To the light bearer…Saying it all…one last time…2012…

Post date: Nov 24, 2012 8:59:19 AM

"Hi Ilse.

There have been floods here in the UK in England. more rain and winds on its way. Here in Scotland we have had a year of strong winds. I cried today after seeing an elephant being abused by the circus owner. I cried my eyes out. But the elephant had a happy ending he was sent to a good place and the person was put in jail. I guess this is his lesson. so always a happy ending for a brave elephant know i was thinking my whole life i have had a good year the joys of a light maybe 2013 will be a good year for light workers eventually......maybe we get to leave here that be best....xx"

You know love....I know about all those stories....I don't look at the images as I simply don't need to...I keep away from stuff like is simply not my world and reality....It's all just a staged play anyway.

We are here to NOT take on others peoples' (or animals') sorrows and pains.....and to teach others, by our example, to do the same and detach....We can feel compassion for their story and choices...but that's it....

That drama is their story, they created it (not yours)...The Earth and animal & plant kingdom are participants in the story.....It is their responsibility, not yours....Do not take it on....Leave things where they belong.....

Same thing when others are criticising you, aiming you to feel a certain way....simply do not go there....Their views on life and what they want and expect is their problem/dis-ease....It says everything about them, not you....Don't let them convince you otherwise, stay in your truth, that which you hold true and know inside.

It goes without saying that humans have very little respect for animals, plants and the earth in general...never the is all in perfect divine order.....

Those stories are very old energy....crime and punishment is very old is not us...not who WE are....Do not take it upon yourself.

I used to hurt and cry about stuff like that too, carrying the whole world and heavy load upon my shoulders...Now I know that the more neutral and detached I remain, the more it serves me and the earth...The less people/souls who engage in the drama...the sooner the world heals and reaches peace....

Peace comes from healing oneself....Release and relieve yourself. Your body will detox of old programming and feel much better to you. You will feel beautiful regardless of outward appearance. And when one feels beautiful one also radiates it, and is perceived as such. You will feel well and at peace in your own skin at all times.

Peace does not come from warring on others, terrorizing and punishment....Peace can not be forced upon others...only they can heal themselves....How people treat their environment, the earth and others is only reflective of how humans feel about themselves.....They hold no love or acceptance for/towards they cannot show (unconditional) love and acceptance to anything else either...All they are is pain and drama...and so they cause and inflict that their world is in tune with who they are....and all remains under they think....

The pain, anxiety and discomfort they feel inside and towards their life is what they express...and instead of going inward, taking responsibility for it, facing and healing it, they rather turn on the world around them, inflict pain and blame everything around them.... as that is much easier than to face ones own blackness....It takes courage to face face ones' truth, fears and pains....that everything was of ones' own creating...and take responsibility for it all....not blaming and causing more pain...

That is why they are all so busy...running around like chicks without heads....They are running away from themselves....

Looking at the old world now it is quite funny actually...All this constant panic, running around, discussion and busy talk over absolutely nothing....Never are they simply still and at peace, neither in thought, nor in action.

Yet they are God too, so totally free to pursue what is theirs. Love is allowing for everyone to make/create it's own unique individual experience on planet Earth.

Our job is to stay detached from the old story/world, and in our own space....and truth....This will then spread like wildfire, as we transfer our high vibe onto others automatically, not by evangelising or doing anything, but simply by being here, pouring/bringing our high energy and love into the Earth......The more light we carry and create for ourselves, the bigger the impact....

So should learn not to take on theirs...That is why we are be us...Embrace you. All of you.

Only take from the (old) world that which serves you and is of use to you, as it is Divine as well. Let go of and discard the rest.

Reaching peace within and detaching is a verb at first...It is a process of constant conscious choice and awareness, re-programming, choosing peace, detachment and healing...Then it becomes integrated...who you are, a state of being....Easy. Natural.

I remember when I was young, all those 'teachers', 'therapists' and 'therapeutical communities/institutions' I was sent to for 'treatment' were frustrated by my lack of 'natural response'....To them I was abnormal, showing evasive tendencies end so on. I was told told many things, they tried to convince me of being sick...Many labels of mental illness etc. were placed on me...My way simply was not theirs.

I am now at a place where I am very comfortable and at peace with all, especially myself. There is no more striving for or rejecting anything. There are no more expectations to fulfill, nothing to live up to, no more goals to achieve or standarts to meet. I am simply me. Peace with Self is also peace with the world around you. No matter what.

There will be much more blackness like that coming out in the outside world in times to come...Since we are here, our healing presence, doing what we do, raising the frequency of consciousness ever higher, being who we are, being love, the space for low vibes, blackness an trauma like that is growing ever smaller...Blackness has no place to hide it must come be seen and released.....That is why the earth shakes, moans and groans as well.

You are so very strong and a pillar of light and steadiness in a world in turmoil.....A light house on the edge of a cliff…A storm breaker on the beach...You shall not be moved....but stay in your space at all times....breaking the winds and waves so that they lose momentum and can never arrive with full force and be destructive to the land....

And the so called 'flood', many apocalyptic and armageddonistic adorers of ancient biblical and mayan orientation, assume will happen on the 12.21.2012, expected to destroy the earth and humanity, is of course nothing but another illusion, deeply steeped in fear.

The flood has already long arrived...She's called LOVE...and WE are it!

God does not destroy, God transforms.

It is not crisis....and not is merely healing.....

Love you big time



I feel however that everyone who is not on board, and has at least begun a way up, by the 12-21 will fall...The doors close then, as the energetic circle/sphere of the 11:11 is then healed, anchored, and clicks firmly into its final position. All quarters of the '12-hour clock' or timelock in place. Anyone not having even begun some sort of personal development into love and harmony by then...Well....lots of cleansing will take place...intensified....Anyone not on the arc by then....will most likely drown thereafter...While those holding the highest frequencies will be moved somewhere else...A new life, where even much higher developments are possible, if one's ready...

Although there will be plenty final opportunities offered to those that stayed behind in years to come, this scenario of course will not last indefinitely. It is a matter of being able and willing to receive and hold the highest frequencies. For many it is simply still too high a jump (See all those that freak out and panic, killing off their families or shoot total 'strangers' in a theatre etc..As they are still unable to bear the new high frequencies themselves, they are serving in this manner to assist and thrust others who can into their development, all in perfect divine order)...Yet the beat goes on anyway...with or without them...They will get their (new) chances in another lifetime.

The frequencies will still raise quickly until 12-12-12, then all frequencies are in...and will settle in until the 21-12, recalibrating...Then the doors are closed, and stuff from the old will start falling harder and faster....

We came much further in the designated 'time', and some of us reached much higher, deeper 'levels' than anyone originally expected. Nothing is ever carved in stone, plenty of unexpected developments are possible...even highly likely. Ain't free will just charming...

I still feel many 'Twins' will be brought back together as the doors close, they are to stabilize, and to sweep their love across the land....

Not doom and gloom....Simply the path we chose to follow....

Fear not, nor reject the old world and its ways, for it is divine also. No harm can ever come to you when you have unwavering trust and peace in your heart, no matter what the situation. Do not doubt your divinity. It is not achieved by willpower and pushing, but by peaceful neutral detachement which comes from knowing. 'Thy will be done.' "I solemnly tell you," said Jesus, "that if you have an unwavering faith, you shall not only perform such a miracle as this of the fig-tree, but that even if you say to this mountain, 'Be thou lifted up and hurled into the sea,' it shall be done; (Matthew 21:21)