Theresa and Rob's 4th/5th Grade Class

Theresa, Rob and Jahaira's 4th/5th Grade Class

Room 169

Welcome to Theresa, Rob and Jahaira's 2018-19 4th/5th Grade Class!

July 2018

Dear students and families,

We hope you are having a fun and restful summer! As we write this letter, it is early July, and we are very much enjoying our vacation time and the beautiful weather. We hope that you all have had an opportunity to enjoy being outdoors and having adventures of your own! We can’t wait to hear all your summer tales when we return to school!

Theresa and her family recently spent a week in Rhode Island enjoying the beach. She also has been busy running in Central Park and watching the World Cup. Her older daughter will be a third grader here at the Earth School and her younger daughter will be in kindergarten. Rob has been traveling, while also spending time with his friends and family in the city and on Long Island. He’s also spending as much time as possible at the beach!

Our theme for next year will be “Justice For All?” Some questions we will be thinking about throughout the year are: What is freedom? Where do rights come from? Can one person make a difference? One important word we will be using this year is “perspective.” We will be thinking about the perspectives of different groups of people as we learn about these important ideas.

But, we’re not ready for summer to be over yet, so let’s keep enjoying the sunshine and adventures. See you in September!


Rob & Theresa

.4th and 5th grade supply list 2018-2019

These items are listed in order of priority. If you are not able to purchase all of these items at this time, please start at the top and work your way down.

● 1 sturdy folder for homework - label with your child’s name

● 1 folder in each of the following colors: red, blue, green, yellow - label with your child’s name

● 4 lined composition notebooks - label with your child’s name

● 2 boxes of pencils

● 1 pack of large erasers

● 2 boxes of tissues

● 3 rolls of paper towels

● 1 pack of glue sticks

● 1 package of sticky notes

● 1 pack of wide-ruled lined paper

● 1 bottle hand sanitizer

● Masking or duct tape

● Scotch (or clear) tape refills

● 1 box of bandaids

Note: Any open work materials would be appreciated, such as: clay, fabric, additional duct tape, pipe cleaners, tissue paper, etc. We could also use cleaning supplies, such as wipes and all-natural spray cleaner.

For Earth Studies:

    • 1 package of pencils

    • 1 pack of black felt tip pens