The terrible consequences of morphine addiction

Post date: Feb 09, 2018 1:5:41 PM

Morphine is a drug that is often used to help a patient through the unbearable physical pain. While it does its job quite well, morphine can be addictive, and the consequence may be dire. In fact, some of the common disorders related to morphine use would be bipolar and anxiety disorders, PTSD, depressive disorders, schizophrenia, and more. 

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One of the biggest dangers and most tragic consequences associated with morphine addiction is that it is genetic and can be inherited very easily. There is a high chance that users and addicts will pass on this trait to their children. And it just isn’t morphine. Any opioid addiction for that matter can be passed down. 

Another consequence of morphine use is the alteration of brain chemicals and structures. Brain structures releasing chemicals that induce pleasure are stimulated by morphine. The amount of these chemicals going through the brain is increased dramatically, and in time, the brain adjusts. When this happens, even without morphine, the brain is changed. 

Of course, the obvious threat of morphine would still be an outright addiction. Any kind of addiction is treated as dangerous. Dependency on drugs especially has been known to have a devastating effect on addicts and in association, on everyone around them. 

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Dr. Curtis Cripe heads the Research and Development department of NTL group for advanced technology for brain and cognitive treatment and repair. He is a neuroengineer with a multi-disciplinary background. For more about him and his work, visit this website.