Google News

Welcome to the 2018-19 school year! Over the summer we have been working on some exciting new endeavors and are thrilled to share them with you as we kick off the school year. Please review the information below carefully and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at

We continue our transition into Google during this school with the hopes that it makes our work more efficient and improves our communication. Here are some important updates to expect in regard to Google.


    • Beginning August 3 we will transition to Gmail. This means that our email will be serviced only through Google.
        • Those of you at Dohn last year will remember that we had 2 email systems ( and From now on, any email sent to your AND your will be sent directly to your gmail. Both addresses can be used interchangeably and no mail will be lost.
        • After August 3, staff can simply go to to view their email. However, if you would like to continue to use Outlook to access email, please fill-out the form below and our IT department will set this up for you.
    • Beginning August 5 any messages that were in your email will be transferred and available in your Gmail account. This means that no one will lose any important emails from the old system.
    • Because we will now have Gmail, it will be easy for any staff member to put their school email on their smartphone or personal computer. This will make working from home and communicating when you are off campus substantially easier.
    • Within the next week or so, we will have email groups set-up for all staff to utilize as needed.
        • This means that we no longer have to "reply all" to a school-wide email to send a message to everyone. You will simply be able to type in "Dohn Staff" in the address bar to send an email to everyone. Additionally, you'll be able to send an email only to certain groups (for instance, "Melrose staff" or "North staff"). When groups become available, an email will be sent notifying the staff.


    • To streamline professional development, we will be providing mandatory and optional video trainings in Google Classroom. The following video trainings must be completed by Monday, August 6:
        • Gmail Training Videos & Submission of Form (all staff)
        • Staff Absence Procedures (all staff)
        • Special Education Overview & Submission of Form (teachers & staff that work with students)
    • This school year, teachers will continue to submit lesson plans in Google Classroom. Lesson plan templates can be found under the "Teacher Info/Forms" tab of this website or by clicking here.
    • Visit the Google How-to sub-tab for instructions on how to submit lesson plans in Google.