Dr. Curtis Cripe Talks About the Reticular System

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Dr. Curtis Cripe: What is the Reticular System?



The reticular system of the brain is a network of neurons that plays an integral role in regulating many important functions in our daily lives. From the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night, this system works tirelessly to keep us alert, focused, and in control of our movements. According to Dr. Curtis Cripe, head of the NTL Group's research and development team, the system extends from the medulla oblongata to the thalamus. It regulates many vital functions, such as wakefulness, attention, and motor control.


There are two main regions in the reticular system. The first is the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS). The second is the descending reticular inhibiting system (DIRS). The ARAS is responsible for promoting wakefulness and alertness. The DIRS regulates sleep and relaxation.


Dr. Curtis Cripe points out that the reticular system plays quite a significant role in the brain's reward system. It is responsible for releasing dopamine. Dopamine, the beloved neurotransmitter, has earned its reputation as the ultimate mood booster. Experts have linked this feel-good chemical to the sensation of pleasure and motivation. Our reward system goes into overdrive when dopamine is released during activities like eating, sex, and exercise. With dopamine leading the charge, these activities become thoroughly pleasurable experiences.


Dopamine is a huge factor in addiction and substance abuse. For instance, illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin can cause a large dopamine release in the brain's reward system. It leads to the infamous feeling of drug-induced euphoria.


The reticular system of the brain is also involved in learning and memory. It is necessary for the formation of new memories and the consolidation of old ones.


Common problems with the reticular system include sleep disorders and addiction. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also a known issue in this system. Dr. Curtis Cripe says that treatments for these conditions often focus on correcting the underlying imbalance in the brain's neurotransmitters.


Finally, specialists who research the reticular system are called neuroscientists. They use a variety of different tools and techniques to study the brain. These include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may be used as well. 


Dr. Curtis Cripe, head of research and development at NTL Group, expounds on other topics related to his expertise and work on his blogs. Find some of his posts page.