Cognitive repair: How is it done?

Cognitive repair: How is it done? Cognitive disorders primarily affect abilities in the aspects of learning, memory, perception, and problem-solving and are caused by a decline in brain activity. But given that the brain can be compared to a muscle, it is possible to repair cognitive functions to a certain extent. 

For example, regions of the brain that dictate body functions such as the cerebellum can get lose some of their functions as time goes by or when one suffers a stroke. While the neurological network connecting this function to certain body parts were severed, they can be repaired. Here are some ways on how cognitive repair is done. Functioning connectivity feedback training: This exercise is done by stimulating electrical impulses in the brain. One test performed by neuroscientists, test subjects were asked to perform a series of activities on a computer. Specific actions within the video game triggered responses and showcased increased electrical activity. This essentially boosted the connective tissues between parts of the brain by exercising them through repeated a

ctions done within the game. Cognitive therapy: Because of the wide range of cognitive disorders, specialized therapies can be prescribed to different disorders. For example, drugs can be used to boost neurotransmitter levels in patients. Certain medications may also regulate neurotransmitter activities that can help improve learning and memory. Occupational therapy teaches patients ways on how to cope with their impairment on a daily basis. And lastly, there are also environmental approaches where a patient de-clutters their surroundings to make it easier for them to focus on their tasks.Dr. Curtis Cripe is a multidisciplinary neuroengineer and aerospace engineer whose diverse background includes software development, bioengineering, addiction recovery, psychophysiology, psychology, brain injury, and child neurodevelopment. For more reads on cognitive repair, follow this Twitter page.