South America

Epidemic Index Graphs

For the following countries: Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Also, a graph of the regional EPI (Brazil, Chile and Peru data combined).

Graphs on this page for the period: March - July 2020.

For the latest graphs, see the page More Graphs.

Notation: EPI -Epidemic Index; ERI - Epidemic Risk Index.

March - July 2020

The Argentine Epidemic Index

Data: 21 April -31 July

The Bolivia Epidemic Index

Data: 12 March - 24 July

The Brazil Epidemic Index

Data: 16 March - 3 August

The Chile Epidemic Index

Data: 16 March - 31 July

The Colombia Epidemic Index

Data: 9 March - 31 July

The Ecuador Epidemic Index

Data: 17 March - 2 August

The Peru Epidemic Index

Data: 27 March - 2 August

Regional Epidemic Index

Data: 16 March - 26 May

Data (daily cases) for 3 South American countries , Brazil, Chile and Peru, were combined and a joint EPI index calculated. The pandemic in this region is not under control because the Epidemic Index is greater than 1.