
4.05 Salaries, promotion and tenure privileges, university services, sabbatical leaves, leaves of absence, workload assignments, and financial support for faculty shall be sufficient to enable the program to accomplish its mission and operate in a manner consistent with its values.

Evidence of Compliance:

Department faculty have rights and privileges in such matters equal to those of all other faculty of similar appointment in the College of Health and Human Services. There are no exemptions or additional factors for this Department’s faculty. With regard to workload assignments, by contract, faculty are assigned 15 weighted teaching units (WTU’s) of which 3 WTU’s are considered service on Department, College or University committees.

Salaries, promotion and tenure privileges, university services, sabbatical leaves, leaves of absence and financial support for faculty are consistent with University policies and practices based on the CBA and can be accessed using the following two links:

CSULB Faculty Handbook

CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement