
Visual and Performing Arts Boosters

Minutes of the General Membership Meeting

Thursday, January 31, 6:00-7:30 Kennebunk High School Library


Robert Akers

Lisa Curran-Crimp Sarah Dore’

Eric Desmarais Scott Ellis

Emma Hauser Rose Hines

Jeni Kingston Linda Morrison Marianne Pillsbury Connie Plaisted Emilie Spas Michelle Taggart

1. All in attendance introduced themselves and described their relationship to visual and performing arts at Kennebunk High School (6:00 p.m.-6:05 p.m.)

*(6:05 p.m.-6:15 p.m.) Robert Akers asked to address members of the VPA Boosters in attendance. He offered his photography services for promotional items. He was willing to provide thumb drives for $5 that included photos of band/theater members. He mentioned headshots and “glam shots” for $10 charge, parents to pay. He said he would do it for “cost” if we agree to give him recognition. Mr. Akers displayed a banner similar to one that he could create, promoting the HS play. He said that he could charge $100, which is the cost for materials only. Many in attendance did not appreciate Mr. Akers “sales pitch”. Emma Hauser would write a letter thanking Mr. Akers for his time stating that we would not be using his services at this time.

2. Musical Support (6:15p.m. -6:40 p.m.) ​Dates of the musical- March 22,23,24 & 29,30,31

Publicity:​ Emma expressed an interest in meeting and choosing a student publicity director to help spread the word about the musical. Much of the musical is student run (building set pieces, costumes, props). Encourage student actors to get involved in publicity by posting to social media.

Emma also would like an email sent to parents of students in the play on how they can connect with the boosters and offer to help.

Marianne Pillsbury spoke about making the first Sunday matinee “kid friendly/sensory friendly”. “Unified Theater” ask for Special Ed. help/instruction. All members in attendance were in favor of doing this. Riley Cerabona, assistant director is helping to spearhead the idea. Some other suggestions include:

  • ● ASL interpreter- possibly asking Nancy Hickey, who works for the district.
  • ● Contacting local theaters for access to their listserv of families with special needs.
  • ● Only running Act 1- less frightening, minimize special effects
  • ● Actors in character read to elementary students
  • ● Offer a photo op after the show
  • Will need to educate actors on how to interact with people with special needs.
  • Start advertising “kid friendly/sensory friendly” early. Marianne would like to get the press releases out as early as possible- needs to work on graphic for poster- Marianne has a background in graphic design.

There was discussion about usage of a sandwich board in front of the high school as well as a banner spanning Fletcher Street. It was determined that doing both would incur a large cost and would not be fiscally responsible. It was determined that the boosters would place a sandwich board in front of the high school.

Ticket Sales​: Rose in charge of sales. Online- general admission only. VIP seating/Premiere seating means different things to different people. Lisa said “let’s just get this musical off and we can decide for future shows” majority agreed.

Posters:​ need to decide the advertising radius and how best to distribute posters. Majority agreed that students are not the most reliable and we should make it a parent responsibility. Possibly ask faculty for help.

3. Support for Band/Chorus New York Music Exchange Program (6:41 p.m. -6:55 p.m.)

4/27/2019 first music exchange UNH, UMASS college professors to work with each ensemble. College students will donate their time to mentor. The VPA Boosters will pay half the cost $300. The VPA will pay for a meal (?lunch). Lisa C. and Linda M. volunteered to coordinate, possibly potluck dinner. VPA would like a request written in advance to pay for lunch costs. We need parents the day of the event to help move and provide support. VPA determined that the band should request the help- Eric can send out a link.

Scott said that we need to get a press release done about this- get the word out. Emily volunteered to take over and create a timeline.

4. New York Trip 2019-2020 (6:55 p.m. - 7:07 p.m.)

Is this too much to take on? The majority in attendance decided that the experience should definitely continue. Previous trip the chorus was not invited, just chamber choir. Next trip should be open to chorus and theater kids. Art students may be difficult to include.

What is the purpose of this trip? Festival? Tourism? Connect with New York school? Lisa suggested “celebration of the arts” - arts need a boost.

Scott suggested that we need a task force to put this trip together- Jeni is happy to meet with Eric and Jesse- other task force volunteers: Connie, Jeni, Rose, Sara, Scott, Lisa and Kevin.

5. Art Department- Scholastic Art Awards (7:07 p.m. - 7:09 p.m.)

Several students received awards- there should be recognition of students with images on Facebook- releases will take time to get.

6. Scholarships (7:09 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.)

Need to form a committee. Lisa C. to chair, Linda, Sara, Rose and Michelle. All volunteers given the policy to read. Lisa will contact members of the committee to schedule a meeting time.

7. Love Arts and Music Annual Appeal (7:15 p.m. - 7:26 p.m.)

The VPA Boosters main fundraiser- a 1-2 month campaign. Emma will compose a letter to mail out. Eric and Jesse will ask students for addresses to send letters to. Add an insert in (future) programs with names to be recognized for donation.

8. Treasurer’s Report (7:26 p.m. - 7:49 p.m.)

Scott has paid the Chamber for previous years dues and stated that VPA Boosters did not renew membership this year.

Clynk- still collecting from HB Provisions- thought we discontinued the relationship but Emilie keeps missing the owners, unable to speak directly to them. Emma will write a letter thanking them for working with us and ?include a voucher for 6 tickets to theater performance. She said that she will mail the letter by Feb. 2.

9. Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.