & female energy current inside them. Left and right brain halves steering the opposing half of the body. –Earth also has these opposing currents going on, as geomancy, for instance, confirms- There is always light within the dark and dark within the light, male within female and female within male (remember the yin yang symbol or the Mayan Hunab Ku).

The illusion of separation caused for fear to roam free. Out of fear people started acting strangely. They started warring on each other out of feelings of lack and jealousy. Someone always had to be right and another always had to be wrong. ‘Good’ vs. ‘bad’, ‘winners’ vs. ‘losers’ and I’m sure the rest of the imbalance is very clear looking at the world around you. It has permeated every smallest aspect of human society. The story of the ‘battle’ between good and evil can be traced in any movie and/or tale on this Earth. Humans got lost within their own drama, and personalized everyone else’s pain. Hate got responded to with hate, and pain was rewarded with more pain. An endless chain.

The bible speaks about fallen angels and all kinds of other mis-interpretations…But the fallen angel is really humanity….who fell from consciousness…losing all their higher abilities. They fell from existing in unity and balance with all things and life-forms, in their natural God-state, to the deplorable state seen today. And they have been homesick ever since.

Mind you, God wanted this experience…WE decide to explore this…”What would happen if humanity got to be ‘separated’ from its Gods essence?” we asked our self. – Besides that, God still has a vague recollection of deriving from a larger collective itself as well. The separation as instigated here, could be helpful to help God remember how to re-unite with these other aspects of itself, the same way all humans are individual unique aspects/expressions of the one God or Source. God-sparks-. Aside from that, the same way an eclipse works: put a temporarily lid over the light and it returns even stronger, in full force and vigour once the lid gets taken off again. Fully renewed and re-charged!

Although this may be a difficult concept to embrace for many, all humans on this Earth, in whatever situation they may exist, have chosen to be right where they are. They chose, and are choosing that particular experience. They are free to make different choices at any given moment.

Instead of flowing with the divine current, people started being against everything. Polarised. The veil was always an illusion as well, and if people wanted to they could always pass through it and re-unite with their God-self merely by willing it. Some ancient practices as seen in Eastern cultures but also Egyptians, show techniques that could be used to re-unite with the God-Self or at least raise in vibration. This is what the Pyramids were constructed for, among other purposes. However all those techniques were inadequate and are now obsolete. Humanity simply forgot. And so their fear only grew…and so did the darkness.

God is all there is…nothing that exists cannot be God you see. Also the fear and lack, aka darkness, comes from God, we created it just like we create everything else. We breathe life into everything around us. Wherever we place our focus becomes a reality.

God is the light within the dark and the dark within the light, the male within the female and the female within the male…when in balance these energies are neutral and non-reactive. What you see in the outside world is very re-active. Humans re-act immediately to everything around them, usually in anger and fear…lashing out at everyone. Or they diminish themselves, loosing themselves in worship and idolisation of energies outside of themselves. And they want to control everything….when the real treasure lies in the letting go. People should stop trying so hard…or at all.

Humanity placed everything outside of itself. Focussing outward instead of inward, where God resides. They allowed themselves to become re-active to and ruled by outside circumstances, unaware that they were in fact the ones creating them. They gave all their power away. Blaming everyone else, including the God-deity in ‘heaven’ for their misfortune. So they begged and grovelled. A never ending cycle of cause and effect, action and re-action…without ever taking time out into the stillness to turn inward, nor would they allow others to do so.

If only humans were to step back and turn inward into centeredness, they would know that if they don’t give any attention or fuel to undesired situations, and focus on the calm inner knowing that God provides all; solutions would present themselves as if by magic. If only they would get out of their own way. -this is what the story about the Israelites and their 40 year journey through the desert is really about. – The story isn’t even Jewish in origin; it is much older than that, like most biblical stories-.

Right now many humans worldwide are being stripped of everything they deemed important…they are being offered the opportunity, the contrast, to support them in surrendering all they thought they knew and needed…and acknowledge that what seemed such a big deal, is really of no importance at all. Humans are being pressured to let go. Things must be yanked from their cramping clutches to help them surrender to the divine way and order. The violent weather patterns force people to slow down…and support one another…

The veil was placed so humans could expand, or learn if you will, through contrast, contrast of light and dark, duality. According to their own thought patterns, they would be offered a dark experience so that this unpleasant contrast to what feels good and loving, would help them make higher choices for themselves…raise their vibration level.

Humans who fear attract the manifestation of all their fears.

This is the planet of free will, free choice. Humans are free to choose their perspective on things and the experience they will gain from it. This Earth was designed a world of free –joyful- experience and creation. So if the human gods wish(ed) to suffer…so be it. We all know by now thoughts/intentions create things. Thoughts are vibrations we send out into the universe/the Divine, they are energies which attract like energies. Dark fearful thoughts are just as creative as light and joyful ones. We have the free choice which we wish to experience. This planet is not, and never was, a world of learning, but a world of free experience, expression and expansion…you can soar as high as you allow yourself to. We are as free as we allow ourselves to be.

there was a designated time-period agreed upon. The duality world was to last for a certain amount of ‘time’ only…the experiment was limited by a fixed time-frame….then ‘Michael’ would come and slay the beast/dragon (aka the darkness of Ego)…and contrary to what some humans still believe, there is no devil but the one they see in the mirror…There never was.

‘Archangel Michael’ is also not a singular individual or person in that sense, but a collective group-consciousness, the Michael-matrix or Realm of Michael, with the task of governing & monitoring the Divine Energies throughout all worlds. This information also got distorted through time. The so called "Angelic" realms are hubs where different energies connect together...They are worlds of consciousness-types, as are humans, all carrying their own 'theme'...Except they have no concept of duality, they are pure intelligence, innocense, love and harmony.

Humans all carry unique traits and talents so they can all complement each other. Like a puzzle with perfectly matching pieces. No need to be jealous of anyone, we should be so glad someone else carries the ability to fill in for what we don’t have to offer ourselves. We are one body. We should revere and honour each other for our uniqueness, not judge it.

Anyway…Time is now up.

The ancient scriptures mention ‘judgment day’ and the Mayan calendar also mentions similar things. The Native Americans still tell stories about it….But, since they all lived in the fear matrix; this too was/is a source of concern and fear to them. Many humans think the world will end in fire and chaos after 2012. This is not the case. But it will transform…change…drastically. -The Mayan calendar carried knowledge of things to come; this knowledge is way older than the Mayans themselves were. The memory of it was passed on as many ancient peoples carried over their stories to the next generation-.

These changes are already underway due to the work Light Warriors have done throughout especially the last decade, but it actually already began with Jesus, he was the forerunner and gave the clarion call that started the process. He made the first tare in the veil. -‘The veils of the temple tore as he passed over’ the Bible says-. Since that day, things have been speeding up, look at the developments on Earth in only the last 100 years, faster and faster.

After 2012 the old world of fear & lack will have lost its footing because of all this preparation work behind the scenes, and the New Earth and Humanity will rise as the old world diminishes and falls away. The ground work will have been all done by then. Armageddon or the Apocalypse (did you know the word apocalypse means ‘lifting of the veil’)…Once the veil is fully lifted by the Light Warrior Beings on this planet, the Truth shall be known and the old world of separation will cease to be. This transition process will take several years still though.

Systems must be transformed as gentle as possible but there will be chaos and turmoil never the less. People usually do not change or learn unless the message is brought to them in a way they cannot overlook or ignore…by being pressured and/or shocked. Contrast. Humans tend to frantically hold onto everything for dear life. Death is nothing to get so upset about either, it is merely a transition as well…Nobody leaves before their time. Everything is always in perfect divine order.

The imbalances in energies are the reason humans carry all kinds of diseases, physical as well as societal (The word already states it: dis-ease, a state of not being at ease. Humanity knows deep in its heart the way they live is not the way, it is not in alignment with who they are…with the God inside….and being out of alignment with Self, with God, causes dis-ease). Light Warriors such as myself, came here to release humanity of its self-made burden and scan out all ‘viruses’.

God needs to create…from the Heart. Gods’ essence is love and joy. Joyful loving creation for the highest good of Self and the Whole. The human gods simply forgot this. One would think people would have learned by now that if one balance on the Earth, within nature, is disturbed, it influences a myriad of other deeply intertwined systems. The only one unbalancing this perfect organism called Earth, and the perfect organism called the human body, are the divine humans.

Earth is currently ascending/transitioning back into unity. The fields that were separated for so long, spirit and matter, male and female, inner and outer, above and below, now merge back together again. (The mental and physical/material planes are masculine, the emotional and spiritual planes are feminine). Humans see change happening all around them, systems crumble, chaos and violent weather patterns alongside earthquakes and volcano outbreaks. It is all blamed on global warming and pollution…and although this too is adding to it, the reason Earth is acting up is because as we rise in vibration and consciousness, so does she. The Light Warriors’ expansion sends shockwaves out into the world. The grids the Light Warriors cleaned are being re-arranged. The whole template of Earth and humanity is currently being changed and brought back into pristine condition. So…she shakes, cries and howls…as do the Light Warriors alongside her.

The old dies away as the new comes to pass...called into existence...like a phoenix rising from the ashes...

Things are always in perfect divine order. Certain dark experiences needed to be made in order for individuals to evolve the way they set out to do, to become who they need/set out to be and take on the role they intended to play.The game of contrast. In the old energy people expanded and experienced through contrast and cause- and effect-thinking. In the New Energy all that has dissipated and been replaced by creation through unity and balance. A whole new ballgame which is also referred to as Christ- or Crystal consciousness. And this is what is happening in the world right now. People and systems are forced to change because the vibrations are changing…Nothing hidden and untrue can remain so…the veil is being lifted and all darkness rises to the surface to be seen and disposed of.

The collective human heart is being welded back together again, the masculine and the feminine, the light and the darkness brought back into balance. The 2 brain halves merged and functioning as one through the re-connection of the pineal and pituiry glands. The Great Re-union. The Sacred Marriage between female and male, spirit and matter. Once these fields/brain halves have re-connected and all the density is cleared from our system-cells, the path is freed for the full activation of the dormant DNA, step by step. This will mean our new/old higher multi-dimensional abilities can re-surface, humans will become increasingly telepathic again etc.

The coming years many old energy based systems will fall. The world is being offered a lot of contrast right now…the opportunity to make better & higher choices for the individual and the collective. For the highest good of ALL involved. There will be no more small minorities manipulating and governing the Earth. The old energies of fear and lack are now globally being triggered to the surface…they have to as there is no more room for them, their space is getting smaller and smaller through the work the Light Warriors did…Tons of ancient debris on which whole societies were built are being cleared away. Dualities dark foundations are yanked from underneath it and will have no choice but to rebuild in unity…the way of purity.

In the new energy everyone carries the responsibility for themselves as sovereign beings. Help is given when asked…or freely declined and still it’s okay...no one gets upset because they know they are God and okay regardless…and one is free to say no if something does not resonate. No one lays their burden on another…because there will be no burdens to carry. Burdens can be thrown off in a jippy. The blaming and leaching off each other will cease. There will be no more telling others what to do or how to be. One can say yes or no or change their minds and no one will get upset. There will be total openness, honesty and transparency. In fact…the unity, beauty and love will become seen in all things. All aspects will be integrated; nothing or no one will be left out. As one learns to trust in the inner voice, in Self, ones’ confidence soars…and then there is never anyone that can take anything from you or do anything to you…ever again.

People will learn to put themselves first and will leave each individual to its sovereignty. Of course we can help each other if asked and we have the room to do so. One cannot pour from an empty cup. First and foremost one must fill its own cup to the point of overflow, only then does one have the abundance, energy and means to support another. We must be the best we can be for ourselves first. There is simply no need for self-sacrifice even though this is what has been taught for millennia, that one must sacrifice for another…Well…it is simply not true!…And as one can clearly see, the pouring from empty cups only leads to more empty cups…the world of empty cups is now running itself into the ground!-

Your life in abundance was ensured the day you were born on this planet. It is your birth-right. Be calm and still and listen to your heart where the voice of God speaks. This is a world of plenty…God created it that way…and we all have the endless potentials of the Divine at our disposal…all we have to do is create it. If you can think it, then you can be it.

The New Energy is one of freedom and receiving. Creating is not based on Ego-wants but on what comes from the heart. The new energy is free of ritual, techniques, dogma, rules and memberships. The new energy is without any purpose or agenda There is nothing to do or achieve in the new energy, it is all about Self confidence and being. Total trust in Self. The new neutral energy now permeating this Earth is totally control-free. It is based on love, detachment and receiving; it does not hang onto anything but lets it flow freely…it is not governed by what goes on outside, but brings the inside out….expresses into form what the heart desires and the individual thus vibrates for all to enjoy! It loves it to life, attracts it by being it. It’s all about receiving without having to do anything in return! Humanity has to learn how to freely receive again. There are no responsibilities to take on or tasks to achieve. It is mostly about basking and being totally free in joy and gratitude...living out al our joys...

Ascension adds extra dimensions to life on planet Earth. Instead of things being either right or wrong, there can now be endless variations in between and beyond…and many realms to interact with. Humanity can rid herself of all her self-inflicted limited views and embrace and utilize the unlimited potentials it carries. There will be no more points to score, hurt egos in the way, or goals to achieve. There will be no obligations, agendas or time-schedules Time will run differently or cease all together as people slow down and take the utmost out of each eternal now-moment. The rat race will come to an end.

Humans, after the Great Cleanse, will regain free & full access to their higher abilities, such as telepathy etc...

Humans will cease to live for the future and will fully embrace the now. There will be no more idolization or following of anything or anyone but the inner voice…finally humans will have the Self-confidence to do so, and will not be so insecure and afraid they rather leave it all into the hands of another and follow the ‘leader’. No longer will humans sacrifice for another out of false belief-systems but will leave each individual to their game in the full knowledge all are Gods and responsible for themselves. The guilt will cease to be. As humanity reaches centre-point within it will embrace its own Greatness…and thus embrace the greatness in each individual…Every human being will be revered and respected for the unique piece of the puzzle they come to offer…their Gift to the Whole. No one will feel less than another and try to bring another down due to the feelings of inadequacy they themselves carry, because all will be aware of their own uniqueness and importance…and will love it. Humanity will fall in love with itself…finally!

Some are here to bake bread; others are here to teach the world…all are equally ‘important’ and loved. We are all vital organs of the one body. This shall be honoured within and without. Each individual shall be thankful for another that can offer what he/she does not have herself.

There will be endless peace…within and without. Paradise restored.

The transition from the old energy into the new energy was/is a very long and arduous journey…but well worth it in the end/beginning. It may appear chaotic and brutal in the outside world right now, but these are growing pains…and all is always in Perfect Divine Order.

The biblical story about the exodus from Egypt is in fact much older than the Jewish culture that put it to paper, and it was never a factual event but a parabel of ancient times that foretold the Ascension in times to come...

This is the time of the Great Shift, the Apocalypse or Armageddon, and it is not just an ending for this world, but a transformation and joyful new beginning as well…Earth and humanity will emerge from the cocoon of morphing into a Bright New Day as fully winged divine butterflies.

And mind you…this Ascension of Earth has very little to do with the New Age arena and its followers…nor with any other spiritual bias/assumptions known thus far on this earth…In fact, those that have been enmeshed in the New Age and spiritual arena for the majority of their lives are the ones with the most illusions to unravel and let go of. The spiritual arena is loaded with BS (old Belief Systems and Dogmas)…as is the non-spiritual arena. All that was assumed and accepted as truth thus far must be released.

You are deeply Loved and highly revered throughout all Universes!

The same story as told here above...only in a different language, in the form of an animation made by one of my Light Warrior friends from New Zealand...(who was a tiny bit upset with her Light Warrior task at the time I might add...)...Enjoy!

shiva shakti — Jan 6, 2018 5:09:47 PM

Coming home - cardinal grand cross 2014 - creating reality — Apr 15, 2014 10:33:22 PM

Coming Home — Apr 6, 2014 5:40:57 PM

CAN YOU FEEL IT...? — Mar 8, 2014 6:48:35 PM

New Years Message 2014! — Jan 5, 2014 9:28:08 PM

At Worlds' End — Jul 8, 2013 3:14:16 PM

Return To Me... — Jun 22, 2013 11:05:26 PM

I am the way and the truth and the life... — Apr 4, 2013 7:41:04 AM

Nothing we don’t know, or haven’t experienced before — Mar 15, 2013 9:19:31 PM

For the LOVE of God.... — Feb 7, 2013 6:56:41 PM

New roads ahead...? — Jan 28, 2013 4:42:59 PM

The ego's a bitch! — Jan 16, 2013 2:43:29 PM

Well, Happy and new year of 2013 to all! — Jan 1, 2013 7:57:40 PM

This is what happened to me on the 21.12.2012 — Dec 28, 2012 5:03:47 PM

To the light bearer…Saying it all…one last time…2012… — Nov 24, 2012 8:59:19 AM

2011 to 2012 - Shifting Gear — Dec 10, 2011 12:14:39 AM

World transforming events of times past — Apr 18, 2011 12:46:07 PM

Genesis — Apr 15, 2011 1:47:13 PM

Bible Talk — Apr 15, 2011 12:58:05 PM