Family Communication Form

During the 2018-19 school year, Dohn is prioritizing communication with families and seeking to increase family involvement. Teachers are a critical part of this endeavor. It is an expectation that each teacher is attempting to make contact with parents at least 3-5 times per-week (at a minimum) and that every teacher attempts to contact every family at least once per-quarter.

All teachers must document this communication on the Dohn Family Communication form (below) . If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, simply document each attempt and if you were able to leave a message. After submission a copy of this form will be emailed to you after submission for your records.

The following email lists have been created in Google. If you want to email all of the parent emails associated with a program/grade-level, simply type in the name below followed by For example These groups will be updated throughout the school year.

Email Groups:

- Parents-11thGrade-Active

- Parents-12thGrade-Active

- Parents-9thGrade-YMA

- Parents-10thGrade-YMA

- Parents-9thGrade-YWA

- Parents-10thGrade-YWA

- Parents-11thGrade-GATE

- Parents-12thGrade-GATE

- Parents-12thGrade-ILP

- Parents-10thGrade-NightSchool

- Parents-12thGrade-NgihtSchool

- Parents-12thGrade-PrepAcademy

- Parents-12thGrade-MelroseSuccess

- Parents-12thGrade-NorthSuccess

- Parents-12thGrade-SouthSuccess

- Parents-11thGrade-MelroseTransition

- Parents-12thGrade-MelroseTransition

- Parents-11thGrade-NorthTransition

- Parents-12thGrade-NorthTransition

- Parents-11thGrade-SouthTransition

- Parents-12thGrade-SouthTransition