
EPI & ERI-type graphs

The chaotic dynamics of huge number of new daily cases of the mild variant OMICRON suggests to use EPI & ERI computations via different qualitative characteristics such as severity or mortality, e.g., daily hospital occupancy, daily hospital admissions, daily ICU/MV (mechanical ventilation) beds occupancy, and daily death cases/mortality.

Below: EPI & ERI-type graphs calculated using EPI & ERI modelling for different data sets.

Data source: European CDC website: www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/covid-19/data

Notation: EPI - Epidemic Index; ERI - Epidemic Risk Index


Three graphs below show surprising similarity of EPIs computed via three different data sets: daily cases, daily hospital occupancy, and daily ICU occupancy.

More examples

More EPI & ERI Graphs (via daily cases)