
Order Barcode DB

How to:

Step 0:

Have a gmail acount to authorize script.

After authorization if still loading, then please reload page,

before clicking buy now button.

Step 1.:

Enter HardiskID. Just click&paste.

if you clipboard is empty, click on link on form program Comma.

The HardiskID is in clipboard, now paste.

Fair price: 200 € for one computer

Step 2.:

choose way to pay

1. with Pay-pal

2. direct with credit card

Step 3.:

Confirm pay clicking on pay now

Step 4.

You redirected back to site.

very easy

Just drag info and drop over form.

You also manually fill text box.

Step 5. The boxes are automatically filled, So just click on register keys.

Step 6. :

you receive with email information my script about.

If you don't want generate another key so uninstall them.

So that its all.

If you have sandbox, you can test how it work on my test site.