Brain Storming Using Padlet 

Brainstorming in a Socially-Distanced Classroom using Padlet

Key Skills

Required Resources

In the Classroom

Online Teaching & Learning

The Technology: Padlet 

Padlet is a digital canvas to create beautiful projects that are easy to share and collaborate on. It works like a piece of paper. We give you an empty page - a padlet - and you can put whatever you like on it. Drag in a video, record an interview, snap a selfie, write your own text posts or upload some documents, and voilà! A padlet is born. 


How to use Padlet: Instructional Videos. 

How to use Padlet: The Basics for teachers

How to Use Padlet for Students: The Basics

Teaching Remotely with Padlet

Classroom Approaches / Strategies

• Carefully frame the question that needs to be brainstormed so that maximum  ideas may be generated.

• Set a realistic time limit, around 10/15 minutes.

• Emphasise that there are no right or wrong answers to encourage students to contribute.

• Students either work individually or in virtual groups / pairs. 

• The teacher coordinates and manages the brainstorming session without adding their evaluation to comments presented by the students.

Junior Cycle for Teachers Resource

Points to Note / Alternative Approaches. 

Alternative Approaches. 

• An alternative online approach could be to use mind-mapping technologies such as SImpleMind or Coggle. Each student produces their own Coggle / SimpleMind. They can either share through Google Classroom or present & talk about their mindmap using the "Present" function on GoogleMeet. 

• Another alternative might be to use a shared GoogleDoc preformatted with a placemat between four students. 


Example of student feedback on a Padlet wall used during an English poetry lesson.