Raynaud disease

Young Living oils are amazing at helping with the circulation problems.

Just try putting Cinnamon essential oil on your feet & feel the warmth permeating your body.

I had a great experience using Cypress essential oil, which I used on my mother-in-law's edema legs - her edema, which she had for probably more than 30 years went away after just a few days. I also used Helichrysum and Basil oils, as well all the Raindrop oils on her feet. Basil oil is great for involuntary nervous system, Helichrysum restores nerves. These are just a few of the properties of these Young Living essential oils. Each oil is multifaceted.

Besides using oils for circulation, I would diffuse a few oils to increase oxygenation to the body's cells, like R.C. and Raven, mixed with Frankincense (2:1), especially if you're a smoker.

Young Living massage blends, like Cel-Lite and Ortho Sport Magic to detox, repair and nourish the skin.

Before putting YL essential oils on, I would give a nice bath to your hands and feet, alternating hot and cold water. I would add raw organic apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper and squeeze fresh lemon into the hot water bucket. After 15 minutes of such exercising of your extremities, I would proceed applying the essential oils on wet extremities.

Young Living oils for Circulation: cypress, helichrysum, lemongrass, geranium

PanAway blend might help. It is used in times of injury to heal and repair. It consists of Wintergreen , helichrysum , clove and peppermint .

Please read about the oils used for Scleroderma:


Young Living oils for Stress: Peace and Calming, Lavender. For many other choices please read Essential Oils for Emotions

I found this article very informative:

Raynaud's Phenomenon

Raynaud's is a rare disorder of the blood vessels. Although for the main part confined to the fingers and toes, it can sometimes affect other parts of the body. Attacks cause blood vessels to narrow, preventing blood from reaching the surface of the skin. When this happens, the skin turns white and blue, and throbs upon returning to normal. The pain can be excruciating, and severe cases can result in tissue death and even gangrene.

The cause of Raynaud's is as yet unknown, but it is most likely to affect people living in colder climates, and those more sensitive to lower temperatures. Emotional stress can also be a trigger.

Raynaud's may present as primary (Raynaud's disease), when there are no secondary conditionsobserved. It tends to be worsened by use of tobacco and caffeine, and often develops in the early teens. It is most prevalent in females.

Secondary Raynaud's is known as Raynaud's syndrome, and is diagnosed when there are secondary conditions present. These can include connective tissue disorders such as Scleroderma, Lupus, and Arthritis; Eating disorders such as Anorexia; and obstructive disorders such as Atherosclerosis and Buerger's disease.

The use of drugs such as beta-blockers, and close proximity to low temperatures are known to exacerbate Raynaud's syndrome.

As with any alternative therapy, please consult your doctor before using these blends.

Bottom line is - you need to change to get well. Oils help and will heal, but you need to stop unhealthy habits like smoking, etc.. By the way, Young Living has great oils that will help you make the change.