Safety Breaches & Sanctions

The WFRA takes issues of safety very seriously and where breaches are reported, these matters are investigated thoroughly and fairly. As a reminder, all competitors enter a WFRA race on the understanding that they will comply with the safety requirements, competition rules and whatever additional instructions issued by the Race Organiser - this to ensure an individual's safety but also those who may be required to rescue someone who is incapacitated, injured or lost.

Night Sugar Race - 11 November 2021

The Race Organiser reported that a competitor (whose identity has been disclosed to WFRA Race Organisers) entered the race but deliberately took part without carrying the personal safety kit as required by the rules of the competition and race organiser. The WFRA take runner safety seriously, and runners who disregard the rules place not only themselves at risk, but also place other runners at risk should they have to utilise their own kit in the event of you being injured or incapacitated on the mountain. Having considered the facts of the case the Committee have decided that the individual should be barred from taking part in any WFRA registered race for a period of 3 calendar months. The WFRA and FRA of England have a joint agreement of enforcing disciplinary sanctions and so details of this breach have been shared with the FRA .who will impose a similar sanction.

Robell Fawr - 6 November 2021

The Race Organiser reported that a competitor entered the race but deliberately took part without carrying a map of the route (despite maps being available at registration). Carrying a suitable map is a mandated safety requirement.. This is especially important given the terrain that this race route covers. Following due consideration of relevant mitigating factors (including the fact that the competitor had all the other safety kit and equipment) the competitor received a written warning..