Five Secrets To Having More Energy and Vitality

Five Secrets to Having More Energy and Vitality, part I

I recently spoke at the 2011 Convention as a member of Young Living Essential Oils’ Integrative Health Professional Council on a panel with Dr. Carolyn De Marco, Dr. Peter Minke, Dr. Dan Purser, and Dr. Edward Close. We shared some of the ways we use essential oils with our patients and clients to improve energy and vitality. In the spirit of keeping this conversation going with all of you, here is my first in a series of five secrets to having more energy and vitality:

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with feelings of anger or sadness or are you stuck in a judgmental state? Although impossible for me to know all of the reasons for these feelings, I do have a solution that can assist you in overcoming these challenges. Using the correct essential oils and utilizing the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether via polarity exercises and yoga postures can keep your energy moving. This will assist you in having greater internal resources available for making necessary shifts and improving the fun and levity of life!

According to polarity therapy, a system for healing based on ayurvedic medicine, each element corresponds to certain emotions coupled with specific body-mind connections. Introducing the sense of smell through the use of essential oils allows the limbic system to be addressed through stimulation. Because the limbic system is where the brain stores all emotional memory, this is vital for releasing stuck or dormant emotions.

Energy Secret No. 1

Ether is the element needed for stimulating, activating, harmonizing, and balancing all of the other elements. Without ether, the rest of the elements won’t function properly. A sore throat, an indication that ether is out of sync, can be caused by not speaking our truth, difficulty asking for what we need and want, holding back grief, or feeling like you just don’t have any space in your life.

Essential oil recommendations for balancing ether includes frankincense, lavender, peppermint, Believe™, Thieves®, Deep Relief™ and Valor®.

Follow these steps to balance your ether:

    • Kneel on the ground or sit in a chair.

    • Put a drop of one of the essential oils listed above in your left palm. Slowly rub your hands together, evenly distributing the oils on your palms and inhale the scent deeply for at least three long, deep breaths. Take this moment to set the intention for cultivating a feeling of more spaciousness and for clearly and freely expressing yourself.

    • On your next exhalation, open your mouth as wide as you can. Exhale through your nose and mouth and stick out your tongue comfortably, with your tongue curving down toward your chin. Hold your breath and pull in your abdomen. Open your eyes widely, looking slightly upward and stretch out the muscles of your face. Remain in this posture for at least 5–10 seconds.

    • Repeat the inhalation of your oiled palms and repeat 2–3 times. Yes, you will look a little funny, but who cares? Have fun with it!

A strong desire to yawn a lot after going through this process is good; it is a signal that your body is releasing stagnant energy. As you practice this exercise, you may notice a reduction in eye strain, your voice may improve, and you may have more courage to speak up for yourself.

The next energy secret I will reveal is on the air element and opening your heart.

For more tips on having more energy, click this link to check out my book that I co-wrote with Ashley Turner called Aroma Yoga® How to Use Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice.


Tracy Griffiths

Tracy Griffiths, author of Aroma Yoga ®: A Guide For Using Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice, is deeply passionate about bringing Young Living Essential Oils and natural healing principles to people all over the world. She founded and directs Grace Aroma Wellness and the Life Energy Institute in Topanga, California. Tracy is a Registered Polarity Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Craniosacral Unwinding Therapist, Certified Aromatherapy Technician and yoga teacher.

Posted on Oct 18, 2011 at

3 Responses to “Five Secrets to Having More Energy and Vitality, part I”

      1. Dawn

      2. November 2, 2011 at 9:31 pm

      3. I had an overwhelming urge to cry after I did this, I must say, I’m not sure why I needed to cry, but it felt wonderful! It was a good hard cry too. Thanks so much, I must have needed it. Look forward to the next secret! Thank you. In Light, Dawn

Posted on Nov 7, 2011 | 2 comments


Having more energy can be easier than you think. With a steady practice of movement, sound, meditation, and Young Living essential oils, you can raise your energy levels and become happier in a matter of moments.

Energy Secret No. 2

As we continue from the Energy Secret blog last month, we step down from the ether element and throat chakra and come to the heart chakra, located at the center of the chest. The heart chakra, which is ruled by the air element, is the center for compassion, joy, and forgiveness. The air element thrives with regular movement, laughter, and fun.

This chakra rules our ability to love, accept, and forgive. Incorporating any of the below mentioned essential oils, along with the energy exercise, will transform intolerant, critical, or judgmental tendencies into inspiration, forgiveness, and motivation. It also helps open the heart more fully.

Essential oil recommendations for balancing the heart chakra include jasmine, lavender, rose, Forgiveness™ and Joy™.

Follow these steps while sitting, standing, or walking:

    • Apply your desired essential oil directly to your heart area. Remember: If you have sensitive skin, use a few drops of Young Living’s V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex to dilute.

    • Deeply inhale the essential oil and state your intention for doing this exercise.

    • With the fingertips of one or both hands, firmly and rapidly tap the upper center of your chest, just below your throat, while singing the sound “HUUUUUUUUUU” (pronounced hue) in a higher pitch than your normal talking voice. Don’t be shy with your volume; be loud and proud!

    • After you practice this for at least two minutes, take a few moments in stillness and silence and observe your physical sensations.

Try this practice on your daily walk or jog and, as always, feel free comment on your personal results.

Here’s to having more fun and having more energy!


Tracy Griffiths

This and more energy exercises and yoga techniques combined with Young Living essential oils can be found in Aroma Yoga® by Tracy Griffiths and Ashley Turner. Tracy Griffiths is passionate about bringing Young Living Essential Oils and natural healing principles to people all over the world. She founded Grace Aroma Wellness and co-directs the Life Energy Institute in California. Tracy is a Registered Polarity Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Craniosacral Unwinding Therapist, Certified Aromatherapy Technician and instructor.

Posted on Dec 12, 2011

As we continue through the Five Secrets for More Energy series, we come to the third chakra, otherwise known as the fire chakra. This energy center is located at the solar plexus and corresponds to our passion for life and our will, drive, and ability to express anger. When our fire chakra energy is low, blocked, or depleted, we may experience depression or boredom and lose touch with our purpose and passion.

In our culture, expressing anger is a touchy subject. Performing polarity yoga combined with Young Living essential oils may help you unleash anger and help you reconnect to your passion. Remember: According to energy medicine principles, if your energy is not moving, it gets stuck and stagnant—which leads to imbalances and possible illness. The secret to having more energy is to keep the energy you do have moving!

One of my favorite exercises to access the fire chakra is the Ha! Woodchopper.

The essential oils that I recommend for the fire chakra are peppermint, ginger, lemon, Transformation™, Purification®, Live with Passion™, and En-R-Gee™.

Step 1:

Take a moment to source any unresolved feelings of anger, resentment, or bitterness that you may have toward yourself or others; revisit something in your life that you do have passion for that needs rekindling.

Step 2:

Place a few drops of you favorite essential oil from the list above on your left palm and gently rub your right hand clockwise over your left palm three times and inhale the essential oil. Take in a few deep, cleansing breaths to help you focus your intention. You may also place a few drops of that essential oil directly on your solar plexus, which is located just below the base of your sternum, in the center of your diaphragm. Remember to dilute your oils with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex if you have sensitive skin.

Step 3:

With your feet a little wider than hip-distance apart, bring your hands up over your head and clasp them together like you are holding an imaginary ax. With a slight bend in the knees, tilt the pelvis forward slightly so the sacrum is tucked under. Inhale deeply. On the exhale, bend over like chopping wood, moving your hands and arms quickly down toward the floor and then between your legs. Exhale and shout “HA!” as you reach the center of the legs and rise up again and inhale with one sweeping motion. Repeat three times.

Unexpressed anger can easily turn inward, creating a whole slew of dysfunctional patterns. By practicing the Woodchopper with your favorite fire chakra essential oil, you can move through lingering feelings of rage, annoyance, and frustration.

You can also try this exercise if you need to warm up and get your inner fire going!

As always, feel free to comment on your experience!


Tracy Griffiths

As we continue through the Five Secrets for More Energy series, we come to the sacral chakra, or the energy center that correlates with the water element. This chakra is located at the belly button, the lower back, and the pelvic region. The water element governs our creativity, sensual and sexual energy, desire, emotional connectivity with others, and our ability to deal with change by “going with the flow.” If we are deficient in the water element, we may feel emotionally detached or we may deny ourselves pleasure.

If you are feeling tight in your hips, have lower back issues, or are feeling emotionally overloaded or disconnected from your feelings, try some of these simple exercises combined with Young Living’s grapefruit, jasmine, orange, rose, Inner Child™, or SARA™ essential oils.

Preparation: Apply 1 drop of your choice of oil to your lower abdomen and/or lower back.

Take a few moments to deeply inhale the scent of the essential oil and allow the aroma to penetrate into the brain, lungs, and blood stream.

If you have been harboring resentment toward someone, living or dead, acknowledge that person and choose to shift your feelings in order to have a different emotional attitude regarding what did or did not happen in that relationship. As you inhale the oils, increase the depth of your breath. As you breathe out, become aware of how deeply you can exhale and pause before taking in your next breath. Repeat this for 6–10 breaths. This will help you become centered.

Windshield Wipers: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out straight in front of you. Place your hands on the floor behind you, leaning back with fingers pointed comfortably away from your body, keeping your legs hip-distance apart. Gently move your feet at the ankles, toes in opposition, inward and outward, for about 2 minutes. Experiment with speed and rhythm. Gently stop and close your eyes. Notice the effects on your body, specifically in the pelvic and belly region. Repeat 2–3 more times.

Rowing: Remain seated on the floor and bend your knees slightly. Reach toward your toes, placing your hands over the tops of your toes, and grab the balls of your feet. Flex your feet toward your knees and inhale. On the exhale, push your feet forward like you are stepping on a gas pedal, keeping your toes flexed and your head forward. Pump your feet back and forth for 1–2 minutes. This movement opens up the sacrum, hips, and lower abdomen.

These simple energy exercises, combined with Young Living essential oils, has helped me and many of my clients move from feeling stuck, disconnected, and depressed to feeling more open, connected, loving, and peaceful.

As always, feel free to comment on your results.


Tracy Griffiths

Posted on Feb 15, 2012 at

Posted on Feb 24, 2012 | 1 comment


Here we are at the end of the Five Secrets for More Energy and Vitality series, where we come to the energy center of the earth element, the first chakra. I love ending with this element because it is about completion, steadiness, security, and integrity. This chakra is located at the very base of the spine and includes the sacrum, the bottom of the pelvic bowl, and the large intestine; it also correlates with the neck and the knees. (For more detailed information on the first chakra, please refer to my blog post from May 19, 2011.)

Get a read on your earth energy by looking at your life, environment, finances, and fitness level. Take an inventory of these factors and ask yourself: Is there clutter everywhere? Do you have issues with your weight, neck, or knees? When we have a lot of unfinished business, or when our psychical environment is a mess, this creates an energy leak. Our thoughts and emotions can get tied up in the past or the future, and we get away from the present moment, which is where we need our energy the most.

Make a plan to follow through on your commitments or to simply finish what you start. This will help bring you into harmony and will ultimately help you regain your leaked energy. Try doing one thing at a time, which is the opposite of multitasking.

During this phase I also advise that you commit to a cleansing program. I recommend Young Living’s ComforTone®, ICP™, Life 5™, and Detoxzyme™. These products help support healthy, regular digestion. The earth element thrives with regularity, and cleansing is a great way to have internal integrity.

Commit to a regular practice of weight-bearing exercises such as yoga, core strengthening exercises, or Pilates. This empowers your body, mind, and spirit. I personally subscribe to working out with a favorite fitness DVD. There are a many of them out there, so find one that captivates you.

In conclusion, I leave you with one of my favorite affirmations by Florence Scovel Shinn. I recite this saying when I start out my day, before I begin a class, or at the start of a healing session:

“Today is a day of completion; I give thanks for this perfect day, miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease.”

Practice this affirmation while inhaling Abundance™, Valor®, Grounding™, Gathering™, RutaVaLa™, Sacred Mountain™, cypress, or my favorite earthy essential oil, vetiver. These aromas calm your mind and help you become more deliberate with your actions, which is a sign of a balanced earth.

As always, feel free to comment on your results.


Tracy Griffiths