
Next meeting:

Fall 2015 - Sept. 17, 2015 @ 6:30PM

1. Welcome (6:35PM call to order)

2. Attendance: Ben Potvin, Nate Menifield, Emma Hauser, Debbi Behrens, Loreta McDonnell, Autumn Desrosiers (student), Lesley Adams, Jeni Kingston, Kristian Miale, Ben Walker-Dubay (student), Adam Dubay, Tom Macisso, Chris Macisso, Jim & Liz Eickmann, Lisa Crimp, Rosie Crimp (student), Heather Grogan, Karen Quigley, Jessica Blastos, Connie Plaisted, David Creech, Michelle Creech, Grace Cain, Joey Corbett (student), Jim Corbett, Kent Chapman, Lisa Preble, Bill Hetzel, Rachel Phipps

3. NYC 2016 Trip Presentation: Ben Potvin and Nate Menifield

4. Trip Conversation and Next Steps

Group talking points surrounded the following topics:

A. overall cost of the trip ($661 or less)

Tom Macisso - Motion for the Boosters to give $100 to each student on the trip and provide additional assistance for families who cannot afford the family financial contribution.

Ben Potvin - How much would be a reasonable family financial contribution to raise in one year?

Consensus - $300

We will need to fund raise $20,000 if we are hoping to give every student $200 to meet the group assigned family financial contribution goal

B. whether the scope was too large for the first trip (overnight Boston versus a three-day New York trip)

Members present voted 25 to 1 in FAVOR of continuing with the NYC 2016 Itinerary

C. student safety on the trip

See slide-show above

D. Date conflict with AP and IB exams for next year

Ben will look into the two possible travel dates (Thurs.-Sat., April 28-30 OR Sun.-Mon., April 30-May 2)

E. Quality of trip for the money

Jeni Kingston and Ben Potvin will continue to look at the price and compare quality of the packages presented

5. Election of Officers

President - Tom Macisso

Vice President of Ad Sales - Lisa Crimp

Vice President of Ticket Sales - Jeni Kingston

Vice President of Concessions - Karen Quigley (tabled at meeting and updated June 12, 2015)

Vice President of Fundraising - tabled

Emma Hauser is willing to be the Fundraising Chair for the NYC trip

Secretary - Ben Potvin

Treasurer - Debbi Behrens

6. Meeting adjourned: 8:36PM