Fungul Infection

Essential Oils Desk Reference

Fungi and yeast feed on decomposing or dead tissues. They exist

everywhere: inside our stomachs, on our skin, and out on the lawn. When

kept under control, the yeast and fungi populating our bodies are harmless

and digest what our bodies cannot or do not use.

When we feed the naturally-occurring fungi in our bodies too many acid-ash

foods, such as sugar, animal proteins, and dairy products, the fungal

populations grow out of control. This condition is known as systemic

candidiasis and is marked by fungi invading the blood, gastrointestinal tract,

and tissues.

Fungal cultures such as candida excrete large amounts of poisons called

mycotoxins as part of their life cycles. These poisons must be detoxified by

the liver and immune systems. Eventually they can wreak enormous damage

on the tissues and organs and are believed to be an aggravating factor in

many degenerative diseases, such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes.

Insufficient intake of minerals and trace minerals like magnesium,

potassium, and zinc may also stimulate candida and fungal overgrowth in the


Symptoms of Systemic Fungal Infection:

• Fatigue/low energy

• Overweight

• Low resistance to illness

• Allergies

• Unbalanced blood sugar

• Headaches

• Irritability

• Mood swings

• Indigestion

• Colitis and ulcers

• Diarrhea/constipation

• Urinary tract infections

• Rectal or vaginal itch

Athlete's Foot

(See RINGWORM in this section).

Tinea pedis or athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin that infects the

feet. (it is identical to ringworm which infects the skin in the rest of the

body). This fungus thrives in the warm, moist environment to which many

feet are subjected.

The best remedy is to keep feet cool and dry and avoid wearing tight-fitting

shoes or heavy natural (ie. cotton) socks. Wear sandals, shoes, and socks

woven from a light, breathable fabric.

It is especially important to control this fungus infection during showering or

bathing, since the moist, warm environment favors the growth of the Tinea

culture responsible for athlete's foot. Antifungal essential oils such as

melaleuca and Melrose can be added to bath salts or Epsom salts and used

in a the RainSpa shower head to create a mild, antifungal shower.

Single Oils:

Tea tree, niaouli (MQV), Melaleuca ericifolia, blue cypress, lemongrass

(always dilute), Idaho balsam fir, lavender, peppermint, thyme, mountain



Melrose, Thieves, Purification

Athlete's foot blend #1:

• 8 drops tea tree

• 2 drop lavender

Athlete's foot blend #2:

• 8 drops tea tree

• 4 drops peppermint

• 2 drops mountain savory

EO Applications:


NEAT or DILUTE 50-50 as needed. Apply 5-7 drops to

affected areas between toes and around toenails


Topical Treatments:

Thieves Antiseptic Spray, Ortho Ease Massage Oil. Fresh Essence Plus

Mouthwash (used on the feet), Peppermint-Cedarwood Bar Soap, Rose


Candida Albicans (Intestinal)

Two of the most powerful weapons for fighting intestinal fungal infections

such as candida are FOS (fructooligosaccharides) and L. acidophilus


FOS has been clinically documented in dozens of peer-reviewed studies for

its ability to build up the healthy intestinal flora in the colon and combat the

overgrowth of negative bacteria and fungi (See APPENDIX P).

Acidophilus cultures have also been shown to combat fungus overgrowth in

the gastrointestinal tract. Royaldophilus is an excellent source of L.

acidophilus cultures, and Stevia Select is a superior source of

plant-derived FOS.

Single Oils:

Tea tree, juniper, ravensara, thyme, cumin, peppermint,cistus, lavender,

lemongrass, rosemary, geranium, palmarosa, rosewood


Melrose, Raven, R.C., ImmuPower

EO Applications:


DILUTE 50-50 or 20-80, as needed, massage 3-4 drops on thymus

(at clavical notch, center of collarbone at base of throat) to

stimulate the immune system. Also apply 3-6 drops on bottoms of

the feet and on the chest. Also apply 5-10 drops on stomach. Do

these applications 2 times daily.

VITA FLEX, massage 2-4 drops on relevant Vita Flex points

of feet 2-4 times daily.



CAPSULE, 0 size, 2-3 times daily between meals

RICE MILK, 3 times daily between meals

Dietary Supplementation:

Royaldophilus, Stevia Select, Fiberzyme, Essentialzyme, ImmuPro,

ImmuneTune, VitaGreen, Thyromin, Super C Chewable,

AlkaLime, Exodus

Ringworm and Skin Candida

The ringworm fungus infects the skin causing scaly round itchy patches. It is

infectious and can be spread from an animal or human host alike. Skin

candida is a fungal infection that can erupt almost anywhere on the skin. It

shows up in various places, such as behind the knees, inside the elbows,

behind the ears, on temple area, and between the breasts.


Combating Ringworm

Using antifungal essential oils while bathing or showering is

especially important because fungal infections thrive in moist, warm

environments. Essential oils like tea tree or Melrose can easily be

added to bath salts or Epsom salts to combat fungal infections.

There are specially designed shower heads that can be filled with

bath salts and essential oils. As the water passes over the mixture, it

disperses the essential oils and salts into the shower spray, creating

an antiseptic spa.


Single Oils:

Tea tree, niaouli (MQV), Melaleuca ericifolia, blue cypress,

lavender, rosemary, geranium, rosewood, myrrh


Melrose, Raven, R.C., Ortho Ease

Ringworm blend:

• 3 drops tea tree

• 3 drops spearmint

• 1 drop peppermint

• 1 drop rosemary

Skin Candida blend:

• 2 drops Idaho tansy

• 10 drops tea tree

• 1 drop oregano

• 2 drops patchouly

EO Applications:


NEAT, massage 2-4 drops over affected area, then layer on Rose

ointment, 2-4 times daily. In severe cases, use 35 percent

food-grade hydrogen peroxide to clean infected areas before

applying essential oils. Saturate a gauze with essential oils and apply

to affected area and wrap to hold in place.

Topical Treatment:

Thieves Antiseptic Spray, Ortho Sport or OrthoEase Massage Oils, Fresh

Essence Plus (used topically), Rose Ointment


Thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth and throat marked by creamy,

curd-like patches in the oral cavity. Even though it appears in the mouth,

thrush is usually a sign of systemic fungal overgrowth throughout the body.

Thrush can usually be treated locally through the use of antifungal essential

oils such as clove, cinnamon, rosemary CT cineol, peppermint, and


Single Oils:

Cinnamon, clove, peppermint, rosemary cineol, geranium, rosewood,

orange, lavender


Thieves, Melrose, Purification, ImmuPower

EO Applications:

GARGLE, 3-5 times daily


DILUTE 50-50 or 20-80, as needed, massage 3-4 drops on thymus

(at clavical notch, center of collarbone at base of throat) to stimulate

the immune system. Also apply 3-6 drops on bottoms of the feet

and on the chest. Also apply 5-10 drops on stomach. Do these

applications 2 times daily

VITA FLEX, massage 2-4 drops on relevant Vita Flex points

of feet, 2-4 times daily


CAPSULE, 0 size, 2-3 times daily between meals

RICE MILK, 3 times daily between meals

NOTE: These applications are for adults, not infants. In cases of infants

with thrush, consult a medical professional first.

Oral Hygiene:

Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, Thieves Lozenges


Using Raindrop Technique to Purge Pathogenic Fungi

Pathogenic microorganisms have a tendency to hibernate along the

spinal cord and in the lymphatic system. The body has the ability to

hold them in a suspended state for long periods of time. When the

immune system becomes compromised from stress, fatigue or other

factors, they can be released and manifest illness and disease.

Oregano, thyme, or hyssop along the spine using Raindrop

Technique may help to drive the dormant fungi out of the spinal


Additionally, lymphatic pump therapy will revitalize a sluggish

lymphatic system to better combat pathogenic fungi. (see Chapter



Vaginal Yeast Infection

Essential oils like tea tree have been documented to have highly antifungal

activity. Positive results have been obtained on vaginal yeast infections using

these oils in douches. Equally excellent results have been achieved by

inserting a capsule of Royaldophilus into the vagina after douching.

Single Oils:

Lavender, tea tree, rosemary, Roman chamomile, geranium,

rosewood, peppermint, spearmint, mountain savory, thyme,

bay laurel


Melrose, Purification, R.C., Di-Tone, Aroma Siez, Dragon Time, Mister

Vaginal yeast infection blend #1:

• 7 drops Purification

• 2 drops frankincense

• 5 drops mountain savory

Vaginal yeast infection blend #2:

• 12 drops tea tree

• 12 drops Purification

• 12 drops juniper

EO Applications:


TAMPON, nightly for 5-10 days, as needed


CAPSULE, 00 size, 3 times daily

Topical Treatment:

Fresh Essence Plus mouthwash

©2005 Essential Science Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this CD may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without

permission in writing from the publisher


The oil that is being referred to in the testimonial below is essential oil of tea tree. I’ve used the regular tea tree and the essential oil – there is not even comparison. Essential oils by Young Living are so much more effective.

The thing to remember about skin protection is to keep the skin slightly acidic. All you have to do is to rinse your skin after the shower/bath with either raw apple cider water or lemon/water.



Dying fish saved from fungal infection

Author: Jana Koskie

Location: UT, United States

Posted: 03-27-2012

My pet beta fish, named 'Swimmer' at the time, was starting to show symptoms of a fungal infection, which I have seen a few times before on other pet fish. In the past, the fish always dies from this disease, so that's what I was anticipating.

He was getting worse each day for a few days and was not eating and was starting to turn on his side. I was worried because he is my 6 yr old son's fish, and he would be very sad if his fish died... So I wondered what to do. I thought of the oils, but thought they might be too potent for a fish. I looked it up online and found one website that said to 'NEVER put oils into a fish tank'... BUT, I figured, what do I have to lose? The fish is going to die anyway, so i'll give it a shot.

I took some melaleuca and put one drop into his bowl and stirred it around with my finger. Immediately I noticed that the film on the top of the water (from the fungus I presume) totally dissipated. I hoped for the best and went to bed.

The next morning Swimmer was still alive! I was relieved that i hadn't killed him. I fed him his breakfast and he ATE IT! By that afternoon, the white fungus spots that were growing in numerous places on his body had totally DISAPPEARED. I realized that I had cured the fish!! We decided to rename him. His new name would be 'Mel', short for melaleuca :-)

It has been about 2 months since this happened. Mel is doing great!