

Non-Young Living oils could be altered & adulterated, full of pesticides.

    • Delivers diversity & power of citrus family.

    • More than 90% of limolin (antioxidant & anti-aging, metabolism of fats

For more info on citrus oils, please read Citrus Oils' cell protection; increased production of liver enzymes

    • Citro compound helps metabolize fat, increase energy in many critical tissues, diuretic - helps eliminate fluids, waste & toxins).

    • Topical use - dramatic age-slowing & skin tightening effect

    • whitens teeth

    • removes stains, warts, gum,

    • body cleanser, oily skin, acne

    • photo sensitivity - none for grapefruit, unlike lemon & orange; add to blends to de-sensitize

    • smell - blend with others to enhance the smell

    • a very faint smell improves mood, reduces mental alertness, fatigue, anxiety, suppresses appetite

    • invigorating and energizing, and at the same time reduces tension

    • grapefruit + mint + cinnamon + coconut to slow evaporation

    • affordable price

    • balances sugar

Grapefruit the Great Fruit

by David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A., D.N.M.

The Latin name for grapefruit is Citrus paradisi , which means,

Fruit of Paradise. There were no Grapefruit trees in the Garden of

Eden, but considering the many virtues of the fruit, maybe they

should have been there.

Grapefruit (also known as pomelo) is a hybrid, a fruit-bearing tree

created by the union of Citrus sinensis and Citrus maxima (also

called Citrus grandis). The first of these (C. sinensis) is the common

sweet orange. The second (C. maxima or grandis) is a large some-

what sour fruit called the pummelo that is closely related to

the lemon.

The odd name for this rather large ungrapelike fruit seems to

originate from the fact that grapefruits grow in clusters of 12-24,

like huge bunches of grapes. At least, that is the theory held by

most botanists. Other authorities say that to them the taste of

grapefruit is very much like the taste of grapes and, thus, could be

another possible source for the name. Personally I don't find the

taste of a grapefruit to be anything like that of a grape. So I favor

the bunch theory for the name.

Where Did Grapefruits Come From?

Historians and botanists are not certain of the origin of this

cross between species and do not know exactly why, how, and by

whom such a marriage was ever made. It did not exist in ancient

times. The best guess is that it originated in Jamaica some time

after Columbus landed in the West Indies in 1492, although some

argue that it originated in the islands of southeastern Asia where

pummelo trees are indigenous and common. One thing is certain:

the versatility and benefits of grapefruit truly are amazing.

Grapefruit has long been considered a helpful food for weight loss.

It is a refreshing, satisfying snack one can enjoy with no concern

over calories. Grapefruit oil can also be used as an appetite

suppressant, when mixed with drinking water, put on the tongue,

or simply inhaled. Grapefruit oil also dissolves fat and has been

used to address cellulite.

It is also said to help with acne, digestion, fluid retention, and

disorders of the liver, kidneys, vascular, and lymphatic systems.

It has also been used to assist in drug withdrawal.

Its fragrance is mood elevating and has been used as an anti-

depressant. It has also been applied for migraine headaches,

pre-menstrual tension, fatigue, and jet lag.

Five Drops in an Olympic Pool

One of the amazing facts about the fragrance of grapefruit oil

is that the distinctly characteristic aroma that identifies and

sets grapefruit oil apart from all other citrus oils is from a

trace compound. All citrus oils are composed mostly of the

same compound, a monoterpene called d-limonene. It is

d-limonene that gives they all the common smell of citrus. Yet

it is not difficult to distinguish fragrances between orange,

lemon, lime, tangerine, mandarin, and grapefruit oils. The

differences are in their minor and trace compounds.

Grapefruit oil is over 90% d-limonene, but it contains something

not found in any other citrus oil. It is a sulfur compound, whose

strange name is 1-p-menthen-8-thiol, that dominates the smell

of grapefruit. Without it, grapefruit would not smell like

grapefruit. Yet, this compound comprises only one part per

billlion of the whole oil. That is equivalent to less than five drops

in an olympic swimming pool. It would take highly sophisticated

laboratory analysis equipment to detect such a tiny amount of

a compound in an oil, yet your nose is sensitive enough to

instantly detect this trace ingredient and your body makes use

of it in receiving the therapeutic benefits unique to grapefruit.

Importance of Retaining Trace Compounds in an Oil

This is yet another example of why only therapeutic grade oils,

which retain all of the trace compounds, should be used for

healing purposes. Food and perfume grade oil companies care only

about compounds in an oil that provide taste and odor. Therefore,

such producers do not exert the extra effort to preserve minor or

trace components unless they contribute to taste or smell. The

healing properties of an oil almost always involve the minor and

trace compounds, which do not always contribute to taste or

fragrance, but are essential for therapeutic action.

The fact that a trace compound like 1-p-menthen-8-thiol can be

detected in a grapefruit by the human nose, when present in such

a minute concentration as 1 ppb, is proof that our bodies do

sense, interact, and utilize the trace compounds in an oil that

must be there for the healing properties of an oil to remain

complete and intact.

The Smell of Feminine Youthfulness

Recent data have discovered yet another attribute of the

multifaceted fragrance and properties of grapefruit.

A study of smells shows that the scent of grapefruit on

women make them seem younger to men, causing them to

underestimate the age of women by an average of six years.

However, the fragrance of grapefruit on men does nothing

for them.

The study by the Smell and Taste Institute in Chicago

explored the question of what makes a woman smell young.

The smell of pink bubble gum made women smell young, but

too young. The odor of bubble gum caused men to think

of women in their childhoods as little girls, not as younger,

yet mature in their womanhood.

Institute director, Alan Hirsch, said he smeared several

middle-aged woman with broccoli, banana, spearmint leaves,

and lavender but none of those scents made a difference to

the men, including the floral fragrance of the lavender, which

is often used in femenine perfumes.

However, the scent of grapefruit altered men's perceptions.

Hirsch said that when male volunteers were asked to write

down the ages of women with a grapefruit odor, the age

they perceived was considerably less than reality.

So there you have it, ladies. The fountain of youth may be

in the aroma of grapefruit juice, at least for women. Men

have been smearing colognes, after shave lotions, aromatic

oils, and other manly potions on their bodies for thousands of

years, in attempts to make themselves more attractive to

the opposite sex. As yet, science has found no fragrance

to make men seem younger than they really are.

Maybe scientists should test the oil blends of Hope®, Valor®,

and Chivalry® on men to see how women respond. I don't

believe these were included in Hirsch's study.

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