Pirot town (eng)

Pirot town ( Citadel, Kale, gradic, Momcilo’s town) is a masonry military fortress, which started to be constructed around 1250 (finished 150 years later). In 1344, Serbian Duke Momcilo rogued of Byzantium czar John VI Kantacusine and proclaimed himself independent prince and ruled in Pirot Gradic. The fortress is situated by the right river bank of The Bistrica, on a separated rock by Sarlah hill. It is constructed in three entities: The upper 50x35m, The Middle 70x60m and The Lower town 180x130m.

Пиротски град, Момчилов град, Тврђава или Кале је утврђење поред реке Бистрице ( у близини реке Нишаве). Подигнуто је за владавине кнеза Лазара (1371—1389).

The house of the Hristic family is the best preserved monument of traditional architecure from the middle of the 19th century in Pirot. With its beauty and construction characteristics it exceeds the frontiers of Serbia and becomes a part of the Balkan cultural inheritage.

Museum Ponisavlje Pirot

The prominent merchant from Pirot, Hrista Jovanovic had this house built to have been his family residence. It is claimed that the construction works lasted for two years and were over on April 5th 1848, the proof of which should have been the inscription at the first floor inscribed on the door of the reception room. Since he intended to build a two-storied house Mali Rista, as his nickname was, should have got a permit from the Turkish authorities. That is how, at the outskirts of Pirot, one of the most luxorious Christian houses of the time was built. Unfortunately there are no documents about the master who built the house.

Tabula Peutingeriana (Latin for "The Peutinger Map"), also referred to as Peutinger's Tabula or Peutinger Table, is an illustrated itinerarium (ancient Roman road map) showing the layout of the cursus publicus, the road network of the Roman Empire.

Појтингерова табла, Римска путна карта света, Табула Понтингеријана (лат. Tabula Peutingeriana), је једна од најстаријих путних мапа на којој су представљени путеви у свим деловима римског царства.