Publication ethics

The Jornal de Estudos Espíritas (JEE) adopts ethical values ​​in the publication of articles, aligned with the global orientation against illicit practices such as fraud, plagiarism, etc. The following statements are general guidelines about what journal Readers, Authors and Reviewers can expect in terms of ethics and publication good and malpractices.

1. By the Editor(s):

- Editor(s) are compromised to perform the analysis of submitted articles based solely on their intellectual and/or academic merit (as, for example, validity of the study, importance, accordance to the journal scope, etc.) without regard to color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, place of citizenship, religious belief, political party or institutional affiliation of their Author(s). In addition, the final acceptance or rejection decisions of the articles will never be taken under the influence of any institution outside the JEE itself, be it spiritist, religious, political or governmental.

- Editor(s) and, where applicable, editorial staff, either during the peer review process or in case of rejection of the article, are compromised to keep confidential all information pertained to the articles submitted for publication in the JEE, except to the Author(s) and Reviewer(s). In particular, the Editor(s) will only show the title and summary of the articles submitted to the potential Reviewer(s) at the time of invitation to carry out the peer review analysis.

2. By the Reviewer(s):

- Reviewers are compromised to analyze only the content of the articles sent to them for review, according to the JEE criteria and their personal intellectual and/or academic knowledge and skills. Reviewers are committed not to issue opinions based on color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, place of citizenship, religious beliefs, political party or institutional affiliation of the Authors of the articles submitted for publication in JEE.

- If a Reviewer realizes that: i) he/she does not have sufficient competence to analyze the content of the article sent to him/her; ii) he/she has any conflict of interest regarding the subject of the article or its Authors; or iii) he/she becomes aware that he/she will not be able to carry out the peer review analysis within the suggested time frame or whatever was planned with the Editors, he/she must decline the invitation and/or inform the Editors immediately.

- Reviewers commit themselves to the confidentiality of: i) the content of the articles under their analysis; and ii) from the fact itself that they were invited to review this article even though they have declined. Reviewers are compromised to not exchange ideas about the content of the article under their analysis with anyone, unless duly justified, expressly authorized by the Editors and under the commitment of the third person to maintain secrecy/confidentiality of the content.

-Reviewers are compromised to present an objective and clear analysis of the content under their responsibility, in a respectful way and without making any reference of personal or subjective content with respect to the Authors.

3. By the Author(s):

- Author(s) are compromised to write and submit an article for publication in the JEE possessing only the results of their work and efforts in the study/research performed by them, citing any source or reference to ideas and concepts produced or authored by other Authors. Even publications that have had influence in the choice of the topic of the research performed by the Author(s) should be cited.

- Author(s) are compromised to not present any data or make statements based on fraud or concepts and ideas that they know to be inaccurate.

- Author(s) are compromised to avoid plagiarism in any of its forms, such as presenting as their own ideas, concepts and works previoulsy owned or authored by others; to copy substantial or significant portions of other publications without due citation; propose as their own conclusions what were obtained by others; etc.

- From the moment of submission of their article for publication in the JEE to the moment of receiving the final decision from the Editors, Author(s) are compromised to not submit the same article or parts of it for consideration of publication in any other journal, magazine, website, or means of publication. By submitting an article for consideration of publication in the JEE, the Author(s) declare that the article or parts of it are not being submitted or considered for publication in another journal, magazine, website, or any other means of publication. This statement does not prevent the submission of articles for publication in the JEE that complement previous works. In case of doubt about the character of novelty of the article, Authors are encouraged to write to consult the Editors.

- Author(s) are compromised to allow co-authorship of their article submitted to the JEE only to persons who have made significant contributions to the work of study or research, and/or to the analysis of the data and arguments, and/or participated in the writing of the text. It is considered unethical to be considered as co-Author(s), persons who contributed nothing or very little to perform the research or completion of the work, regardless of reason. It is understood that financial support only, for example, does not constitute sufficient reason to become a co-Author of a research article.

The above items have been released, in general and with a few differences, worldwide as guidelines for honest practice and research ethics, as well as how to prepare the manuscript reporting the work. The JEE recognizes and is aligned with the importance of guiding Editors, Authors, Readers and Reviewers regarding these statements of publication ethics and publication malpractices. In case of having any questions, please write to the Editor at: