
KHS VPA Boosters Minutes May 31, 2017

6:30 pm- 8:00 pm

1-In attendance: Debbi Behrens, Jackie Foisy, Scott Ellis, Jeni Kingston, Connie Plaisted,

Emma Hauser, Lisa Curran-Crimp, Ben Potvin, Marnie Rollerson, Emilie Spas, Catherine Lindgren,

Wendi McPike

2-Presentation of slate for elections- Motion to accept with conditional chairs of Fundraising and Concessions- (need to confirm with each) Vote- unanimous

-President: Emma Hauser

-Vice-President: Connie Plaisted

-Treasurer: Scott Ellis

-Secretary: Wendi McPike

-Chairperson of Advertising: Lisa Curran-Crimp

-Chairperson of Publicity: Jackie Foisy

-Chairperson of Ticket Sales: Jeni Kingston

-Chairperson of Fundraising: Karen Ennis

-Chairperson of Concessions:Rose Hines

3-Choral, Band, Arts Updates: Ben Potvin and Marnie Rollerson

-Visions for Choral, Band, and Arts Department-( See attached doc). Will look at adding a separate line in the arts department Mission statement adding the value of arts in education. (perhaps include ‘pursuit of excellence’ as well)

-when we gift things to school, not in scope of budget, we need to be sure the school will be able to maintain the gift. The school needs to know what we will and will not cover financially. (perhaps we could sit and see what is specifically in the music department budget. )

-Art department- looking to collaborate with school IT department with technical needs as well as getting support from us, to be sure no conflicts.

- Will look to include the Vision and goals statement on the school dept web site.

-New Website Design- Ben working to separate the Boosters info from the KHS web site. Make us autonomous.

-Volunteers to help sort props/furniture before June 12. Packers will be here that day. Request for Wednesday the 7th. 6:30-8:30pm. Community service hours could be available.

- dry cleaning: extra items will need to be dry cleaned to be moved into new space. After Ben gets a quote he will know if the admin has funds for this. There is offsite storage in the interim. Pep band jackets typically get washed on site, however the industrial washers have been packed up already. Ben will be washing these over the summer at home. (We feel school should support these efforts)

4-Volunteer to help modify Booster Website Design: (Emma, Jackie, Emily Spas, and Wendi ).

-Clear statement of VPA purpose/mission statement, specific goals, and actions to meet goals

-Sponsors lists- business and individuals

-Ability to register as member and possibly donate online- We have a paypal account. Debbi has password. Scott will check with Tom on details.

-New and clearer grant request form

-Updated list of how Boosters support the Visual Performing Arts

-Ability to link to ticket sales

-Ability to link to volunteer spots for concessions

-update the giving section to be current.

5-Proposal and motion to ratify new by-laws: Scott Ellis

(Attached) Motion to accept Connie, 2nd Emma. Discussion- should we include the past president on the exec committee? Possible complications with wanting to be a part of another position, or have situations of graduating students or moving etc… certainly welcome to continue to be a part of the Boosters and offer insight. With an updated website the institutional memory is there. Passed. Unanimous.

6-Updates on possible upcoming programs:

-24 hour musical (Jeni Kingston). Would be a longer time frame. Way to showcase the new theater. First show in the new auditorium – Bruce Lewia heading this. Involve alumni and current students. Friday after Thanksgiving- all day and eve rehearsals with 2 shows on Saturday. Scripts and music 8 weeks in advance. Video auditions if people want specific rolls. 150+ people participate. Bruce would like $20 per ticket. (400 +seats. 2 shows). Web site for info and auditions. Will need budget of $8000. Perhaps we could front monies to help. Also need to help with publicity. Already has great response from alumni. Possibly in place of fall play. We want to advocate for also keeping fall play.

Discussion: Possibly charge less, and gift monies. Discussion on loan vs gift. What are our priorities in the future? Longer term goals? Motion that we authorize line of credit of $8000, any shortfall we would cover and any excess we would consider what to do with it to benefit theater. Yes… passed Discussion on ticket price- other schools charge more, possibly $12-15, make it a gala event. Other fund raiser items at event?

-Possible Theater Artist in Residence (Jeni Kingston). Motion for funds.- tabled. Potentially person would come for a week and work in schools throughout district, as well as do master classes for students and community.

-Dates for all three shows- can we solidify these so we can start promotion? Tabled for separate discussion. Can we also suggest positions are posted now? And then confirm dates. We don’t want to be boxed into a schedule that won’t work for community. Ck with Mr Lewia and Mrs Cressey.

7-Volunteers to join Standing Committees:

-Fundraising Committee- Jazz Night 2018- Catherine Lindgren (integrate art within this evening as well.)

- Clynk Bags- ??

-Advertising Committee- Lisa, Scott?

Discussion-Need for new theatrical programs- group that has been doing these, not able to continue. (Scott took care of getting last program printed. VPA agreed to Reimburse Scott . $476. )

-Exploring possibility of switching to paperless advertising (plaques, projections)- however, noted that many smaller advertisers like the paper program. Regardless, would be good to add advertisers names to our website. Sharper program, color all part of future discussion. Possibly keeping the same program for the year, change out the insert, and also possibly open the cover to be designed by the honors art students. (would need 8-10 weeks notice) Insert for cast and play info, etc… Season sponsor and show sponsors, and promoting future shows. Projections can be obtained for around $40 each .

8-Motion to give $100 gift certificate to Lynne White for years of service helping with theatrical programs. She has done the program layout, print ready, for years. Final motion to give her $150 gift certificate for Ogunquit playhouse. Jeni will arrange.

9-Vision of Organization: need to more clearly layout purpose, goals etc.

-Need to be intentional not reactionary. What percentage of our fundraising, or what amounts do we want to budget for specific goals.

-Current Statement for Purpose

Our mission is to enrich the Kennebunk High School arts, music and drama programs and to support additional opportunities for learning.

-Suggestions for specific goals?

- To support and promote visual and performing arts performances, shows, events, and trips

-To honor students through scholarships

-Adding ‘To advocating for administrative support for the arts’ yes.

-Adding ‘To facilitate connections between the High School and a resource of people willing to help with visual and performing programs and activities.’

-Adding ‘To supplement materials, equipment, uniforms for teachers where not provided in the budget.’

-Adding ‘To earn income through donations, fundraising, and advertising sales to fund booster programs and activities.”

-Programs VPA may be able to support and do these fit into goals?

-Day trip to Massachusetts 2018

-Possible support of Concert PSO, Portland Art Musuem

-Assistance with uniforms, equipment

-Support for Artist in Residence- tabled

-Support for the musicals/plays

-Uniform Cleaning


-Do we need to take new actions to reach goals?

-Letters to School Committee Board Members supporting arts

-STEAM instead of STEM?

-Possible Fine Arts Degree/Certificate Program- student push. Model after the STEM program. Noble and Falmouth have these.

-Do we continue scholarships? what is the history here? 2012 started. We need to look at this in more detail. Support students going into an art field. Need to look at criteria. Some have felt that the scholarships do not support enough kids, that we should be using monies for programs. Will need to table this discussion. Have also done scholarships for current students attending enrichment programs, need based. Table discsussion. Have intentional plans.

10-Member Concerns

Advocacy- Ben provided brochure from NAFME with specific talking points.

-need to reach out to our school board members- keep the arts in discussion.

-scheduling issues with all of the course offerings. Kids are being forced into cutting arts to fit in STEM and IB. Not sure what the answer is, but perhaps look at what do other schools do.

Need actual numbers of kids in programs and what choices students are having to make. Stem

electives are taking from other art programs. Should be STEAM. Policy perhaps comes from superintendent’s office. Start conversation with Mrs. Cressey. How can we find out which students didn’t even try to sign up for arts classes because it was suggested they wouldn’t fit their schedule?

-Show money- the musical came out even this year, and the play did fine.

We could have a specific activity account for start up monies for musical. Exec committee meeting can decide/discuss this later.

11-Dates for 2017-2018: Autumn VPA meeting Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 6:30pm.

Will schedule exec meeting before end of school year to work on items.

12-Treasurer Balance $28207.08 Balance. So far, excluding NYC, our income $7603.83, (clink, ad sales, donations, memorials, caroling, concessions) Expenses- $4518.38- does not include scholarships… 4 @ $750.

Kennebunk High School Visual and Performing Arts Boosters


(Revised May 30, 2017)



This group shall be known as the Kennebunk High School Visual and Performing Arts Boosters

(Hereinafter referred to as KHSVPA Boosters)


It shall be the purpose of the KHSVPA Boosters to:

enrich the existing Kennebunk High School music, drama and arts programs and to support additional opportunities for learning.


Any person working to support the objectives stated herein is eligible for membership.

EXCEPTION: Students are not eligible for membership. However, they may be invited to participate in the meetings. At the discretion of the person chairing a meeting they may be requested to leave the meeting during the debate of issues.


If for any reason the KHSVPA Boosters should disband or dissolve:

- All uncommitted funds in the treasury will be given to the RSU21 – Kennebunk High School Music and Art accounts.

By Laws


1. The KHSVPA Boosters Executive Board (herein referred to as “The Executive Board” will consist of the following:

 President

 Vice President

 Secretary

 Treasurer

 Chairperson of Advertising

 Chairperson of Ticket Sales

 Chairperson of Concessions

 Chairperson of Fundraising

 Chairperson of Publicity

2. Each officer will be elected for a term of one year at the spring general membership meeting. The term of office is from the date of election to the next year's spring general membership meeting and election.


SECTION 1 - President

The President shall:

 preside at all general membership and Executive Board meetings of the group.

 appoint all special committees.

 be an ex-officio member of all committees.

 be a co-signer of all bank accounts.

 perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.

SECTION 2: Vice President

The Vice President shall:

 assist the President in duties and responsibilities.

 preside at general membership and Executive Board meetings in the temporary absence of the President.

 assume the office of President (as defined in Section I) for the remaining term of a President who resigns, is removed, or is otherwise unable to serve as President.

SECTION 3: Secretary

The Secretary shall:

 maintain an accurate record (minutes) of all general membership meetings and Executive Board meetings. Minutes will be recorded and posted on the KHSVPA Boosters website.

 conduct the correspondence of KHSVPA Boosters.

 ensure all notices of meetings are sent out to the general membership.

 maintain an up to date mailing/email list of all registered booster members.

SECTION 4: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

 receive and deposit all monies of the KHSVPA Boosters.

 maintain an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and submit a summary of this record at each Executive Board and general membership meeting.

 disburse monies as approved by the KHSVPA Executive Board or voted upon by the KHSVPA general membership.

 pay routine and necessary costs of KHSVPA operations such as rent, licenses, postage, equipment, supplies, etc.

SECTION 5: Chairperson of Advertising

Chairperson of Advertising shall:

 oversee all ad sales.

 train general members in advertising sales.

 maintain ad invoices and advertising templates.

 serve as liaison with the advertising printer.

SECTION 6: Chairperson of Ticket Sales

Chairperson of Ticket Sales shall:

 coordinate ticket design and sales for the theater productions and other fundraising events.

 provide tickets to town locations for pre-sale, as needed.

 collect money from theater production ticket pre-sales and provide to RSU21 bookkeeper for deposit to RSU21 ticket account.

 establish and maintain online ticket program, which will deposit ticket money to RSU21 account.

SECTION 7: Chairperson of Concessions

Chairperson of Concessions shall:

 coordinate concession volunteers to donate concession refreshments and staff concession tables.

 coordinate production and sales of concession items, including CDs, calendars, etc.

 coordinate with school to provide tables, chairs, or other equipment needed to provide concessions.

 count concession money and provide to KHSVPA Treasurer for deposit into KHSVPA Boosters account.

SECTION 8: Chairperson of Fundraising

Chairperson of Fundraising shall:

 coordinate fundraising efforts on behalf of the boosters including communication and staffing of events.

 develop and propose fundraising ideas to the membership for discussion and approval.

 coordinate with RSU21 as necessary.

 oversee collection of fundraising monies and provide to KHSVPA Treasurer for deposit into KHSVPA Boosters account.

SECTION 9: Chairperson of Publicity

Chairperson of Publicity shall:

 coordinate and oversee KHSVPA social media activities.

 maintain and update KHSVPA events via school calendar, KHSVPA website, and other social media venues.

 serve as liaison with the Visual and Performing Arts Department staff members to coordinate publicity for department events.


1. General Membership of the KHSVPA Boosters meetings will be held in Fall, Winter, and Spring, and otherwise as required, as scheduled by the President, with a minimum of 7-days notice.

A. A quorum for general meetings shall consist of the membership present, to include at least four (4) of the Executive Board members.

2. The KHSVPA Boosters Executive Board will meet as necessary.

A. A quorum for the Executive Board meeting consists of at least four (4) of the Executive Board members.


1. Voting will be conducted by a show of hands, or via email, with majority ruling.

2. There will be no proxy voting at any time.



The following shall be Standing Committees of the KHSVPA Boosters:

1. Advertising Committee:

The Advertising Committee is staffed by volunteers from the KHSVPA membership, shall:

 under the direction and oversight of the Chairperson of Advertising, solicit advertisements and sponsorship for KHSVPA productions.

2. Scholarship Committee:

The Scholarship Committee and chairperson will be appointed annually by the Executive Board for a term lasting until the end of the current school year.

EXCEPTION: A person whose child is an applicant for a scholarship from the KHSVPA Boosters shall not serve on the Scholarship Committee.

The Scholarship Committee shall:

 provide information to the KHS student body regarding details and requirements of the scholarship.

 assure placement of the KHSVPA Boosters Scholarship Application Form in the guidance office

 review all scholarship applications.

 award scholarships in accordance with the attached scholarship by-laws.

 provide the name of the winners and award amounts to the Treasurer.

3. Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee, under the leadership of the Chairperson of Fundraising, shall:

 coordinate, provide guidance as needed, and oversee all KHSVPA Booster fundraising activities for any group within the KHSVPA that requests fundraising for special events authorized by the general membership or Executive Board.


The President shall:

 prepare the slate of officers for the upcoming year based on input and interest solicited from the general membership.

 present the slate of officers to the general membership for a vote at the spring meeting.

 conduct the election/counting of ballots


SECTION 1: MEMBERS: The Executive Board will consist of the following officers:

 President

 Vice President

 Secretary

 Treasurer

 Chairperson of Advertising

 Chairperson of Ticket Sales

 Chairperson of Concessions

 Chairperson of Fundraising

 Chairperson of Publicity

SECTION 2: DUTIES: The Executive Board shall:

 establish the agenda for general membership meetings.

 review and approve or deny the Art, Drama, and Music Directors' budget requests.

 review and approve miscellaneous budget requests as they arise.

 address any special requests from membership.

 by a simple majority vote, appoint an interim replacement of any Executive Board member who resigns prior to the completion of his or her full term.


SECTION 1: The Constitution may be amended at a regularly scheduled General Membership Meeting or a special General Membership Meeting called by the Executive Board with 7 day’s advance notice, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present. The amendment must be available to the General Membership for review and discussion 7 days prior to vote.

SECTION 2: The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board and will be in effect immediately. Notice of the amendment change and the proposed amendment will then be electronically mailed to the membership and available on the KHSVPA Boosters website for review a minimum of 7 days prior to a vote at the next general membership meeting for ratification. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present voting against the amendment, will result in the amendment being cancelled.

SECTION 3: No amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws are allowed that would modify the purpose of the group.
