
On September 24, 2013 I used Lavender to stop an epileptic seizure of a man - it took only 1 minute!

I did not have Peace and Calming on me. However, Lavender worked perfect. (Read more here... )

Read here on how essential oils work on inhalation:

Cleansing the body and addressing emotions, should be the first step to recovery.

For example, "scientists have discovered, for example, that botulinum, bacterial toxins that cause the often-fatal form of food poisoning known as botulism, attack proteins important in neurotransmitter release. Botulinum cuts these proteins in two and prevents them from helping vesicles release their neurotransmitters, leading to paralysis. However, physicians now use botulinum to intentionally paralyze muscles to alleviate painful muscle spasms caused by the neurological disorder dystonia. " (from Neurotransmitters: How Brain Cells Use Chemicals to Communicate

Information below is on using therapeutic grade essential oils to help with seizures. Feel free to browse my site for other related problems, like bruising, depression, detoxing and more under Health Conditions.


The vagus nerve is principally involved with parasympathetic activity, which is largely involuntary and often emotional. Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils penetrate through cells immediately

I have had good results using therapeutic grade essential oils externally, internally, and especially on the spine (for after anesthesia recovery, and healing asthma) . Here is some of the info pertaining to epilepsy.

"The vagus nerve has thirteen branches that go to all the vital organs of the body including the esophagus, larynx, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, large and small intestines, spleen, and kidneys. It is through the vagus nerve that the vital functions can still be maintained in a person even though they be quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. The vagus nerve is the largest of the twelve cranial nerves. It’s name, “vagus,” means “wanderer” because it wanders throughout the organs of the throat, chest, and abdomen as a direct wire to the brain in addition to the spinal nerves that also serve these body parts. "

"The vagus nerve is principally involved with parasympathetic activity, which is largely involuntary and often emotional.

Therapeutic grade essential oils used on spine for Neuro-Auricular Technique, (notice the chemistry of the oils Gary Young has chosen for NAT) Frankincense is mostly monoterpenes (for balancing and reprogramming). Valerian, Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Sandalwood are all mostly sesquiterpenes (for oxygenation of the brain and ganglia and for deleting misinformation at the level of cellular DNA). Roman Chamomile is mostly esters (for emotional releasing). The locus ceruleus is a mass of more than 1000 nerves at the base of the brain, highly pigmented as a bluish bundle of nerves. Hence, its name: “Locus” means “location.” “Ceruleus” means “sky blue.” The locus ceruleus is the central switching station of the body. Every nerve impulse controlling our voluntary muscles as well as our organs passes through this master control station.

A principal purpose of NAT is to make sure this vital nerve junction is fully functioning along with the rest of the brain. "

Oil blends, such as Brain Power and Peace and Calming are very effective for restoring your brain and nervous system - please read more here...

Whenever my friends' son had a high fever, they notices he had a seizure. So they made sure not to let his temperature rise, and he was ok.

At one of the Young Living meetings I heard a testimonial of a seizure helped by Peace and Calming oil blend. I have used it myself to prevent tightening of the lungs of my son.

Another blend, Brain Power, is a highly restorative.

Detoxifying your body from toxic chemicals, and cleansing will help speed up the total recovery. A sound diet and controlling emotions will help prevent epilepsy. For a full protocol, please read Get well with Young Living

Essential OIls Desk Reference has the following recommendations for using therapeutic grade essential oils for Epilepsy:

Singles: Clary sage, sandalwood, cedarwood, frankincense, lavender

Blends: Valor, Brain Power, RutaVala, Common Sence, Peace & Calming.

Supplements: ICP, ComforTone, Essentialzyme, NingXia Red, JuvaPower, Master Formula HIS or HERS, SuperB

The following link has information about using therapeutic grade essential oils to protect against the toxic environment: Environmental protection kits

Using NAT is an effective way to jump-start and reconnect all of the synapses of the brain and upper spine.

For additional information on restoring health with therapeutic grade essential oils, check the following page:

Here is a copy of the Essential Oils Desk Reference on Epilepsy:




Health Essentials LLC.

Young Living member#: 1128387

If you need assistance/more explanation on how and why these essential oils are so effective, please feel free to contact me.

If you're looking to buy these precious oils, please follow this link:

Please read testimonials below about using different oils for this condition. This info was E-mailed to me from the Pinehill group.

Research is on the bottom of this page.

posted on

My daughter has epilepsy. She has more problems in the morning, especially on Sunday mornings. So, I decided to try Brain Power. One Friday morning I put one drop of neat Brain Power on the back of her neck. No joke I have the note to prove it...the teacher said it was her best day ever and no seizures! I tried it again on Sunday morning before church and she only had one right before we went to find our seat. Since then I have been applying one neat drop on her neck every morning. We have only had three seizures in two weeks, which is a huge improvment.

posted on

My wife Judith was at age 14 diagnosed with a mild form of epilepsy and has taken medication for over 50 years. The original medicine was phenybarbitone and over the years milder meds were employed. She does not have grand mal seizures but if overtired becomes jumpy often spilling cups of tea etc.

I was sure there would be an essential oil that would help her and after some research decided to try Jasmine. Judith applies a drop of Jasmine under her nose before retiring and the results are truly astonishing. She is no longer taking medication and the jumpiness is totally under control. Thank you Young Living for these wonderful oils!

posted on

One of my "furry kids" started having grand mal seizures in June of 2008 and subsequently January, 2009, February, 2009 and June 2009. He went to the vet and they did many tests with everything being normal. I googled the topic and it pretty much said nothing could be done and it could be a brain tumor.

I started looking through my essential oils and found Aroma Seize. I had nothing to loose and everything to gain. I started putting several drops on the bottom of his front paws twice a day for a short period of time and then once a day after that. Several months went by and NO more seizures. That was over two years ago and he still has had NO more seizures. I now only put it on every other day. He is 16 going on 17...

posted at

Hello Linda,

Here is great information.Many thanks to Barbara Adler who passed this info

on to me!





HI Everyone,

I would like to chime in on Jeff's comments if I can.

When I have had grand mal seizures while I felt like undescribable crap

afterwards, it always seemed to me that I was shaking something off, ya know

like how a dog shakes off his coat while wet. I have had a monster of a

seizure after a particular type of body massage work and always had a

seizure after a night of hard drinking, now 26 years sober.

Seizures suck and create scar tissue on the brain. I wish I had a finite

answer as to what caused mine but as of yet I do not, still searching.

Brain Power and Clarity did help me to 'come clean' after one.




Hi, Limin,

An oil we have found very helpful with seizures is Jasmine, which can be

applied topically only. Valor and Ylang Ylang are also recommended, and I

am now also trying Stress Away and Tranquility roll ons but don't have

conclusive results yet on those alone, as I also use the Jasmine. We put

the oil directly under the nose on the upper lip, knowing that smelling is

the quickest way into the brain, and that our son will not lick it. If he

did, we would put it on the brain stem, or temples, etc. We avoid

Wintergreen, as it may induce seizures.

An unlikely product we have recently begun to use for our son for muscle

spasms bringing very rapid results (maybe 3 minutes) is plain mustard, like

French's. We give our 12 year old son up to three teaspoons mustard

diluted with water through his g-tube. Granted, it is difficult to swallow

plain mustard, I imagine especially so for a child, but perhaps accompanying

it with bread or a no-nitrate hot dog would help. It is wonderful to see

our son's face relax and become pain free. He had terrible muscle cramps

several days ago, throwing him into seizures, and the mustard worked

marvelously. It stops my husband's Charlie horses very quickly also.

Wishing you success - Kathry


Thanks to Barbara Adler, for sending this along a while ago.

Curling fingers.toes; seizures

Posted by: "Susan L. Atchison" ahealingsoul

Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:42 am (PST)

Hi Vallea -

Jasmine is recommended for seizures by Dr. David Williams (based on a study

by a Dr. Betts). I have 15 pages of testimonials, if anyone wants them,

please email me offline. In general, Sulfurzyme, Mineral Essence,

MultiGreens, Cleansing Trio, Omega Blue, Chelex. AromaLife, Brain Power,

Clarity, Peace & Calming, frankincense, lavender, melissa, sandalwood, Aroma

Siez, Trauma Life, Neurogen, Grounding. Avoid aspartame, MSG and any

artificial sweeteners (your friend probably already knows this).

Good luck to this family.

Susan L. Atchison


Re: Seizures

Posted by: "Aloha Regina"

<> aloha_regina

Tue Apr 3, 2007 7:14 pm (PST)

hi tina,

i have some experience with all of this as my daughter has had seizures, i'm

a former psychologist, and i integrate EOs with energy medicine. my daughter

is 2, she had some seizures last year, febrile seizures, they lasted over 40

minutes each. i started studying energy medicine over the year; and found

out that doing "hook up" would stop a seizure. i was so relieved to know

this, yet skeptical.

last february, my daughter started having a seizure, i did hook up on her,

and it lasted less than 20 seconds this time, and she hasn't had one since.

hook up has to do with joining central and governing meridian (brain and

spine). my daughter also wasn't fully grounded in her body.

i've worked with teens before as a former school psychologist. what i know

of brain and behavior, i would not hesitate to introduce his daughter to

energy medicine with donna eden, in fact, i would highly recommending

getting her book energy medicine and getting the $80 5 DVD both

parent and daughter can get this under control from an energy standpoint -

bc that's what seizures are - disruption in the energy fields.

having said that, i would recommend the essential oil valor. and i would

have her put it on first thing she gets up, on her feet - i think annette

has a GREAT routine she has recommended with it. in fact, i use valor with

my 5 minute energy routine each day. it truly does balance the electrical

charges in the body and getting one's body balanced.

i would also recommend the EO grounding as she does more energy medicine.

and all of the brain EOs such as clarity, brain power...the oils that have

to do with the nervous sytem and emotional balance...bc the our emotions are

also eneryg and frequency waves...and getting those more evened out would be

of tremendous value.

good luck!



Child with Seizures - Help please

Posted by: "Edith Chupp"

<> arabianowner2002

Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:47 am (PST)

> Hi,

> A member of my downline has a son who has seizures and has been

> diagnosed as mildly autistic. The family does not want to keep him on

> medication, they don't feel it helps at all, and are looking for help

> before they have to go back to the neurologist. The school is treating

> them like neglegant parents because they do not want to use

> conventional medication.

> Can anyone offer any suggestions for this child?

> Thanks so much for any assistance, > Annette



Here are some posts that I saved from the lists.

Hopefully these will will help.

Edith Chupp


There are several components to avoid with epilepsy - Hyssop, Sage,

Wormwood, Bitter Fennel, mugwort, Pennyroyal and Thuja. I learned through my

aromatherapy certification course with Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry and

Linda Smith that epilepsy patients should not come in contact with

oils/herbs that are high in Ketones. Know your oils constituent compound

when working with epileptics. Karen

I work with a girl that went from 4-8 seizures a day to one about every

month or two. She used Young Living's essential oils! I used Valor on her

feet every day, Frankincense on her head and neck, Trauma Life on her head,

and NeuroGen on her spine. We also used Helichrysum, Geranium and Hyssop

behind her ears. It took about a month to see a difference - things got a

little worse at first as her body got used to them but she didn't get scared

off. She stuck it out and then had massive, beautiful improvement! Sara


Hi Kate

The experience that my niece had with seizures may help you. At 5 she

started have seizures and my sister was told that this is very common and

that she will grow out of it. I said to my sister that was ridiculous. My

sister took my niece to a Reflexologist and he recommended that my niece

have a hair analysis done. When the results came back, my niece had toxic

level of aluminum in her system and may be the cause of her seizures.

We could not figure out where she would have received toxic levels of

aluminum. She lives on a acreage and had the water tested, wasn't the

problem. Then one day my niece received a vaccination at school and that

night she had the worst seizure ever, it lasted for 45 minutes and my sister

thought she was going to lose her. My sister phoned the school the next day

to find out what the needle had it. She was told aluminum and mercury as a

preservative. Is this where she got aluminum of toxic levels? Needless to

say, no further vaccinations for my niece. She has not had a seizure since.

The hair analysis will give you an idea of what you may be dealing with.

Hope this helps. Nicole

Hi All

My daughter will occasionally get very severe migraines and none of the oils

usually used worked on her, so in desperation we put 4 drops of Melissa in a

capsule and she took that and within 25 minutes her migraine was gone! The

lady that I have worked so long with for seizures and who is doing fabulous

also uses Melissa! When she has had really bad seizures in the past, we'd

just drop a couple of drops of Melissa in her mouth as we could and it

really made a huge difference in bringing her out of the seizure. We also

put a drop on the back of her neck, in front of her ears and on top of her

head! Be Well, Sara

Hi Karla (seizures at 1 month of age)

The first thing that hit me is to say Frankincense! Coat that little angel's

head, back of his neck, the brainstem and the two big toes at the top with

it particularly on the right side. I wonder if he could be having little

mini strokes or blood clots happening. Helichrysum is beneficial for blood

to soak back into the tissues. If that was my child I would take it slowly

with the oils, but I sure as hecks becks wouldn't be shy with them. Valor

would be good to go up and down the spine. I would do that at least 3 times

a day. Some hard praying on this end for that little muffin. Carol

Hi Maureen

In answer to your question - my friend uses Peppermint and or Aroma Life for

his 7 year old son's seizures. All he has to do when one starts is remove

the lid from the bottle; place the bottle under his sons nose and the

seizures stops. His son was having so many a day. It has been a blessing to

have these oils handy, always at an arms length. The special education

schools bus driver also carry's a bottle to use on his son when the need

arises. They tried many oils till they found the ones that would work. They

found that either the oil works or it doesn't. It is at least place for them

to start. Send an up date if you can. Judy


I had a pleasant surprise when my husband had a petit mal a few days ago.

Clarity was next to me and I grabbed it and put a drop under his nose and

got him to breathe it. In the time I took my finger from his face and picked

up the lid, seizure was over. It just turned off. I was amazed. I have also

used Aroma Seize and Valor with him with success. Hope this helps, Arlene

What we use oil wise now for seizures is Valor, Three Wise Men, Brain Power,

Peace and Calming and Lavender. Really to be honest, it depends on what I

feel he needs. So to say one set thing we do would be hard. The instructions

I leave if I happen to not be here are Valor on the feet ASAP, 3 Wise Men on

his neck and head, Brain Power on his big toe and belly button and also back

of neck after the Valor has "settled". I also have him inhale all of the

oils off our hands. I've had Valor alone work on another girl immediately

drawing her out of a grand mal just applying it to her feet.

Love you! Marlene

Jasmine reduces and controls seizures. Diffuse or apply topically across the

base of the skull. Valor is also very powerful to stop seizures. Use the 2


Valor on the back of the neck has been known to get results with seizures.


For seizures, I would try the parasite cleanses of course, but I would also

go to a good chiropractor. To hear about temporary blood flow problems, it

wouldn't be a surprise that there is a structural problem that could be

addressed with an adjustment.

Another reason for seizures could be allergies. My book "Say Goodbye to

Illness" has an example of a man who suffered seizures whenever he was in

his backyard. It turned out that he was allergic to the new acacia palm tree

he had just planted. A three year old girl was allergic to egg white,

causing her to have a seizure every time she ate an egg. A teenage boy had

epileptic attacks exactly every two weeks, whenever he went to the beach

with his father and ate a hot dog with mustard. He was very allergic to the

mustard. Two more cases of attacks resulted from apples or chocolate.

The book mentions that blockages in the stomach meridian can cause all sorts

of symptoms and one of them can be seizures. The emotional part of your

recent seizure is not a coincidence. The emotions must play a substantial

part in whatever causes your seizures. There can be physical level or

emotional level blockages in the meridians apparently and meridians can be

undercharged or overcharged, according to this book, not that I know a lot

about Eastern medicine.

Greatly improving one's diet and adding supplements is always an excellent

idea, but sometimes more is needed. I've discovered through NAET that I am

chronically low in zinc and all sorts of nutrients, even though I

supplement, (my body is allergic to a lot of foods and rejects a lot of the

components of the food, including some of the nutrients) so not surprisingly

my immune system is not as strong as it should be. When it can't fight as

well as it should, that allows potential pathogens to take hold that

otherwise couldn't have.

The doctor that trained me remarked that seizures and migraines both involve

low oxygen to certain brain tissues. Duncan Crow

Consider regular Raindrops to possibly remove the toxic vaccinations that

may have something to do with the seizures. Bill

Have you heard that seizures are a symptom of Candida in the brain? Try

using oils that you would use for Candida.

Linda (22 year old that started having seizures)

Does this young man use any products with aspartame - diet sodas, chewing

gum, etc.? Aspartame is known to cause seizures and I remember reading Betty

Martini (Mission Possible re Aspartame) that people have been known to have

seizures on as little as one stick of sugarless gum. It's also probable that

the gum manufacturers are putting aspartame AND sugar in the regular gum

now. See and Best wishes, Carol Faust

Hi Group

I agree with the thought to check about the Aspartame. I am one of the

people who have grand mall seizures from tiny, tiny amounts of Aspartame.

And anyone who has a problem with aspartame will have problems with MSG. And

the newest thing is the Ultra Pasteurized milk products. I had 2 grand mall

seizures in Feb from those, so I did the research. When the milk is heated

up to the temperature required to be Ultra Pasteurized meaning it can stay

on the shelf much longer without going bad, it turns loose free MSG's in the

milk products. You can research MSG by typing it into the search box on your

computer and also go to Grace Hays


Subject: Seizures

Last summer, a mother brought her 11-year old son to me for a holistic

health assessment. When I muscle tested him on nutritional remedies,

essences, and essential oils as part of my health evaluation, Sacred

Mountain tested strong. So I suggested he use this on a regular basis,

diffusing, applying on his feet, etc. The evaluation also showed he was

reacting to commercially prepared pepperoni pizza. He was good with his diet

for 3 months and so was his health.

One day, he happened to eat said product and that night, he experienced

involuntary movements. His mother noticed what was happening and immediately

brought the Sacred Mountain for him to sniff. Sure enough, the movements

ceased immediately, and he was able to go back to sleep. The next day, the

mother recounted to his doctor how the essential oil had helped her son. And

the doctor said, "Yes, I've heard similar cases like this, how people have

used essential oils with seizures."

When I looked at the components of Sacred Mountain, I saw that it has Ylang

Ylang. According to Dr. Tim Betts of Birmingham University's

Neuropsychiatry Clinic, in the UK, "ylang ylang oil can also be effective

for controlling epilepsy, especially when smelled before the onset of a

seizure." (Mojay, Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit)


Valor on the back of the neck has been known to get results.



From: Kiki Bakshi <ravissant2000@y...>

Date: Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:12 pm

Subject: Re: [JOYgroup] Toddler with neurological dis-ease

Hi All,

Very spacey ...*grin* ... right now after an 'outworldly' :-) experience in

Secaucus, New Jersey, training there with Gary Young. Having just returned

home this morning to Montreal, am catching up with the JOYgroup mail.

......... We were reminded by Gary that for MS, Neuropathy and all problems

affecting the nervous system, the oils should be applied 'down from the top

of the spine to the base of the spine' instead of 'up from the base of the

spine' as is done in a regular Raindrop treatment. Just thought this would

be a useful reminder . ........


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is forwarded to.

DISCLAIMER: The Pine Hill Group exists so we may help others to learn,

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commend you!

posted at

Dear Jane and oilers,

Jane wrote: I know there has been talk about using oils on our pets.

Yesterday I adopted a one-and-a-half year old cat who is

small and extremely energetic and a total delight. I

certainly don't want to harm her in any way with the

oils. I have a lot of them and use them on my clients and

myself daily. Can any of the oils cause my sweet cat

harm especially if she were to get some on her paws and

lick them?

The Young Living Essential Oils are perfectly safe to use on your cat. I use

them on mine all the time. You can use many of the supplements with cats also.

My epileptic cat, Angel, gets NingXia Red added to her food every day. When I

need to take one of my cats to the vet, I put a few drops of Lavender and Peace

& Calming on a cotton ball and put it in the carrier with the cat. It keeps the

cats from stressing out during the car ride & vet visit.

Melissa Shelton, DVM uses the oils in her practice and has written several

books, including the Animal Desk Reference (ADR), about using the oils with

animals. There is an entire section in the ADR devoted to cats.

I highly encourage anyone with animals to purchase a copy of the Animal Desk

Reference (ADR). It is an extremely valuable tool to have.


Hi all,

According to Leigh Foster, (owner of Holisticat yahoo group) the only oil you

shouldn't use on your feline is Grapefruit. Any blend that has it as an

ingredient is fine.



Jane and all PineHillers,

Young Living brand oils ONLY are safe for cats! I have cats and I use oils all

the time around them, and feed them with them as well.

Keep in mind that their noses are more sensitive and if you approach them with

oils on you or a bottle in hand and they squint their eyes, that they are

telling you that the oils are too overwhelming.

I squirt NingXia Red with Copaiba mixed in into their wet food and have had NO

problems what so ever. If the cat wants to lick your hands, let them. Oils being

diffused in the air, no problem

Katherine D

Note: a few therapeutic essential oils, like Basil and Wintergreen, should not be used for people with epilepsy. Always check full information about the product.


Use of aromatherapy (with or without hypnosis) in the treatment of intractable epilepsy--a two-year follow-up study

"Smells act directly on the brain, like a drug," says Alan Hirsch, M.D., a neurologist, a psychiatrist and director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Center in Chicago.... "We know from brain wave frequency studies that smelling lavender increases alpha waves in the back of the head, which are associated with relaxation. An odor such as Jasmine increases beta waves in the front of the head, which are associated with a more alert state." (New Choices in Natural Healing" edited by by Bill Gottlieb, Editor in Chief, Prevention Magazine Health Books)

The limbic system and epilepsy

Relationship between mood change, odour and its physiological effects in humans while inhaling the fragrances of essential oils as well as linalool and its enantiomers

Evaluation of the anticonvulsant activity of terpinen-4-ol

Lavender and the Nervous System

The effects of lavender oil inhalation on emotional states, autonomic nervous system, and brain electrical activity

For more research on my web site, follow this link: