The Earth School Handbook

The Earth School Handbook

2014-2015 Version; Update coming soon! (download available below)

The Basics

The Earth School Entrance

Parents MUST use The Earth School Entrance on Ave B and 5th Street at arrival and dismissal. At other times, parents may enter using the PS 64 Entrance on 6th Street and Avenue B. There is a safety officer at the 6th Street entrance daily from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m.

NEW Door Alarms!!

The Department of Education has installed door alarms and video cameras at all building exits. Everyone may enter and exit through doors with a posted Safety Agents: 6th Street Entrance (at all times); 5th Street "Earth School" entrance at arrival and dismissal ONLY. The alarms will make school safety staff aware of anyone exiting through unsecured doors (i.e. doors without Safety Agents posted.) People who exit through unguarded doors will set off loud alarms and school staff will respond immediately to determine if a child has left the building. We think these new devices will add an important layer of security to our campus. HOWEVER, it will be very important that all members of our community follow these rules carefully so the alarms do not go off unnecessarily. Each time an alarm is triggered, the school will have to make a log entry which documents the cause of the alarm. If the investigation is inconclusive, videotape will be reviewed to determine who used the door. Please note that these same regulations are in effect for after school pick-up.

Note: Certain door alarms will be de-activated at designated times, such as recess, fire drills, etc.

Security and I.D. Cards

Adult family members are issued Earth School ID Cards. Upon entering, you will be asked to show an Earth School ID card. If you do not have your Earth School ID, you will be asked to sign in and show a photo ID. The security of our children depends on accurate monitoring of visitors entering and leaving the building. Failure to cooperate with these safety protocols could result in restrictions to parents’ open access to the school building. This privilege is something that we have fought to maintain. Please do your part!

Helpful hint: If you have a mobile phone, you may want to take a picture of your ID card and set it as your screensaver. Then you can show your ID right from your phone!

Arrival and Dismissal

Parents may bring their children for breakfast from 7:45 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. in the cafeteria, where they will be supervised by an Earth School staff member. Students who arrive before 8:20 a.m. must wait in the cafeteria. Children may not wait in the hallways before 8:20 a.m. without an adult. The school day begins at 8:30 a.m. Dismissal is at 2:50 p.m.

Half Days

Half Days for students are scheduled throughout the year to provide time for teacher collaboration and professional development. Students are dismissed at 11:50 a.m. on all half days. Please consult the School Calendar for a complete listing of half days.

Authorization for Pick-Up

Parents and legal guardians are required to fill out an Authorization Form indicating all persons who have their permission to pick up their child from school. Any changes to this list should be submitted in writing and sent to the classroom teacher. No child may be released to an unauthorized person.

If the person picking up will be delayed, please notify the office. Students who are picked up late must wait in the cafeteria until an authorized adult signs them out. Your punctuality is appreciated!


It is important that healthy children come to school every day! When children are frequently absent, they miss important instruction in their classes. It may be difficult for them to catch up on projects and missed experiences.

If a child will not be attending school, parents should notify the office by phone between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. When the student returns, a doctor’s note or written explanation of the absence should be submitted to Carmen Nieves in the main office. If the child’s absence was due to an infectious disease, a physician’s note is required for re-admission. Absences of three or more consecutive days without notification are subject to an attendance investigation by the Department of Education. Please note that attendance patterns are an important consideration on most middle school applications. Parents are required to notify in writing the classroom teacher and the office in the event of a planned absence (trip, funeral, etc.).


One of the most important ways that parents can help their children succeed in school is by getting them to school on time. Teachers take attendance on forms that are sent to the office at 8:35 a.m. along with school lunch counts. Children arriving after 8:35 must stop in the office for a late pass. Failure to get a late pass may result in the child being marked absent for the day.

Here’s why it’s important to be on time:

•Latecomers miss part of the school day. Teachers design arrival routines to allow children time to transition into the school day. By coming late, children lose sync with their classmates and begin their day in an unsettled fashion.

•Latecomers may disrupt the class schedule or create distractions for other students.

• Lateness and absences are monitored by the Department of Education and are part of your child’s permanent record. They count heavily in Middle School admissions and negatively impact The Earth School’s attendance ratings.

• Time management is an important life skill that helps children succeed.

Early Dismissal

If a child must leave school before dismissal time, parents or authorized caregivers must sign the child out in the main office (Room 140) where they will receive a dismissal slip to give to the supervising teacher. No child will be released without an authorized adult to accompany them.


MTA bus and train passes are available for students who live more than one mile from school. Some students may be eligible for yellow bus service. Applications are available in The Earth School Office.


The School Nurse and the Ryan-NENA Health Clinic are located in Room 128. Practioners are available during the school day for medical emergencies. Parents can sign up with the clinic for free health screenings and other benefits.

Occasional head lice break-outs are an unfortunate aspect of classroom life. Left unchecked, lice can spread quickly from head to head. To prevent such infestations, the Parent Association hires a service, LiceEnders, to periodically check all students’ hair for lice. Any child found to have lice will be sent home with written instructions for lice removal. Children can return to school once the lice and nits are removed and the hair is re-checked. Tying long hair back, not sharing headwear, and not playing with others’ hair can reduce the risk of getting lice.

Emergency Contact Information Form

Each year, parents are required to update their child’s Emergency Contact Information. We need this important information to provide for children in the event that they become ill or injured in school, are not picked up on time, or if we should need to contact you immediately. Please notify us of any changes in phone numbers, address, or other information by using an Emergency Contact Update Form, available in the main office.

Health & Safety

Avoiding Colds, Flus, and other Contagious Illness

To restore your child’s good health and to reduce the spread of illnesses to others, children must stay home when they are sick. Children who have been ill with fever, chills, vomiting, or diarrhea should stay home a full 24 hours after all symptoms have cleared.

Please inform the school immediately if your child has contracted strep, scarlet fever, conjunctivitis, pink eye, chicken pox, measles, etc. so we can prevent the spread of these highly contagious illnesses.

Tips for avoiding illness:

• Rest at home if you are sick.

• Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. If a tissue is not available, cover your mouth with your inner arm.

• Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.

Safety Drills

As per Department of Education Regulations, we conduct fire and emergency drills throughout the year using the General Response Protocol (GRP). Teachers introduce these drills in age-appropriate discussions that emphasize safety and preparedness.

Community Guidelines

Toys and Electronics Policy

Classrooms at The Earth School are provisioned with a variety of educational games and play materials appropriate to the developmental level of the students. Children are not allowed to bring toys to school, including action figures, dolls, trading cards, scooters, skateboards, heelies, electronics, tablets, cameras, iPods, etc., without the expressed permission of the teacher.

Cell Phone Policy

Students are not permitted to keep cell phones in their possession during the school day. If a student needs to bring a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and given to the teacher at arrival and picked up at dismissal. Misuse of cell phones will result in loss of privilege and/or confiscation.

Meals and Snacks: Healthy Eating at The Earth School

At The Earth School, children’s health and safety is our first priority. We take nutrition very seriously. Two organic gardens and a full-time Cooking and Nutrition teacher allow children to learn about healthy foods from seed to table. We ask that our Healthy Food Guidelines are considered whether packing a lunch, donating snack, or celebrating a birthday.

Healthy Food Guidelines:

When available, choose fresh fruits and vegetables.

Whole, unprocessed and homemade foods are generally healthier choices.

Read the labels: avoid foods that contain peanuts and multiple unknown ingredients.

Limit sugary drinks and fruit juices.

NO candy, gum, or soda.

Breakfast is free for all students in the cafeteria beginning at 7:45 a.m. Children wishing to eat should arrive in the cafeteria before 8:10 a.m. Parents are welcome to stay. A staff member supervises the children and escorts them to their classrooms at 8:20 a.m.

Lunch from the school cafeteria is available for all students. Families complete a lunch form to determine their eligibility for free or reduced-price lunch. For those who are not eligible, lunch can be purchased for a small fee. Younger children eat in their classrooms. Older students eat in the cafeteria. Children may bring a lunch, if preferred. Please note: Candy, gum, soda, highly sweetened beverages, and glass containers are not allowed.

School Snack and Celebrations

Snack routines vary from class to class. Teachers and class parents will communicate procedures for donating snack at the beginning of the year. Please check with teachers to find out if there are children with specific food allergies. The Earth School is a peanut-free school. Please check allergen warning labels.

Here are some terrific choices:

Fresh fruit (apples, pears, grapes, bananas, melon, blueberries)

Fresh vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, green beans, celery, peppers)

Crackers, cheese, popcorn, pretzels, yogurt, raisins, tortilla chips, rice cakes, sunflower butter

Food Allergies & Peanut-Free Policy

To make our community safe for students with allergies, The Earth School is peanut-free. Please check labels carefully when sending lunches or snacks. Please indicate on your child’s emergency contact card and notify your classroom teacher of any allergies or dietary restrictions.

The Classroom

School Supplies and Books

Every child is required to have a backpack or school bag. Classroom teachers distribute supply lists before school starts and periodically request donations. If you are unable to provide needed supplies, please speak to Jocelyn as we have some donations of materials available, if needed. Children are responsible for the return of all borrowed materials and books.

Donations of “outgrown” children’s books are greatly appreciated. Please bring books to Room 126 and we will distribute the books to students who need them.


Children learn through exploration and play. They frequently use paint, clay, sand, soil, and water. Please send children to school in clothing appropriate for these activities and for the weather. An extra set of clothing labeled with your child’s name should be left in the classroom for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children.


Homework expectations vary by teacher and grade although it is recommended that all students spend time reading or being read to each day. We believe that homework should never be overwhelmingly burdensome to our students and their families. When the homework experience is overly stressful, the negative impact will outreach its benefit. In general, the amount of homework increases each year as students become more able to complete independent assignments. Since students are actively engaged during the school day, many are exhausted by the time they get home. Teachers try to take into consideration the other important activities that happen after the school day. Since research and parent opinion vary on the benefits and desirability of homework in the elementary years, it is a topic that continues to surface in our community forums.

Class Trips

Field trips are an integral part of the class curriculum and should not be missed. One way that parents participate in the school community is to accompany their child’s class on trips. Parents are notified in advance of class trips. Signed permission slips must be returned to the classroom teacher before each trip. No child may go on a trip without signed permission. Suggested fees are collected by teachers to cover the cost of school trips as needed. Funds are available to supplement the costs of trips if needed. All children may participate whether or not they have paid.

Overnight camping trips are planned for third through fifth graders. These trips are an important part of The Earth School experience. Teachers will send information well in advance. Representatives from the camps visit to answer questions prior to the trips. While families and students may be nervous to participate, this wonderful opportunity should not be missed!

Holiday Celebrations

At The Earth School, we respect and honor cultural diversity. Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to share family traditions, home languages, and stories. The school community does not celebrate individual ethnic and religious holidays. We do honor the changes of the seasons by marking equinoxes and solstices at community gatherings and learning the science behind them. Please check with your classroom teacher regarding the classroom policy on birthday celebrations. When bringing food to school, please consider our Healthy Eating Guidelines.

Assessment and Progress Reports

Student Assessment

The Earth School is committed to accurately assessing student learning and knowing children well. We believe that this is best accomplished using a variety of techniques over the course of the year. Teachers assess children’s literacy and math skills using a variety of tools and techniques, such as running records, sound-letter surveys, unit assessments, quizzes, and classroom observations. These ongoing records inform daily decisions and are communicated to families during conferences and in written reports in January and June. See School Calendar for conference dates.

Narrative Reports

Each student receives a Narrative Report in January and June. Based on data collected by the teacher, these reports document each child’s development, interests, and progress in school subject areas. We feel that the process of creating these reports ensures careful reflection on each individual child’s growth. To prepare for writing, teachers spend time reviewing the student’s work and written observations and records. They synthesize this data in detailed summaries. Individualized goals are created for each child to prioritize their next steps. Though labor intensive, we feel that Narrative Reports and the reflective process that they require are far superior to “letter grades” or checklist report cards. Please read the report carefully and share it with your child. If you have questions, your teacher is available to review the report with you. Your written feedback is also greatly appreciated and lets the teachers know that the report has been read.

Family Conferences

Frequent communication between school and home is very important in supporting students’ success. Family conferences are held three times a year to discuss individual progress and goals and to review student work. Sign-up sheets are posted in advance outside the classroom. Afternoon and evening time slots are provided. Additionally, teachers are available throughout the year to meet with families if needs arise.

Portfolio Work Collections

Cumulative portfolios are kept for each child at The Earth School. These large envelopes contain work from each year the child attends. Students and their teachers select work to place in the portfolio. Reviewing work over several years is an interesting way to look at how learning is taking place for that student. Prior to graduation, each student is assigned an adult mentor with whom to go through the work and select pieces to exhibit during the final weeks of school. The portfolios are stored in each classroom and are available for viewing by parents upon request.

Standardized Testing

As mandated, The Earth School administers standardized tests in grades three to five. The test schedule is contained in the School Calendar of The Earth School website. Teachers in testing grades conduct review sessions and teach test-taking strategies to prepare students for the testing experience. However, curriculum is designed with student achievement in mind, not test results.

Individualized Attention

Special Services at The Earth School

A variety of special services are available at The Earth School, including speech, occupational and physical therapy, counseling, and language instruction for English Language Learners. Parents and teachers can request screenings for these services to determine student eligibility. Parental consent is required for full evaluations and to receive ongoing services to address special needs. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have concerns.

The Support Team

The Support Team is a group of educators and specialists who strategize with classroom teachers to support the needs of individuals and small groups of students. The team devises a plan which is implemented over several months using resources from within the school. Examples of areas that the team might target include organization, making and keeping friendships, confidence, specific academic skills, and self-expression. The team may suggest modifications to existing curriculum and routines to better support individuals. Working with children who are ready for greater challenge or to pursue a topic in more depth is another area that the team considers.

Family Involvement

Parent Involvement

Parent involvement at The Earth School takes many forms, but all parents are expected to get involved in some way. Parent involvement has made the school what it is today and has the power to shape its future. Being involved in the school community benefits everyone. There are lots of ways to contribute, including being part of a shared decision-making body such as the School Leadership Team (SLT) and the Parent Association (PA) or volunteering in the classroom, garden, or office.

Fundraising is another way that parents support the school. Each year, the Parent Association needs to raise over $300 per child to pay for classroom materials, programming, student trips, and special events. The major fundraisers of the year are the Annual Appeal, the Fall Fair, and the Spring Auction. Smaller fundraisers, such as Friday Popcorn and the Coffee Club are held as well. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Parent Association

The Parent Association oversees all fundraising activities and orchestrates many school events. The PA is a forum for parental concerns and represents the views of the parents at all District, S.L.T. and Principal meetings. Parent Association officers including President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected each year. PA Committees form to coordinate other initiatives throughout the year. Parent Association Meetings are held monthly. All parents are encouraged to attend. In addition, the PA sends a weekly email newsletter with important news and upcoming events.

School Leadership Team

The School Leadership Team is comprised of the principal and elected representatives of the parents and staff. The SLT meets monthly to discuss and decide on matters relevant to the overall functioning of the school community, including budget, the Comprehensive Educational Plan, hiring, and programming. These meetings are open to all members of the school community and minutes are available.

Class Parents

Early in the school year each teacher enlists the support of two class parents to organize class phone trees, coordinate class meetings, and help delegate other class jobs (snack purchasing, coordinating book club orders, class trips, etc.). Class parents are a huge support to teachers and help foster constructive family involvement in the classroom.

Buddy Families

To help them get settled in their new school, newcomers are invited to join our Buddy Family program. Interested families sign up to be matched with a returning “Buddy Family.” Buddy Families answer questions, make introductions, and periodically check in.

Important All School Gatherings

School gatherings reinforce community among parents, children, and staff. A schoolwide Weekly Town Meeting is held on Friday mornings after drop-off in the Blue Play Space. Parents are encouraged to attend when they can. The Annual Potluck Dinner is a fun way to meet other families. At this event, staff members, Parent Association officers, and the School Leadership team are introduced. At the Annual Town Meeting, parents and teachers come together to review the year’s work and plan for the future. Children attend special activities while the adults participate in the day’s events.

Communications Between Home and School

School Telephone

The Earth School Office may be reached by calling (212) 477-1735. Follow prompts for the nurse, guidance, and parent coordinator. Children may use office phones for emergencies only. Teachers are discouraged from giving out their cell numbers and may not receive calls in their classrooms. The office staff can get important messages to classrooms as needed.

Backpack Mail

Please establish a routine with your child so that you receive daily “mail” sent home with your child. Notices, homework, newsletters, and permission slips are sent home with children. Please respond in a timely manner.

School Email Accounts

All staff members have email accounts. If provided, please use teacher email accounts sparingly as teachers have limited time to check them during the school day.


To reduce the use and expense of paper notices, many important announcements are communicated via email lists. While we try to limit the number of emails that go out, there are always crunch times with a lot going on. Thank you for your patience. If you do not have regular access to an email account, please let Jocelyn know so we can get you the information in another form.


A letter from the school principal and a Parent Association digest are sent most weeks. In addition, you may sign up to receive backpack notices and announcements sent via email to save paper. Teachers and grade teams also put together newsletters to highlight class events, make announcements, and share information about classroom life. In addition, many teachers have individual class websites where you can find a variety of photographs, assignments, booklists, and blogs.

The Earth School website contains information about the school, a weekly letter from the principal, as well as links to the staff and student portals, class websites, and the School Calendar. Please check the Calendar regularly for meeting schedules, school closings and half days, and special events. The Earth School website is maintained by parents and volunteers in collaboration with our technology coordinator. Parents with computer experience are always needed to keep the site updated with photos, events, and school news.

Social Media

Only students whose parents have granted permission can appear on the school website. Please refrain from posting pictures of students and class events on other social media sites without prior permission from each child’s parent. Please do not post pictures of staff members without their expressed permission.

Emergency School Closings

The Schools Chancellor will announce any citywide decision to close or delay the opening of schools prior to 6:00 a.m. Please check the Department of Education website ( or call 311 for the latest information. School closings are also broadcast on local radio and television stations.

Class Kick-Off Evening

Early in the year, we invite parents to visit their children’s classroom to meet the teacher and the other parents in the class and to get important information about the class curriculum. Teachers describe plans for the year including topics of study, the daily schedule, and homework routines. Parents can ask general questions and find out ways that they can support their children at home. There will be an opportunity to express your availability to help out in the classroom or become a class parent. All parents are encouraged to attend. Childcare is available.

The Fifth Street Farm

The Fifth Street Farm is a 2400-square-foot rooftop farm on top of the Robert Simon Building. Opened in 2012, the Farm is available to the three schools that share our building. It is designed for young people to experience growing their own organic produce and to learn about the importance of plants in our world. All classes may reserve times to visit the farm. Interns, parent volunteers, and teachers lead gardening activities. Vegetables and herbs from the farm are harvested for our cooking classes, our annual Farmers Market, and the school cafeteria.