Historical Data

EPI and ERI Data

Notation: EPI - Epidemic Index, ERI - Epidemic Risk Index.

EPI for the world

World The World Epidemic Index : February - July, 2020

EPI for the selected countries: list 1

List 1: BE - Belgium; BR- Brazil; CA - Canada; CH - Switzerland; DE - Germany; EC - Ecuador; ES -Spain; FR - France; IN- India; IR - Iran; IT - Italy; MX - Mexico; NL - Netherlands; PE - Peru; PK - Pakistan; RU - Russia; SA - Saudi Arabia; SE - Sweden; SG - Singapore; TR - Turkey; UK - United Kingdom; US - United States.

March 2020

April 2020

May 2020

by week:

Week 1 1 - 7 May

Week 2 8 - 14 May

Week 3 15 - 21 May

Week 4 22 - 31 May

June 2020

July 2020

August 2020

EPI for the selected countries: list 2

List 2: AE - United Arab Emirates; AR- Argentine; BD - Bangladesh; BV - Belarus; CL - Chile; CO - Colombia; EG - Egypt; ID - Indonesia; IE - Ireland; IQ - Iraq; NI - Nigeria; QA - Qatar; ZA - South Africa.

July 2020

Data for the UK nations