March 17, 2011

We headed out for a 6 am morning walk through the streets of Palermo. Our plan was to go to the fresh market, but half way there we found out that it was closed because today was the 150 th anniversary of the reunification of Italy a national holiday. We saw some amazing examples of architecture in many different period styles, and street scenes that define the wonderful city of Palermo.

Darrell lead us to a cafe and pasticceria for a breakfast treat.

My impressions of the Fried Iris, by Rick Mindermann

Sweets in Palermo

A classic example of Fascist architecture All the Presidents Men!

The Streets of Palermo

After our morning walk it was time for Darrell to work. He spent the day meeting with Sicilian wine producers. Each producer had 25 minutes to make their presentation, which included sampling some of their wines. There were a number of buyers from the U.S. , Hong Kong, and Canada. It was a bit like a cross between speed dating and musical chairs with the producer/buyer match up changing every 30 minutes.