
6.07 Library resources and access shall be sufficient to enable the program to accomplish its mission and operate in a manner consistent with its values.

Evidence of Compliance:

The Department has a faculty library liaison who would submit a list of priority library materials for purchase each year to our librarian, Kelly Janousek after consultation with the other faculty members. The faculty supplement library resources as much as possible by making their materials available for student use and by informing students of alternative access to materials, such as other libraries and computer databases in the CSU and UC systems, as well as community and private libraries throughout Southern California. Using inter library loan has proven to be helpful in accessing information not available in the CSULB library.

The Horn Center is the "bookless" library on the north side of campus, near the Department offices. This “library” offers reading and study areas and networked computers and wireless stations providing access to the library and the Internet. Ease of access to library materials by students has improved dramatically with the development of the library’s electronic reference page on the following website:

Our department librarian developed a research guide that students can access for helpful resources needed for research assignments. In addition, Ms. Janousek is also available for library resource presentations, and has been invited to our intro classes (REC 141 and REC 225) to assist students in developing important library and electronic data base research skills.

University Data Base by Topic

In addition to COAST, the library’s computerized card catalog, an extensive variety of databases (Academic Search Elite, PsycINFO, SPORT Discus, Hospitality and Tourism Index, ERIC, government publications databases, etc.) are readily accessible, some in full text. Of particular help has been the Sport Discus database that cites virtually every publication dealing with recreation, parks and leisure services. The electronic search indexes available via the CSULB Library website include the “Get it @ CSULB” icon, allowing students to easily search CSULB’s full subscriptions for an article.