
1. Welcome (call to order @ 7:05 P.M.)

2. Attendance: Tom Macisso, Wendi McPike, Jeni Kingston, Connie Plaisted, Scott Ellis, Carol-Lee Elkington, Lisa Preble, Nate Menifield, Ben Potvin

3. Treasurer's Report - Tom Macisso

Balance as of 05/29/16: $18,576.56

4. Non-Profit/501(c)(3) status - Tom Macisso

We now have official 501(c)(3) status! Thanks to Debbi for all of her hard work on this.

There is now a link on our webpage to our non-profit accreditation letter by clicking on the 501c3 icon...if any organization needs proof of non-profit status when donating to our group.

​We do need to find out what type of documentation we need to make of donations and what type of letter/form we need to give businesses/individuals who give to our organization.

5. NYC 2016 Trip Debrief - Nate Menifield & Jeni Kingston

-Great experience had by students! We would like to make this a 4-year trip.

-Need to revisit financial status of trip wrap-up

-Potential to make certain fundraisers on-going (Yard sale, CLYNK, Lip Sync, and Jazz Night)

-Perhaps continue a fall musical?

6. Plans for recruiting new booster members and fill officer positions

-Continue utilizing Facebook page and web page

-Create and share YouTube channel to make VPA functions more visible

7. Possibly looking at Spring Play being the week before Memorial Day...possibly larger audiences.

-Could we move the date for this production?

-Should consider catering to a wider audience when considering shows and dates as we try to build the program.

8. We need to update our website (Project list, Friends of the VPA letter) - Ben will work on this with Debbi and Tom

9. Other New Business

Fall Meeting: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 @ 7:00 P.M. (KHS Auditorium)

10. Adjournment @ 8:42 P.M.