
Official Guild business meetings are held at the Guild Hall at 12:15 on the first Saturday in the month (except January).
If the Guild meeting day is predicted to be over 35 degrees, the fleece seller may choose not to be present, guest speaker will be invited to reschedule, and the business agenda will be compacted as much as possible. Please note due to covid restrictions, current meeting times are shortened, to 10:30-11:30, with the Business meeting immediately following.

From 10:30-12 noon members can:

  • bring their current work for the display table and share their creative experiences with other members, either in the morning or in the appropriate section of the Guild's monthly Business meeting.

  • purchase supplies from the fleece seller, yarn table and the trading table.

  • rent or purchase equipment from the equipment room.

  • borrow books, magazines and DVDs from the Guild's large specialist library. Most items can be borrowed for a month at a time for a small fee.

  • Tea or coffee and cake and a light lunch are available from the kitchen at a small cost. (Please order lunch ahead of time if you require it.)

  • Guest speakers are invited to speak on craft-related subjects. (Pass suggestions for guest speakers to any Guild committee member.)

Special Guild Meetings during the year include:

January's Picnic In The Park

The Picnic in the Park replaces the January meeting. It is held in the West Torrens Memorial Park (just south of the corner of Bradman Drive and Brooker Tce, West Torrens).

Please bring a chair, refreshments and some craft to work on. (There are shops nearby from which refreshments can be purchased.)

If it rains, the picnic moves to the Guild Hall.

May's Birthday Meeting

The Guild's birthday is celebrated each May with a bring-a-plate shared lunch and a Birthday Challenge.
All Guild members are invited to nominate members for
Birthday Honours inthe three categories (Craftsmanship, Teaching and Service).

The Awards are presented at the Guild's May Birthday meeting.

October's AGM

The Guild's AGM is held at the October meeting. Elections are held and reports are presented from each area of responsibility in the Guild.

December's Christmas Meeting

The Guild celebrates Christmas at the December meeting with a bring-a-plate shared lunch.