Puzzle Vessels

Model of an Old English Puzzle Jug

at the South Kensington Museum

Try how to drink

and not to spill

And prove the utmost

of thy skill

Model of an Old English Puzzle Jug

made in England

made by BITS & PIECES

Old dog, new trick

IPP 28 Exchange / Prague

designed by Peter Hajek

made by Petr Kabat

The Pobjoy Puzzle Mug

made by Pobjoy Mint Limited

made by BITS & PIECES


made by HUBER

There's liquid in this jug to drink.

But to get it you'll have to to think.

Then have a try, it can be done,

and it's sure to give you endless fun.

Fernando Baraca

Cock of Barcelos Puzzle Jug

IPP 22 Exchange / Antwerp

designed by Fernando Baraca

made by Fernando Baraca


IPP 28 Exchange / Prague

designed by Fernando Baraca

made by Fernando Baraca

Amorim / The Bird and The Barrel Puzzle Jug

IPP 19 Exchange / London

designed by Fernando Baraca

made by Fernando Baraca