
Next meeting:

Thurs., June 11, 2015

1. Welcome (6:37PM call to order)

2. Attendance

Adam Dubay, Andrea Mulcahy, Lisa Crimp, Nate Menifield, Karen Quigley, Jennifer Walker, Valerie Reid, Jeni Kingston, Rachel Phipps, Debbi Behrens, Ben Potvin, Nate Menifield, Chris Macisso, Tom Macisso

3. Updates from:

Ben Potvin

Request: Check for Funtown Music Festival (Sat., May 30th), to be reimbursed from the students at a later date. $22 x 116 students (10 free chaperones) =

Motion carries.

Nate Menifield

USM Chamber Singer Spring Tour - Recruitment and educational opportunity.

(Tues., March 31)

Would like to include the 8th graders from MSK

Request: Lunch at noon for USM Chamber Singers (lunch, dessert trays)

Motion carries.

Nate, Lisa, & Tom will organize food logistics

This event is open to all the VPA parents

Val Reid

Thank you for the financial support for costumes (Jane Eyre)

Spring Play May 20, 21, 22 (to be determined)

Auditions before April Vacation

No requests at this time

Jeni - Costumes should be supported by the boosters. Don't be afraid to ask

Art Department

No requests at this time

4. Treasury Report (click on the file to the left)

5. Concessions/Tickets (Tom & Chris Macisso)

Thank you to those who have signed up!

We need:

- 2 adults, 1 house manager, and volunteers for concessions

Boosters will be responsible for start-up bank for opening night

There will be a reservation list and then leftover tickets will be sold

Moving the tickets down the hall so it will be more easily accessible

Google doc and phone number will be advertised, 10 minute ticket reservation will be eliminated

Tom - the Boosters should be taking care of the cost of the tickets for those individuals who volunteer for the shows

6. Gift for Past President

Tom - Looking to buy a $100 plaque for Cynthia

7. Friends of the VPA Letter

Tom - We will revise the letter online with the help of the membership

We can include in the program

Stuffed envelope in the program

8. Pre-Paid Tickets for Theater shows in the future?

To be discussed after this year's season of musicals/plays

9. Program Ads (Break a Leg & Photo CD)

Would like to thank Lynne White for the program and Lisa Crimp for ad sales...job well done!

We need to collect money from outstanding bills for ads

Brag ads for guardians, another opportunity to raise money in the program

Stage managers have gathered parent e-mails for the musical.

CDs will be sold at the concession table ($15 per)

There will be a form going out to the parents for pre-sold CDs

10. George D'lorio will present a $500 check to the VPA Boosters from Martin's Point Health Care


11. Open Items

Senior Scholarship

Tom - Looking for 1-2 volunteers to help to craft the criteria and then decide on the money amount/who receives the award

12. Meeting adjourned: 8:03


Jan 15, 2015

*Note - opening and closing balances on the 9-23-14 report were incorrect, they were overstated by $1534.24. The opening balance had been copied from the closing balance on the 9-25-13 statement which was incorrect. This statement is correct and matches the bank.