2011 to 2012 - Shifting Gear

Post date: Dec 10, 2011 12:14:39 AM

2011 to 2012 - Shifting Gear

Well, this is it! (said M.J., and then he died ;D) With the change-over from 2011 to 2012, the establishing of New Energy on this Earth goes into its final round. The final hour of 12. We’re shifting into yet a higher gear.

Does this mean the global ascension process is over? No, by no means…It merely means all conditions that ensure global ascension will have been created by the end of 2012…All paths have then been laid, all ground stones set in place, thanks to the unwavering trust, relentless dedication and gruelling hard work of a handful of light warriors worldwide, many of which have sacrificed their whole lives in service of this humongous cosmic and planetary undertaking…

All humanity now has to do is change lanes, as it is being pushed/asked to do, ever more urgently. This changing of lanes may take only 10 years, or it may yet take 100 or more…depending on many factors, but mainly on how easily/hard humanity lets go of its old status quo.

2012 is the final touch that closes the last few gaps…12-21-2012 (or 21-12-2012 in Europe), on the winter solstice, everything locks solid. And, may I add, within the time-frame of the last 11 years we actually accomplished much more then was ever originally intended to be done by 2012. When everything energetically locks into its set place by the end of 2012, the path will be much broader than was ever anticipated. We did more than we were ever expected to do.

Anyway…This last November of 2011 the energies started shifting from 11 to 12, or I should say from 2 to 3, duality to triality. This means instead of solely the duality perspective of right/wrong, dark/light, good/bad etc., there comes now (finally) into play the third point of perception: The Neutral higher view, which holds within itself the overseeing calm qualities of wisdom, peace and unconditional love for all of mankind and beyond.

Having had a very nice and peaceful summer, the energies started shifting for me somewhere during the 2nd week of November. Being a Master of Neutrality, shifting energies are not that big a deal anymore. Emotionally I am very balanced out and stable…My body however can still get very impacted by these shifts and upheavals. Where emotionally I have long reached the point where I keep very close to myself and my own inner peace when I feel the energies of the collective pulling at me (like a whirl stream that attempts to suck one in), physically it’s a different ballgame.

The current of fear, strife and suffering, that has the old world in it’s whirl, is easily withstood…I draw plenty, while enjoying sweet music, go for peaceful walks (usually the non-strenuous kind. Light exercise, like walking, greatly helps to spread/integrate the frequencies/energies throughout/in your system/body/cells. If you’re no fit enough to walk, then simply rock your body back and forth, or from side to side. Whatever suits you best.), take lovely long showers and baths and simply don’t venture out into the old energies…Not even my mind I allow to wander there. I relax a lot, and treat my soul and body with gentleness. Now where it’s winter, and the ice & snow have come, it’s very easy to create an atmosphere of romance and cosiness in the house. I just love winter in the mountains. Many of my walks in the woods have resulted in pockets full of lovely forest-treasures I found on the ground (I never ever yank anything off trees or bushes…The forest gives freely, without me taking. All I do is receiving what she has laid before me). Some venture out onto the beach to find washed up goodies, I scavenge the forest. Most of these treasures are now part of my Christmas decorations, providing the whole house with the wholesome smell of bark and leaf.

In such pure energies, surrounded by lovely fragrances of forest, one very easily kicks back.

These last weeks my body has been plagued by pretty much every ascension symptom there is, one after the other, are all together, like a choir. I simply, calmly let it all happen while I seek distraction. I govern my own energies, including my emotional state. Ascension has not been my reality for quite a while now. I long withdrew from all the hyped up ascension business that seemingly rules the internet. Especially after realising I had already moved way beyond all that for some time. The whole ascension process was no longer of any interest to me. People squeezed in the ascension corridor, so busy judging others, and mainly themselves, to the extent where, due to their angry screaming, they could not hear a word I (or anyone) was saying (nor sense pure, loving and egoless intentions), by their behaviour encouraged me to simply turn my back, walk on, and leave it all behind. Lots of energies I moved/transmuted in those old places, many services I rendered. To simply drop it all, was one of the best decisions I ever made (so thank you all).

Then I felt truly free.

Ascension is now something that happens somewhere in the background, where I don’t pay any attention to it, except maybe from afar. Life before ascension feels like something once read in a history book somewhere. I know it was the path I myself once tread, though now it feels distant, having neutrally detached from it all.

(Global) Ascension closely resembles what I already described in the article multidimensionality (which can be viewed here, scroll down to the lower half of the page).

Like in a computer game, or in one of those great Indiana Jones movies, or in ‘The Book of Treasures’, one has to pass all kinds of tests, rise above all kinds of obstacles, in order to get to the centre of the maze, or the next level. One (be it the whole world, or just one or a group of humans) must solve that particular part of the riddle, and answer the question correctly, in order to pass, and break through to the next stage. One must first reach a certain frequency within.

The gates only open at certain intervals, and only for a certain amount of time…Has the moment passed, and were you not at the befitting frequency yet, at the right place & right time…than the moment passes and you must wait for the next opportunity, face the test anew. In order to make in to the centre, where the treasure lies, one must have established a certain kind of wisdom/peace within.

Each time a door opens behind me, to let more souls enter to where I am, until critical mass is reached and I can move on while others take over my space, a vague echo of the self-inflicted suffering and drama that occurs in the world left far behind pierces through. Like vague echolike impressions of sound/noise one can hear in a room close by, when a nearby door is briefly opened. I do not give any attention/energy to that old energy, it is not mine, not my reality, and so I don’t allow for it to suck me in, but put my attention elsewhere. Peace is now my natural state, and so I leave the unpleasant energies where they belong: with those that feed and live them…as is their divine right of free will. That old world now feels like a (not very well) staged illusion, a play…Similar to watching a science fiction movie from the 1930’s (Do they not notice how totally fake it is?).

Things deemed so highly, totally, incredibly and utterly important in the old world, stuff the old world very intensely re-acts to, and completely frets and stresses about, are in fact pretty trivial, futile, and actually also rather ridiculous and oftentimes quite hilarious in my world. (What IS all the fuss about…really…One creates ones own reality after all…So why fret about stuff that’s so easily changed…all depending on where one focusses ones energy :D) In the old world there's A whole lot to do, about absolutely nothing.

The forerunners (of which I am one) unlocked those gateways for the very first time, always going ahead. We brought in, or better said created, by the sweat of our brow, the necessary codes that opened the gates. We walked the horrendously difficult path in blood, sweat, and a whole lot of tears, and cut a trail clear. The passageways were now cut open. The ones coming up behind those trailblazers broaden the track, and the ones behind them pave that path by the end of 2012…The yellow brick road now lies wide open for those ready and able to believe.

The doorways open like wheels within wheels (like giant clockwork). Where one door opens, another locks down. One can never turn back again, but only ever move forward. ‘Timing’ is everything. One can also view these wheels as dimensions. Dimensions within dimensions (The same way I live in a totally different dimension than those around me. We coexist. They can come up to where I am, yet I cannot, nor would I ever desire to, go back to where they are. The wheel of my dimension spins much differently than theirs (-A higher frequency means a slower spin-), yet we do meet, and our interconnecting doors open from time to time, providing one another with what is needed).

Those interconnecting wheels are like worlds within worlds. Each human is also a wheel. Each planet is a wheel. Each dimension/world is a wheel…each universe is a wheel. Even the whole cosmos/creation is nothing more but a wheel interlocking into a much bigger wheelwork.

Humans either come up, or go down with the sinking ship of the old world.

Earths’ ‘place’ in the cosmos has totally changed.

The doors between worlds are now wide open again, easily to be found by those who seek, knock and ask. There is nothing as great as the feeling all doors are opened wide before you, welcoming you to swing right through, effortlessly.

Follow the yellow brick road.

I may be done with ascension, ascension is not yet done with me, physically speaking. Where first the task was to transmute the energies, now it is the 'job' to stabilize the energies, so that the whole world does not collapse under the incoming high frequencies, while the old dark energies play out their last act. Just having passed the 11.11.11 (=222 and 33, which both are 6, the number of (the Christed) man/physicality, among other things) marker, now comes up the 12.12.12, and the 21-12-12 marker (of which 3.3.12 is already the precipitator, all being 333, thus 9, which can be viewed as the number of completion, being complete within itself).This last year of 2011 again was challenging to all those frantically trying to uphold the old ways. The easier people can let go, the less suffering they cause themselves. 2012 may be a rough patch for many in the throes of change.

Governments are overthrown (I have a feeling Russia and China may be next on the list of political reform…And the EU will definitely not break apart, if it is indeed able uphold their intention of unity), relationships break apart, financial and economic systems are being thoroughly restructured, people starve and suffer from dis-ease, and natural disasters shake up the land. This world is not only dying, it is being reborn. Like a phoenix from the ashes she will rise anew.

I may see people on TV, or meet people in the street, and their life sometimes jumps into my mind: one is suicidal, secretly alcoholic or pregnant, or will be dying or winning the next talent show. (My channels are so wide open now), yet none of this incoming information touches me on a personal level. It is their life, their energy, they chose this, and so they must deal with it. Many very intense and shocking rebirths are occurring (like the one Dr. Conrad Murray, M.J.’s physician, is currently experiencing, for instance. Amanda Knox was another example, so was Christine Bétancourt, and the people who made it out of the World Trade Centre alive, alongside countless of others worldwide, on very many different levels and in as many differing ways -remember those Chilean mineworkers? Or people near you who are dealing with illnesses (lots of cancers and especially heart-issues), severe injuries, handicaps, loss of loved ones, loss of home and/or livelihood etc.?) All blackness and disharmony now come up to be seen, and transmuted.

I have become nothing but a neutral observer. Nothing is carved in stone anyway, what may be potentially true for the future one moment, may have transformed into something totally different the next, especially with the energies shifting and changing so incredibly fast as they are right now. People I encounter that never thought much of spirituality before, are now totally diving into the whole spiritual scene, head first. They hardly even come up for a breather ;D.

‘For times they are a changing’ – Bob Dylan, I believe.

The shifting from November 2011 to 2012 was energetically the corridor from 11 to 12, from 2 to 3, and so is this last month December of 2011 as well. My body tells the tale. Any unsettling energies you feel due to these shifts are not yours, unless you make them so. They contract (squeeze) and expand, contract and expand again, (and very fast right now), like passing through a birth canal...which, of course, we are. Distancing yourself from them and keeping yourself in high spirits, treating yourself with kindness, is the way. Do stuff that makes you feel good, and don’t let your mind take you where you do not wish to go (This is the ultimate ascension lesson after all). When you teach your mind to shift, then so too will your body (physicality) shift more easily. The physical is always last to catch up after all, being more dense, thus s-l-o-w-e-r. You are the key to unlocking your own peace…or cause your own suffering.

Time to stop judging others, and mostly yourself. Time to stop placing value-assessments on words, feelings, beliefs and actions, be it your own or those of your fellow man. Be you, and let others be them. The way humans relate to family, friends, neighbours, strangers, foreigners, in other words their fellow human beings, must and will change…drastically.

Someone asked me why I do not draw actual landscapes, meaning my drawings cannot be considered very serious art…as they are not realistic. I thought to myself: “landscapes are all around, just look and see. I am not here to create what already exists. I am here to create what never was before, this shows in my drawings. Besides that, I don’t care about what is considered art or not, ’serious’ or ‘good’ or not…I just want to have fun expressing and experiencing, enjoy myself drawing and maybe transfer some of that joy onto others. Same way in winter I never much like walking the trail the snow scooters have already prepared, and where everyone else has already walked, making the path all bulgy & slippery. I rather blaze my own trail, walking knee deep in the snow, finding my own track. This way it ‘s a lot more fun and exciting…to me anyway :D”.

People also say the silliest things to me, like why on earth I would want to wear a helmet when skiing, with my trust in God being so strong and all...Really people, trusting in God does not mean one gets all stupid and reckless with oneself. Having your spiritual and mental awareness/capacities work as one is the ultimate. People around me (like family for instance) say things, as if what goes for their reality and life automatically also must go for mine. No way, what is true for their world is total nonsense in mine. They are still playing a whole different ballgame. Contrast and separation/duality is their game/world, not mine...But they don't understand...so there's no use in trying to explain...And I sure do not allow for their energies to be projected onto me...It does not stick, for I shake it off right away. To each his own.

Anyway.....Beyond 2012 will begin the new age of the highest good for the Individual, and the whole.

2012 will be an interesting year...it may start off with a BANG (not meaning fireworks :D).

Don’t forget: have FUN!

Wishing you all a happy/merry Christmas of 2011, and as they say here in Tyrol “a guten Rutsch”, meaning something like ‘an easy slide into the new year’.

May 2012 be blessed for all.



P.S: (added December 29th 2011) The final reunion of North and South Korea will also be a next milestone on the path to unity on planet Earth. The strong energy of unity this joyful event will send out throughout the world will be be/do magic. The death of Kim Jung Il and succession by his, still young, son is a definite precursor for great change. (And yes, this can and will happen!) Change is coming to the East, whether the are ready or not, like it or not...The feminine is returning. ...(and so, this does not necessarilly mean the son wil do better than the father, and release the people...this simply means, he will do things -for better or worse, maybe overplay his hand- that will lead to north kora becoming unchained... whether it will become one nation again with the south.... well... who knows.. anything's possible :)