Letter Order

The Letter Order search looks for all words where the alphabetic order of letters is given by the search word. The search text can be entered using letters or numbers.

For example, if the search term is 4312 the first letter of the word found in the alphabet is in position 3, the second letter is in position 4, the third letter is in position 2 and the last letter in position 1. Examples of matching words are HEAD or POEM.

This search is useful for finding the key in such ciphers as the Complete Columnar Transposition, Incomplete Columnar Transposition, Morbit, Myszkowski, or Nicodemus cipher where the order of letters is known but not necessarily the keyword.

On the Home tab select the language from the Keyword drop down menu.

On the Word Search tab click Letter Order. The selected language will appear in the window title.

Enter the search term.

Press return or enter.

The words in the dictionary files matching the letter order of the search term will be displayed.