Dr. Curtis Cripe Shares Important Facts About Concussions



Dr. Curtis Cripe on Taking Concussions Seriously.

Our brains are undeniably the most important organ, and any injury should never be taken lightly. According to Dr. Curtis Cripe, a member of the NTL Group's research and development team, even a minor bump to the head can have serious consequences. Most healthcare professionals follow a concussion protocol that helps diagnose and monitor the effects of a head injury. 

However, it's important to remain cautious and vigilant, even when concussion symptoms are absent. Whether it's a sports injury or an accident at home, any blow to the head should be taken seriously and given the time it needs to heal. The brain is too vital an organ to risk unnecessary damage.

Dr. Curtis Cripe mentions that minor bumps to the head wherein the pain goes away within minutes should still be monitored for 24 hours. It is normal practice, especially for children. However, if the symptoms linger or become chronic, Dr. Curtis Cripe mentions that it is best to visit the hospital's emergency room for a check-up.  

It's easy to mistake a bump to the head and the lack of symptoms for something less serious. That said, Dr. Curtis Cripe mentions that some symptoms may appear normal when they are not – and these could be more dangerous. It is why observation is needed, so if anything out of the ordinary persists, you can take yourself to your nearest physician.

On that note, signs of serious head injuries that require immediate medical attention include difficulty staying awake or being sleepy hours after, bruising and bleeding from one or both ears, sudden problems with reading and writing, poor vision, and slurred speech. When any of these signs emerge, people should immediately be taken to the hospital and, if possible, with someone by their side, adds Dr. Curtis Cripe

Thank you for reading.

Dr. Curtis Cripe heads research and development at the NTL Group, which uses neuroengineering technology that repairs brain dysfunction to treat addiction, head injury (TBI), depression, anxiety, memory disorders, and neurodevelopmental delays in children with learning disorders. For more articles like this, visit this link.