
EPI and ERI graphs

Graphs on this page for the period: March - June 2020.

For the latest graphs, see the page More Graphs.

Notation: EPI -Epidemic Index; ERI - Epidemic Risk Index.

EPI Graphs

United Kingdom (graphs for the UK and its nations)

Countries- Millionaires (subpage in "More Graphs" page)

ERI Graphs

EPI vs ERI Graphs


Example of Epidemic Index (EPI) Graph

The red line on the graph ( EPI=1) is the threshold (or critical) line.

Above the red line is the danger zone (EPI>1), the pandemic has a risk of an exponential growth.

Below the red line (EPI<1), the pandemic is slowing down. To control the pandemic means to get the EPI staying below 1.

Examples of typical EPI graphs

Examples of typical ERI graphs