Calm and Smooth with Tangerine


Tangerine oil is one of many Young Living citrus oils, which offer cell protection, increased production of liver enzymes,elevated mood and much more

It is included in many Young Living essential oil blends, like

Tangerine Essential Oil is cold pressed form the rind of the fruit grown in USA, Mexico, Brazil of South Africa. It mostly contains monoterpenes which are known for their ability to inhibit the accumulation of toxins on a cellular level.

Tangerine has antitumoral, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and immune system properties making it an excellent oil for combating tumors. It also contains d-limonene like Palo Santo and many of the citrus oils such as grapefruit, orange and lemon which have shown to have anti-cancer activity.

Those looking to increase circulation to reduce edema (water retention) will benefit using this oil when used in conjunction with Cypress. I would add it to the Cel-Lite Massage Oil that already contains oils which dissolve cellulite and improve circulation.

Boosting the metabolism, improving digestion, liver and gallbladder function and releasing anxiety and old belief systems are all components of any successful weight loss program and tangerine provides all of that and more! This is why it is contained in Slique Essence and Citrus Fresh.

Emotionally and spiritually, Tangerine supports us to embrace change with enthusiasm and grace as it releases old programming that no longer serves us.

For animals Tangerine can be used for all of the aforementioned issues. It really helps animals (and children) feel safe and protected emotionally and that is its primary action besides calming in Peace & Calming. Usually one application of Tangerine or P&C will calm animals. Use tangerine with vetiver to calm and ground. For horses, I like to use Relaxation Massage Oil for a relaxing liniment bath.

Smell, use topically and internally, place on Vita Flex points and diffuse often! To find out more about Tangerine Oil,

extracted from The Oil Well newsletter