File Menu

The File tab is accessed by clicking the blue application menu button, in the top left-hand corner of CryptoCrack.

This opens a menu enabling text files containing ciphers to be read into CryptoCrack and the solved cipher to be saved and printed.


Shows the Open dialog window where a ciphertext file can be selected and loaded into CryptoCrack. Loading a cipher will filter out those characters not recognized by the cipher type displayed and selecting a different cipher type may change this selection. Letters in CryptoCrack are not case sensitive and all cipher letters are converted to uppercase. Select the Unknown cipher type to show all recognised characters (A-Z, 0-9, spaces and punctuation).


Clicking on New clears the current cipher and any solution found, resetting the window.


To save a ciphertext solution, together with its key, select Save. This will save the Best key followed by the Best match plaintext and overwrite the existing file with the same filename.

If this is the first time the cipher has been saved the Save As… dialog window will open prompting for the filename and location to be set.

Save As...

Selecting Save As enables a ciphertext solution, together with its key, to be saved to a text file and gives the opportunity for the file to be renamed or the location of where the file is saved to be changed.


Sends the solution to a printer. This will print the Best key followed by the Best match plaintext. The result can be previewed using the Print Preview function below.

Print Preview

Displays a preview to see what the print job will look like before being sent to the printer.

Recent Documents

When a cipher is opened from a file, the file path and name is added to the Recent Documents list at the top of the list. If the list is full the earliest file entry is removed.

To open a recently used file click on the file to load.

By default, the Recent Documents list shows the 10 most recently opened files. The number of files displayed can be changed in the Tools > Options window.

Exit CryptoCrack

Selecting Exit CryptoCrack will close the application.