Neuroscience and stress management: Brain exercises worth trying

Post date: May 10, 2019 3:37:42 PM

Stress has become a part of an adult's daily life. Fulfilling responsibilities at home, at work, and in other areas can be overwhelming. Thus, managing fatigue is crucial to maintaining a person's health. To do this, one must start with the mind. Neuroscientists and researchers like Dr. Curtis Cripe suggest these brain exercises to ease the stress:

Identify emotions

People who know how to express what they are feeling are believed to be more intelligent. This is because they are able to identify what they are going through even if it is negative or overwhelming. When negative feelings arise, experts suggest calling it by its name—anxiety, pressure, sadness, or anger. Labeling an emotion helps a person reconcile it with reality and might even lead to better decision-making.

Play music or games

Athletes play their favorite tunes before a big match. Some creative professionals play games when they're out of ideas. For those who are feeling unproductive or pressured, doing something that stimulates the mind can help focus on the task at hand. It can also release endorphins for positivity and better productivity. However, moderating time doing these things is also crucial as seen by neuroscience experts like Dr. Curtis Cripe. Doing these activities for short periods is enough for a mental boost.

Practice mindfulness

Living in the present is not just a suggestion from wellness gurus. Staying in a quiet place and practicing deep breaths can calm the mind and the body. It can also increase focus that might contribute to better decision-making and productivity. Though this exercise will not eliminate stressors, it will improve a person's reaction to these.

Dr. Curtis Cripe is a neuroengineer with a diverse multidisciplinary background that includes software development, bioengineering, addiction recovery, psychophysiology, brain injury, and more. Visit this page to read similar articles.