High blood pressure; A Nurse’s Perspective on our Medical Health Care Crisis: Blood Pressure Medication, Western vs. Alternative Medicine

I hope you realized by now that drugs don't heal - they do damage to your body and mind. The worst of it is a thought that people are being used by large money-driven companies to fill their "pockets".

The other day I overheard a patient being discharged & given about 5 drugs for every symptom she had: one for fluid in her lungs, one for high blood pressure, etc. The elder Chinese lady has had lung cancer for 3 years. I shared with her a story of my friend's mom, also Chinese, who had cancer, but instead of continuing with medications cured herself with ginger powder. The woman was surprised at my story, because she said her doctors told her not to use ginger. I realized that poor woman had very little knowledge about holistic medicine & believed in conventional treatment. Being careful not to interfere with her belief of getting better, I shared the wisdom of a nutritionist who got well believing that cancer was small and weak compared to her spirit.

Please refer to the pages attached for using Young Living oils to help you normalize your blood pressure.

You might also enjoy my blog on this subject:


Below is a great story I copied for you from


A Nurse’s Perspective on our Medical Health Care Crisis: Blood Pressure Medication, Western vs. Alternative Medicine Essential Oils and High Blood Pressure

I have been a nurse for 30 years. I’ve also worked as an EMT and a Paramedic. All very fulfilling. Helping people to feel better and get well is a very rewarding job. I’m hoping to be able to do that here, on our circle blog as well. My goal is to help you feel empowered, and to know what your options are. Often times, if you are not directly involved in the medical community, you “don’t know what you don’t know” Let me help you to “know”, and become informed. A person’s right to determine what type of healthcare they choose is a valuable freedom that no one has the right to endanger. If you are seeking answers, I urge you to become informed by reading this article, as well as the future series articles I will be writing.

This article will give you my view on taking prescription medicine verses Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for your medical ailment.

Most of us have some type of underlying health problem, or have a loved one that does. Today lets just talk about a very common one: high blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension), can become a very serious health problem if not treated.

According to the AHA (American Heart Association), your blood pressure measures ”force pushing outwards on your arterial walls”. “The organs in your body need oxygen to survive. Oxygen is carried through the body by the blood. When the heart beats, it creates pressure that pushes blood through a network of tube-shaped arteries and veins, also known as blood vessels and capillaries. The pressure — blood pressure — is the result of two forces. The first force occurs as blood pumps out of the heart and into the arteries that are part of the circulatory system. The second force is created as the heart rests between heart beats. (These two forces are each represented by numbers in a blood pressure reading.)

“The problems from too much force: Healthy arteries are made of muscle and a semi-flexible tissue that stretches like elastic when the heart pumps blood through them. The more forcefully that blood pumps, the more the arteries stretch to allow blood to easily flow. Over time, if the force of the blood flow is often high, the tissue that makes up the walls of arteries gets stretched beyond its healthy limit. This creates problems in several ways.”

  • Vascular weaknesses

    • First, the overstretching creates weak places in the vessels, making them more prone to rupture. Problems such as strokes and aneurysms are caused by ruptures in the blood vessels.

  • Vascular scarring

    • Second, the overstretching can cause tiny tears in the blood vessels that leave scar tissue on the walls of arteries and veins. These tears and the scar tissue are like nets, and can catch debris such as cholesterol, plaque or blood cells traveling in the bloodstream.

  • Increased risk of blood clots

    • Trapped blood can form clots that can narrow (and sometimes block) the arteries. These clots sometimes break off and block vessels and the blood supply to different parts of the body. When this happens, heart attacks or strokes are often the result.

  • Increased plaque build-up

    • The same principle applies to our blood flow. Cholesterol and plaque build-up in the arteries and veins cause the blood flow to become limited or even cut off altogether. As this happens, pressure is increased on the rest of the system, forcing the heart to work harder to deliver blood to your body. Additionally, if pieces of plaque break off and travel to other parts of the body, or if the build-up completely blocks the vessel, then heart attacks and strokes occur.

  • Tissue and organ damage from narrowed and blocked arteries

    • Ultimately, the arteries and veins on the other side of the blockage do not receive enough freshly oxygenated blood, which results in tissue damage.

  • Increased workload on the circulatory system

    • Think of it this way: In a home where several faucets are open and running, the water pressure flowing out of any one faucet is lower. But when pipes get clogged and therefore narrow, the pressure is much greater. And if all the household water is flowing through only one faucet, the pressure is higher still.”When the arteries are not as elastic because of the build-up of cholesterol or plaque or because of scarring, the heart pumps harder to get blood into the arteries. Over time, this increased work can result in damage to the heart itself. The muscles and valves in the heart can become damaged and heart failure can result.”"Damage to the vessels that supply blood to your kidneys and brain may negatively affect these organs”.”You may not feel that anything is wrong, but high blood pressure can permanently damage your heart, brain, eyes and kidneys before you feel anything. High blood pressure can often lead to heart attack and heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health consequences.”

I know at least 35 people that take medication for high blood pressure. Let’s remember that every single prescription medication on the market come with a long list of undesirable side effects. Every single one. Every single person I know on these medications complains daily of most of these most common side effects:

    • Lightheaded and or dizziness

    • chronic dry cough

    • dry mouth

    • Headaches

    • Vomiting and or nauseated feeling

    • Anxiety

    • weight gain

    • Rash on the skin

    • Lethargic, fatigue, weak, sleepy and or drowsy

    • Constipation

    • Diarrhea

    • Racing heart

    • Pain and or discomfort in the chest

    • Flu symptoms

    • 70% of men will suffer from erectile dysfunction

    • trigger fatigue and asthma and are not appropriate for people with breathing difficulties

    • increased blood potassium,

    • changes in the flavor of foods

    • swelling of lower legs and feet

    • back and leg pain,

    • sinus congestion,

    • kidney failure,

    • liver failure,

    • allergic reaction,

    • lowered white blood cells,

    • swelling.

    • Cold hands,

    • fatigue, and weakness.

    • drowsiness,

    • flushing,

    • nausea,

    • rapid pulse,

    • swelling in the lower legs and feet.

    • Some calcium channel blockers react with grapefruit and foods that contain grapefruit by blocking the liver from properly removing them from the blood – resulting in dangerous concentrations of your medicine.

    • impaired thinking,

Did your doctor tell you all of this before prescribing your blood pressure medicine? Did he tell you that , sadly, all anti-hypertensive medications do not cure high blood pressure but mask, or merely regulate it. What this means for you is, you have to take them everyday for the rest of your life. If you don’t, your blood pressure will climb back up to the dangerous level it was at before. Of course, this is assuming the medication worked for you at all. If he did tell you all of the possible side effects, and that you would be on it for life, did it make you uncomfortable? I suspect it did, however, as intimidating as doctors are, you probably felt you had no choice, and you were also probably too afraid to challenge your doctor and ask what your other options were, if any.

Think about this…. when is the last time you heard of someone successfully coming off of blood pressure medicine? Or heart medicine, diabetes medicine, or cholesterol medicine? Is your answer “never”?

I know, because I too used to be caught in that vicious never ending cycle of prescription medication.

Don’t get me wrong, I liked all of my doctors, and I trusted them. The problem here, in my opinion, is that the Pharmaceutical companies and their drug reps have created a situation that does not benefit anyone except them. As they become multi billion dollar profit companies, you go broke paying for their medication without ever curing the underlying problem, thereby staying on the medication forever. Once you get on the hamster wheel and start taking 1 blood pressure medicine, if that 1 medicine doesn’t work, you are switched to another prescription medicine, and so on, and so on. It is a self perpetuating cycle, planned out so that you never come off the prescription medication hamster wheel.

Think about it… does your insurance cover nutritional counceling, healthy appropriate excercise, weight management, emotional balancing and relaxation? Do they tell you about alternative medicine in the form of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils? No, they do not. If they did, you might get off the prescription hamster wheel, and others may follow you, and they would not be able to afford their new yacht, or trip to Italy. We can’t have that now, can we?

Many natural, alternative choices are out there to help you lower your blood pressure naturally, without having to take these prescription medications and putting up with nasty side effects.

The only catch is that you, and only you, need to make that commitment, and to understand that alternative therapies take time, practice, and trust . It also often requires a change in diet and lifestyle.

I took charge of my life, and my body. I decided to change my own path to wellness, and start taking care of and making my own decisions regarding my body, my health, and you can too. If you don’t like what your doctor offers you as a form of treatment, say “NO”! Tell them that the laundry list of side effects from a certain medicine is unacceptable, and you want to know what your other options are. Don’t be afraid to take charge of your own body.

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils offer many people hope where there was none before. Young Living offers you choices that come without negative side effects. They offer you a chance at working on your disease, a chance at peace, a chance to be well, a chance to get off the hamster wheel.

Some of the Young Living Essential Oils people have successfully used when they were diagnosed with hypertension are: Omega Blue Softgels, dried wolfberies, clove, Lavender, marjoram, ylang ylang, cypress, Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Citrus Fresh, Humility, CardiaCare, ImmuPro, ImmuneTune, S uper B, Mineral Essence, Super Cal, Balance Complete, Mega Cal, CardiaCare, NinxGia Red Wolfberry, potassium, Super C, and magnesium. This is just a sample of the essential oils and supplements Young Living offers for you to consider in place of or in conjunction with prescription high blood pressure (hypertension) medications, there are others. Let’s also remember that not every Essential Oil will work for every person every time, just like prescription medicine, that’s why there is more then 1 choice.

Anyone with hypertension should use caution using oils high in ketones, such as basil, rosemary, sage and tansy oils.


Additional essential oil regimens:

    1. For 3 minutes, massage 1-2 drops each of Aroma Life and Ylang Ylang on the heart Vita Flex point and over the heart and carotid arteries along the neck. Blood pressure will begin to drop within 5 to 20 minutes. Monitor the pressure and reapply as required.

Inhalation of Jasmine reduces anxiety in some people and thereby lowers blood pressure.


CardiaCare, ImmuPro, ImmuneTune, Super B, Mineral Essence, Super Cal, Balance Complete, Mega Cal Supplementation regimen:

    1. Increase intake of magnesium which acts as a smooth-muscle relaxant and acts as a natural calcium channel blocker for the heart, lowering blood pressure and dilating the heart blood vessels. Mineral Essence and Mega Cal are good sources of magnesium.

    2. Take 20 mg daily of vitamin B3 (niacin) an excellent vasodilator (found in Super B).

    3. Use therapeutic-grade Hawthorne berry extracts. Hawthorne berry (contained in HRT tincture) provides powerful cardiovascular support.

    4. Do a colon and liver cleanse.


Omega Blue Softgels, dried wolfberies, clove Other Single Oils:

Lavender, marjoram, ylang ylang, cypress Other Blends:

Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Citrus Fresh, Humility

Essential Oil Application Methods:

Topical: DILUTE 20 (essential oil) :80 (carrier oil, such as V-6), full body massage daily

Inhalation: DIFFUSION, 20 minutes, 3 times daily

Ingestion: CAPSULE, 00 size, 1-2 times daily

Do not expect to get positive results from health food store or aromatherapy grade Essential Oils. Those oils are not Therapeutic Grade, they can not be taken internally. They are not pure, they are often made using toxic chemicals, and they are very, very, diluted.

Young Living Pure, organic, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can be safely taken internally. They are the purest of the pure, completely unadulterated, toxic chemical free, not diluted at all. They are the real deal.

This article was not written as a way to prescribe, cure, or treat your problem, but only as a way to encourage you to look at and explore all of your options while on your path to wellness. Hopefully this information will help you better your life. Look to your future and decide if 20 years from now, you still want to have the same problem, still taking the same medication, still suffering from the long list of known side effects. I know I don’t.

Our medical community has done some studies on Essential Oils, Fish Oils and hypertension.






Pepping, Joseph. Omega-3 essential fatty acids. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Vol. 56, April 15, 1999, pp. 719-24

Connor, William E. Importance of n-3 fatty acids in health and disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71 (suppl), January 2000, pp. 171S-75S

Some article excerpts:

Natural Approach to Hypertension

by Farhang Khosh, ND and Mehdi Khosh, ND


Hypertension is a common problem facing many Americans today, with two million new cases being diagnosed each year. Although billions of dollars are spent annually in the United States for the treatment and detection of cardiovascular disease, current conventional treatments have done little to reduce the number of patients with hypertension. Alternative medicine offers an effective way to decrease the rising number of people with high blood pressure. Research has found a variety of alternative therapies to be successful in reducing high blood pressure including diet, exercise, stress management, supplements, and herbs.

Fish Oils Recommended for Heart Disease Prevention

DALLAS, TEXAS. The American Heart Association has reviewed the benefits of regular consumption of fish and fish oils. The review concludes that fish and fish oils help prevent cardiovascular disease including fatal and non-fatal heart attacks, strokes, sudden cardiac death, and coronary artery disease (angina). The reviewers believe that the mechanisms by which fish oils exert their protective effect include:

  • Reduction in susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmia

  • Decrease in platelet aggregation

  • Reduction in triglyceride levels

  • Retardation of atherosclerosis

  • Lowering of blood pressure

  • Promotion of nitric oxide induced endothelial relaxation

  • Anti-inflammatory effects.

2006 Dec;36(7):1123-34.

The effects of the inhalation method using essential oils on blood pressure and stress responses of clients with essential hypertension

Department of Nursing, Geochang Provincial College, Geochang-gun, Gyungnam, Korea.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of aromatherapy on blood pressure and stress responses of clients with essential hypertension.

METHOD: There were fifty-two subjects divided into an essential oil group, placebo group, and control group by random assignment. The application of aromatherapy was the inhalation method of blending oils with lavender, ylangylang, and bergamot once daily for 4 weeks. To evaluate the effects of aromatherapy, blood pressure and pulse were measured two times a week and serum cortisol levels, catecholamine levels, subjective stress, and state anxiety were measured before and after treatment in the three groups. Data was analyzed by repeated measures of ANOVA, one-way ANOVA, and chi(2)-test using the SPSS 10.0 program.

RESULTS: The blood pressure, pulse, subjective stress, state anxiety, and serum cortisol levels among the three groups were significantly statistically different. The differences of catecholamine among the three groups were not significant statistically.

CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the inhalation method using essential oils can be considered an effective nursing intervention that reduces psychological stress responses and serum cortisol levels, as well as the blood pressure of clients with essential hypertension.

Vitamin C May Lower Blood Pressure

The Lancet December 18, 1999;354.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. Close to 50 million Americans have high blood pressure. The study of 45 people with high blood pressure (hypertension) had the levels fall by about 9.1% if they consumed a 500-milligram supplement of vitamin C each day for a month.

I hope that my article has enticed you enough that you too will explore alternative treatment for any medical condition you may have. In the end, the only person responsible for your body is YOU, no one else. Take charge of your health, become empowered and educated in whay ails you, and how to get off the prescription wheel. Explore Essential Oils, alternative and natural medicine. See what you can do to fix the problem yourself, without the help of the pharmaceutical industry. Become informed! Make your own choices, or at a minimum contribute to the choices being made for you.

Re: [PineHill] MAYO CLINIC ON ASPIRIN-Jeff Kaplan's take on it

posted at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/PineHillGroup/message/38367

Hi Everybody

Here is my input and output

I was doing a home health nursing visit several years ago

I was in this assisted living facility and while i was changing this

lady's dressing on her foot, a man sitting at the breakfast table had

his head fall into his bowl of corn flakes. I said, "What is wrong with

that guy? He needs to go to the ER!"

This staff lady said, "Oh NO! Don't worry about Joe, he is just

having another TIA. His son doesn't want him to go to the emergency

room, so we just wait until its over."

I looked at her in disbelief, then i looked at this dude with his head in his

cereal bowl.

His lips were blue. His nail beds were blue.

I asked, "Is there any cayenne pepper around here?"

The daughter of the owner said, "Whats cayenne pepper?"

I told her its a red powder that is used for seasoning. It might be in the



She looked around and we found a big old container from

Sam's that had cayenne in it which had turned brown, obviously old and


I said, "Get me a tablespoon!" I figured since that stuff was old, i needed

to give him a tablespoon, instead of a mere teaspoon" He was still somewhat

alert. I gave this man a

heaping tablespoon in a small glass of orange juice.

"Here Joe, drink this down fast!"

He took the glass and drank it very very very sloowwwlly.

Then like in the Exorcist, he sat straight up with his eyes bugging out like

they were

going to pop out of his head. Concurrently, his face immediately flushed a

bright scarlet red,

His lips got pink, and so did his nail beds. He grabbed this metal garbage can

and pulled

it over to him and started spitting out big globs of phlegm.

Everybody in the dining room was staring at him wide mouthed.

This included a "Duddly Do-Right Nurse" who was also doing a home health visit


She was roommates with one of my co workers. She wound up telling her, and the

co worker

in turn told our nursing supervisor. (I was constantly getting in trouble when

i was actively

working as an R.N.) I don't believe it was because i was doing a lousy job. I

talked a lot about

garlic, cayenne...and later when i got into the Oils: Peppermint, Lavender,

PanAway, Ortho Sport...

It reminds me of a next door neighbor boy named Danny, back in Mishawauka,

IN. Whenever i did something

wrong, his words were, "I'm TELLING!"

The TIA incidnet occurred on a Friday. The following Monday am, i was called

into the office of my nurse

manager. "Don't you realize that this man could have aspirated and died

because of what

you did?"

I wanted to tell her, "Don't you realize how ignorant you are about cayenne

pepper and its

ability to move the blood quickly into every nook and cranny of the body,

including the brain, and heart.... and stop a stroke

or TIA in a matter of seconds?"

I didn't bother. I was used to getting lectured, so i just kept my mouth


Cayenne pepper will stop a stroke, ie CVA, (cerebro vascular accident) or TIA,

(Trans ischemic

attack) very fast

Chief and Larry, carry around a tincture of Cayenne with you at all times.

I can tell you where to order it, or make it yourself. Blend up

chili peppers-the hottest you can find, with vodka. Habeneros are my


Strain out the pulp and bottle it into eye dropper bottles.

You can mix it with Ningxia Red. I would actually take a packet of NR, and


cayenne powder or tincture in with it, or add Oils....whatever you have on hand

I would definitely use the following if you have them: Peppermint (stopped an


in a female patient), Lavender (brought a man's heart rate from 37 to 61 in less


five minutes; and relieved chest pain in a young lady who we found out later was


an M.I.)....Clove Oil-natural blood thinner which is far better than taking

aspirin since it

gives you amazing antioxidant power, and won't make you bleed like a doggone


Geranium is very good for circulation,..so is Cypress of course...and


Rub these Oils on your carotids, which are the big arteries just inside your SCM


SCM is sterno cleido mastoid...those big neck muscles on each side of your neck.

Do it do it do it

Now i wanted to share a little more on aspirin from William Campbell Douglass

M.D. and

this other doctor named Crandell

"Pain in the Aspirin"

"Like variety? Then you'll love aspirin...because there are so many ways it can

send you to the ER

or even kill you.

As I've warned you before the so called aspirin "therapy" thats supposed to

protect your heart can actually

lead to serious and even deadly internal bleeding. If thats not bad enough, it

can actually CAUSE the very

clots its supposed to prevent.

Some Therapy

But, if you're already on the aspirin train, don't jump off right away...because

the only thing more dangerous

than starting aspirin therapy is trying to stop.

Sounds contradictory, i know, but researchers say their study of 40,000 British

patients who had been conned

into aspirin therapy found that going cold turkey on these pills can boost the

risk of a nonfatal heart attack

by 60 percent.

Since up to half of all apirin therapy patients stop at some point, thats a lot

of risk going around.

Putting the numbers into real terms, the researchers wrote in BMJ that you can

expect four extra heart attacks

for every 1,000 aspirin therapy patients who stop when compared to those who

dutifully take their pills.

Heres the real deal: Researchers have been studying aspirin therapy for years

now and found little to no benefit....

and plenty of risk, like those bleeding problems i mentioned earlier.

Somehow, TV docs haven't gotten the messsage...could it be all those aspirin ads

on the networks that carry their

shows? and they're still telling their viewers to take one a day.

And your own doc hasn't gotten the message, either. Maybe he watches those

same TV shows, instead of reading the

medical journals.

In any case, if you haven't started aspirin therapy...DON'T!"

William Campbell Dounlas, M.D.

Study: Aspirin Causes Blindness

Study pubished in December 19th, 2011 edition of JAMA

Data was collected on 5000 men and women who took part in the Beaver Dam Eye


Participants had their eyes checked every five years over a 20 year period.

They were also asked about their use of aspirin.

After almost 15 years of follow up, 512 people developed early macular

degeneration. 117 people developed late

macular degneration. (who were taking aspirin)

The investigators found that people who took aspirin for 10 years almost doubled

their risk for developing ARMD,

or age related macular degneration....compared with less than 1 percent risk

among people who did not take aspirin.

When researchers looked specifically at late age related macular degeneration,

they found aspirin users had a 1.4 increased

risk of developing the condition, compared with a 0.6 percent risk among those

who didn't take aspirin.

These findings show an association between age related macular degeneration and

aspirin use, and not a cause and effect


Jeff speaking here. Is it any surprise that one would have increased bleeding

internally, when they take aspirin on a daily basis?

That is what aspirin does: It decrease platelets, ie

causes thrombocytopenia. It also causes occult bleeding, which is invisible

bleeding, inside your body, usually in the colon, where a person has dark, tarry

stools. Aspirin also can cause hepatitis, upset stomach, hearing loss,

tinnitis, (ringing in the ears), rash, bruising, G.I. distress, angioedema,

(edema in various areas of the skin, or mucus membranes or

in different organs), and Reye's Syndrome. (acute encephalopathy, which is

any pathology or disease condition of the brain. It includes increased fatty

infiltration of the liver, pancreas, heart, kidney, spleen and lymph nodes.)

When you have increased fatty infiltration of the liver, you have a lot of

toxins which the liver is trying to wall off, and isolate from the rest of the

body. Fat cells hold onto and contain acids and petrochemical toxins, in order

to keep them away from the circulation, thus entering our

cells...These petrochemicals are very hard for the liver to metabolize and

excrete from the body)

Essential Oils to the rescue! Far and near infrared saunas also.

Use your Oils if you are on aspirin, of course. Helichrysum, Clove,

Cypress, Geranium,

Lavender, and hot sauce....lots of cayenne pepper...and Ginger too. Get used to

the hotness. You can take it!

Quit crying about how hot it is. Eat it and like it! You could have a

cayenne party. Pass a habenero around the table and see who refuses it first

The one who lasts the longest, and takes the most bites, or the biggest

bites, is the winner. Have plenty of water and Ningxia Red on hand.

Take cayenne with food in your stomach. If you do it on empty stomach, you may

get upset stomach. No worries. Just scream, and

cuss at me, then keep eating until the pain goes away. Trust me, it will. I

have been in that situation several times in the past.

Regarding weaning off of aspirin, i would use the Oils aggressively, to

counteract any adverse events. That includes the above Oils.

When we have these Oils there is no need for aspirin...at least as far as

"Thinning the blood" is concerned.

I would be drinking my four oz. of Ningxia Red daily, and good water. I

believe that Super B, which is very nourshing to your heart, is a must.

In addition, i would take my Mineral Essence, and Omega Gize for Omega 3's to

thin the blood naturally, and get that Vitamin D which is in the

Omega Gize. I would take my True Source, or Core Supplements which has

Longevity and Life 5 in it, and Omega Gize? True Source

has as its source, whole food sources for all the good stuff we need, and one of

them is cucurmin which has powerful anti inflammatory


Longevity has Clove in it, which will act as a natural anti coagulant. If

you take Clove with aspirin, you need to be extra careful.

The Clove does very well on its own. It doesn't need aspirin to complicate

matters. You should have a doctor who can help you wean off of the

asa, or a pharmacist at least. The latter can be a big help regarding the

interactions of medications.

So that is the end of the story for today.

Sorry about the length

Have a great Christmas!

We are off to TX to AR


Jeff Kaplan R.N., L.M.T.


From: Chief Grey Eagle chiefgreyeagle2003wolfclan@...>

To: PineHillGroup@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 9:27 AM

Subject: Re: [PineHill] MAYO CLINIC ON ASPIRIN-Jeff Kaplan's take on it

Dear Larry and YLEOiler Friends:

Would you, Larry, please let me know what kind of strokes you have had in the


I have had 9 or 10 strokes, all called T.I.A. (Transient Ischemic Attack) which

is caused by the narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain and then the blood

clots, causing the stroke. My first one hit me in 1987 while driving on the

freeway in Detroit, Michigan. I lost the feeling and total use of the left

side of the body. I ended up in the hospital for this one and my second one

(not sure when it happened, was playing solitaire on my computer, next thing I

knew I was in the hospital in Saginaw, Michigan. The rest of my TIA's were

mini-strokes. And it took 10 years before I regained feeling in the left side

of the body.

Doctors at Mayo Clinic had suggested that I utilize word puzzles (I use

PennyPress Variety puzzles & games) to stimulate the brain and hopefully rebuild

or bypass the dead area of the brain with new synapses. And I started using

YLEO products including Raindrop Technique, around 2007 or 2008 (not really sure

which year) and I feel a lot better. Although I am still taking BP Meds (2)

and a Full Grain Aspirin Daily, I have improved greatly.

The other type of stroke is the hemorrhage of the blood vessels in the brain,

and these types are usually more destructive than the TIA forms of stroke.

I would recommend that you go slowly in eliminating BP meds, and please do keep

your personal physician appraised of what you are doing. I have gone from 21

meds down to 2 meds (some were also anti-depressants), and going off of the BP

meds should be slowly weaned, otherwise you may end up with an enlarged heart,

which causes other types of problems.

Loosing weight also helps lower the BP as well (I have gone from 217 pounds in

2008-2010, down to 155 pounds and my waist size has gone from 40 inches down to

34 inches (I do a lot of walking at 3 mph/5 kph for 6 miles/10 kilometers on a

daily basis, but it is necessary to go slowly and build up to that distance and

speed of walking). I stand at 5 foot 5-1/2 inches in height, to give you an

idea of the weight loss and girth loss have helped me, so that I no longer look

like I am 9 to 12 months pregnant (LOL), and I am now 68 winters of age (69

winters in January 2013).

God Bless You, Larry, and all YLEOilers. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Most Blessed

and Joyous New Year.

Rev. Dr. Ronald L. "Chief Grey Eagle" Sims, Executive Moderator for Pine Hill


If you desire to communicate with me more privately on this subject, Larry, or

any other member of PHG, my email address is
