Exodus II Essential Oil (& Other Oils Used by Hebrews)

"Exodus II™ is a timeless blend of essential oils from the same type of plants that Moses used for temple incense. Exodus II energizes while it complements Young Living's Exodus dietary supplement." EarthKosher CertifiedA base of olive oil, cassia (Cinnamomum cassia), myrrh (Commiphor myrrha), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), calamus (Acorus calamus), hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), galbanum (Ferula gummosa), frankincense (Boswellia carteri), and spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi).

from Awaken to Healing Fragrance by Elizabeth Anne Jones

"Precedents in Hebrew history for using aromatic oils came from both Moses and Solomon. Moses was given directions for making holy anointing oil in the wilderness. He had learned about the oils in Egypt. "The Lord said to Moses: take the following four spices... liquid myrrh, half as much ... fragrant cinnamon ... fragrant cane ... cassia and ... olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer." It shall be the sacred anointing oil." King Solomon actively traded in spices as depicted in the story of the Queen of Sheba. The Song of Solomon lyrically describes all of the fragrant flowers, spices, and trees that grew in Israel" at that time.

The ancient Jews recognized cinnamon's antibacterial qualities; the oil was used to treat a cold, the flu, and other infectious diseases. Living in desert countries, they often used it to fumigate their bed/clothes when washing with water was impossible. It helped to overcome feelings of weakness and fragility, and strengthened the central nervous system for stress-related problems.

The tree had leaves and bark that produced the pungent essential oil used to restore heat to the body and increaase circulation, and to stimulate digestion and calm spasms of the intestinal tract."

Esther, the Persian Queen Who Saved the Jews, before attending the banquet, bathed in Frankincense, and wore a linen bag around her neck with Patchouli and Myrrh to give her courage to speak to the king.

When Queen Esther had to approach the king about Haman's evil plan, she "bathed and had a massage with essential oils (no doubt Frankincense and Rose were included)."