With Respect In Creation

(All Creation Groans)

A hymn based on the United Church "A New Creed" and Romans 8, calling for the care of creation. This hymn received an honourable mention for the United Church’s Earth Day Sacred Song Contest and the Pax Christi Chorale hymn competition.

To watch the sample video, click here.

To download the lyrics, click here.

To download a lyrics and chords version, click here.

To download a ChordPro version, click here.

To download the lead sheet version, click here.

To download the accompaniment version, click here.

To download the SATB hymn version, click here.

Click here to see a sample or to purchase the SATB anthem version of the hymn through Sheet Music Plus. The anthem is available for $15, which allows you to make as many copies as needed for your church choir.

For possible discounts for Canadian customers, contact us at davidwkai@gmail.com

Please report any congregational use to One License or CCLI.

The music is available for download through iTunes and others and can be streamed through Spotify (see below), Apple Music, Pandora and many others.

Click here to listen to the song on Apple Music.

Click here to listen to the song on Spotify.


Words and music: David Kai Tune: New Denver

All creation groans as earth, our fragile home, turns in paths that lead to devastation,

Fish and bird and tree, threatened until we will live with respect in creation.

Skies and seas and land, created for God’s plan, not for our own selfish domination,

Drought or rising sea threaten until we will live with respect in creation.

All creation sighs, we hear the Spirit’s cries, calling for rebirth and restoration,

warmth for every heart, healing of each part that lives with respect in creation.

All creation sings, let fields and forests ring, as we make this holy declaration,

Mountains, lakes, rejoice, joining every voice, to live with respect in creation,

We’ll live with respect in creation.