How exercise affects Parkinson’s in neurological terms

Post date: Aug 07, 2018 7:27:25 AM

While a number of Parkinson’s disease treatments have been introduced by doctors and scientists, most of these are complicated procedures. And in many cases, these treatments are quite expensive. However, researchers have found that daily exercise may have a positive effect on people’s brains, especially those suffering from neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s. 

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Below are two of the more common effects exercise may provide to a person with Parkinson’s. 

Alleviation of symptoms 

Just like the severity of Parkinson’s, exercises come in different levels of varying intensity. Depending on which stage of the disease the patient is at, there are corresponding exercises that they can do to help alleviate symptoms and restore (to a degree) both balance and motor coordination. Yoga and Tai Chi are examples of mild exercises that can help a Parkinson’s patient experiencing tremors and imbalance.

Delay of progression 

It has been found in many scientific studies in the past that exercise, through the improvement of a person’s mobility, leads to the creation of neural connections and the fortification of existing ones. This is why many doctors prescribe physical therapy and exercise programs for Parkinson’s patients. While it has been noted that these routines need not be intense, they have to be constant. Physical activities such as cycling or even brisk walking are enough to delay the progression of the disease. 

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Dr. Curtis Cripe is a neuroengineer with a multi-disciplined background that includes child neurodevelopment. He heads the Research and Development Department of NTL Group for advanced technology for brain and cognitive treatment and repair. Learn more about mental disorders by visiting this blog.