XMATRIX Labyrinths are new 3D Maze puzzles which were designed by Jeremy Goode.

One puzzle, Quadrus was presented for the first time in the Puzzle Design Competition 2010

in Osaka/Hakone, Japan.

When I opened the package, I immediately liked the very beautiful appearance of both puzzles

in their boxes. Especially the Cubus is an eye-catcher, as the walls of the labyrinth are glowing

slightly blue (see picture) and the colour combination is very well done.


I was also fascinated by the design of the puzzles, as they give a hint on what to do.

On the front and the back, there is a X which remembers of a target.

In addition, the word XMATRIX is written in golden letters on the edge as ambigram.

The ambigram gives a very good impression of reversing the procedure.

The task is: Navigate the ball from one frame into the opposite frame and back again.

I like this rule, as the ball does not have to be maneuvered out of the maze

(I unfortunately lost the ball at many of my maze puzzles).

The puzzle consists of several layers. The layers look like electronic circuits.

The layers are connected with each other by small cube units.

This construction has the advantage that the way is not obvious and that it has to be explored.


The realization of the labyrinth is also well done,

as while playing you get immediately the impression to be trapped in a labyrinth.

The ball passes again and again the same positions.

Therefore you have to search for a new way which did not get into attention in order to advance

and get to other areas.

Both puzzles are difficult, the Cubus is easier than the Quadrus.

I liked both puzzles very well, whereby I preferred the Cubus.

You can buy the Xmatrix Puzzles on the official website.