

Copies the selected text to the clipboard then deletes it.


This option behaves exactly the same way as the Cut entry but doesn’t delete the text.


Selecting Paste will copy the text in the clipboard to the cursor position. Ciphers can also be entered into CryptoCrack by pasting text into the Cipher field. After clicking on another field within CryptoCrack the text may change, showing only those characters valid for the cipher type selected. The cipher length display will also be updated.

Edit Solution

Edit Solution

Changes the capitalization, or case, of the Best match text.

Sentence case - Capitalizes the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase.

lowercase - Excludes capital letters from the Best match text.

UPPERCASE - Capitalizes all of the letters Best match text.

Capitalize Each Word - Capitalizes the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase.

Sentence Case

Capitalizes the first letter of a sentence of the Best match and leave all other letters as lowercase.

Add Word Breaks

Separates the Best match plaintext into individual words.

After using this function some of the words may be underscored with a red wavy line. This indicates that the word is misspelled or unrecognised such as where the inserted space is in the wrong place or the word is a proper name so should be capitalised.

Right-click the mouse over a misspelled word and the spell checker shows some possible corrections. Choose a correction to change the text.

Note: You need to have the .NET Framework 4.0 English language pack installed on your machine. For those without this there's an option to turn the spell check off in the Options window.

Copy Solution

Copy the Best key text and Best match text to the clipboard.

Select All

Selects all the text in the selected field. Alternatively press Ctrl+A to select all text.


Format Text

Enables text to be formatted by selecting character groups (alphabetic, numeric, punctuation etc.), change their case (upper, lower, sentence etc.), reverse the text and group them. See Format Text

Convert Text

Converts text into alphabetic characters or number groups. See Convert Text