Epidemic Acceleration Index

One of the main objective of epidemic studies is the comparison of epidemic dynamics in various countries. This motivated us to introduce another method to compare the government and/or medical authorities strategies. As a simple but powerful technique, we introduce the Epidemic Acceleration Index EAI. The Index EAI computes the maximum of epidemic dynamic acceleration over a fixed time period. More exactly, the EAI Index is defined as the maximum of EPI moving average over a fixed time period.

Notation: EPI - Epidemic Index; EAI - Epidemic Acceleration Index

14 May 2021

In the tables below, we consider the following time periods: mths1 = 30 days; mths2 = 60 days; mths3 = 90 days; mths4 = 120 days; mths6 = 180 days; All = period from the start of pandemic in a particular country.


1. The EAI All Indices averages (column All in Tables) over all periods in almost all countries are close to 1, mostly, slightly above 1.

2. Israel, Portugal and the UK are the only countries in the lists with the EAI All Indices below 1.

3. The UK is an inspiring example of the badly Covid-19 affected country which managed to turn the pandemic dynamics over via effective pandemic control management strategies, such as vaccination and lockdown.

List 1

List 2

List 3