Athlete's Foot

Re: [PineHill] Need Athlete's Foot Advice

Dear Jane and Friends,

I think you need to deal with it from both the inside and the outside. I would

take Inner Defense in the day with breakfast and lunch and Life 5 at night with

dinner. I would also use Thieves on his feet mixed in Animal Scents or Rose

Ointment. Also, you will need to treat his shoes--spray Thieves in them or use

Thieves Cleaner and purification oil blend in the wash. If he can cut out sugar

for a while I'm sure it will get better faster.

Hope this helps,



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Carrie Donegan

Dear Jane,

This is a great answer. The only thing I would add is to add Young Living Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) to the soap, shampoo, and if possible, to the shower head. Taking 1 drop of Young Living tea tree under the tongue works great too. Putting drops of tea tree straight on the toes & under. Try not to cut the toe nails too deep, or it will be hard to re-grow them back. Using Ocotea, especially if you eat sweets and starches, to keep the blood sugar down, will help too.

For more information on Candida, please read my blog here.

Good luck!
