Nihilist Transposition


The Nihilist Transposition cipher is a simple double transposition cipher based on a complete square. It is described by Helen Fouché Gaines (1888-1940) in her book Cryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and Their Solution, first published as Elementary Cryptanalysis, 1939.


The plaintext is written into a square which must be completely filled. Next the rows and columns of the square are numbered in order. The rows are then rearranged in random order followed by the columns in the same random order and the ciphertext is read off in either rows from top to bottom of the square or columns from left to right.


Key: REVOLT (416325)

Plaintext: If at first you don't succeed - try management.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 I F A T F I

2 R S T Y O U

3 D O N T S U

4 C C E E D T

5 R Y M A N A

6 G E M E N T

4 1 6 3 2 5

4 E C T E C D

1 T I I A F F

6 E G T M E N

3 T D U N O S

2 Y R U T S O

5 A R A M Y N



Solving method: Hill Climbing search.

After selecting the Nihilist Transposition cipher, the cipher period can be selected from the Setup drop down menu. The Nihilist Transposition cipher will only accept periods which result in a complete square being formed.